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Chat GPT Presentation

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Everybody’s talking about ChatGPT these days, but you struggle explaining it to your middle schoolers? Fear not, we’ve got you covered! This Google Slides and PowerPoint template has been created by a teacher and comes ready to use in class, with ChatGPT and its origin and functions broken down to a T. It’s available in different languages as well, so you may not have to modify it at all. Download it for an awesome hands-on class on current technology with your students!

Features of this template

  • Designed for Middle School
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 15 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used
  • Available in different languages

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Home Blog Education How to Create Presentations with AI using ChatGPT

How to Create Presentations with AI using ChatGPT

Cover for ChatGPT for Presentations

We all know the hype about ChatGPT, the website-based application developed by OpenAI that answers almost every question you can think about. But what could be its potential to help presenters? Is there room for AI presentations at this current state-of-the-art?

This article will explore what ChatGPT represents for business professionals looking to create quality presentations. As an extra, you will get a case study using ChatGPT to generate ideas to power up a sales presentation. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is ChatGPT?

What does it mean to use ai in presentations, gpt for slides, how to use chatgpt in presentations to engage viewers more effectively, chatgpt free vs. chatgpt plus, case study: creating a smartwatch sales presentation with the help of chatgpt free version (gpt-3.5), best practices for using chatgpt in presentations, alternatives to chatgpt for using ai in presentations, complementary ai for presentations, closing thoughts.

ChatGPT is a deep learning language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text based on the input provided. The main features of ChatGPT include the following:

  • Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) : ChatGPT is a cutting-edge, artificial intelligence-based text generation model that utilizes transformer architecture to create linguistically similar text to human writing. This technology has been pre-trained on an immense amount of linguistic data, allowing it to generate intricate and complex sentences with incredibly high semantic richness. Moreover, the output produced by ChatGPT would be 50% longer than usual as it can draw upon a wide range of diverse facts and details to expand upon the original input. This makes ChatGPT an incredibly useful tool for generating long-form written content with ease and fluency.
  • Large-scale training : ChatGPT was trained on a massive dataset consisting of over 45 terabytes of text data. The model works by taking contextual cues from the query and utilizing its store of knowledge to craft an appropriate response. Additionally, ChatGPT can learn from user feedback, so it keeps improving over time, providing better results each time the system is used.
  • Contextual understanding : This AI tool can model various conversational scenarios using its powerful language modeling and natural language processing capabilities. Therefore, it allows ChatGPT to be able to recognize complex structures of conversations such as discourse, dialogue acts, sentiment analysis, summarization, etc. The system uses large conversational datasets to learn and generate meaningful responses. By modeling contextual information from these datasets, ChatGPT can comprehend nuances in conversations more accurately than existing AI systems. Furthermore, it can perform many other tasks like text classification or text summarization with high accuracy.
  • Multiple use cases : ChatGPT can be used for various natural language processing tasks, including question answering, text generation, dialogue generation, and text classification, among others. It is an ideal tool for creating content from a different perspective or brainstorming content ideas.
  • Customization : We are speaking about a natural language processing (NLP) tool that can be customized and fine-tuned to the specific requirements of any user or domain. Retraining ChatGPT involves adjusting various parameters such as word choice, sentence structure, and even word meanings to maximize its capabilities for the intended task.
  • API-based deployment : ChatGPT can be easily integrated into applications through its API, allowing developers to build custom applications that leverage the power of deep learning for text generation.

All in all, we talk about a multi-purpose tool that can help us for a large number of purposes. Users ought to keep in mind that responses, in some contexts, are not accurate since the software may know about extremely specific topics. Hence, it is constantly learning, and users can correct wrong inputs.

Summary of ChatGPT features

AI tools are used in many different industries, but for presenters, ChatGPT presentations go from the perspective of content generation. Let’s think about the main issues presenters face as “creativity blocks”:

  • Not knowing how to break concepts into simple terms or easy-to-apply steps.
  • Not knowing how to summarize large chunks of text.
  • Getting overwhelmed at the time of picking color combinations.
  • Selecting which content should be allocated per slide.

On top of that, we can add lacking presentation skills and feeling stuck when working with time-restrictive presentations as two extra creativity blockers. Although they can be overcome with patience, harnessing new skills, and sometimes asking for professional feedback, AI tools can bring a different perspective. 

Think of slides AI-powered by deep learning as having a coach next to you to help brainstorm ideas for your presentations. You can ask the coach to give you a basic outline of a topic, a selection of titles for an article or presentation, and even take a step further and hint hooks to elevate the performance of your presentation. Some other tools, which we won’t dwell on here, can help generate better graphics or analyze data you need to insert into your slides.

Exploring the potential of AI-generated visuals in presentations

Captivating visuals are a key component of delivering impactful messages to the audience. ChatGPT brings a new dimension to presentation design by enabling the creation of AI-generated graphics. These visuals can be seamlessly integrated into PowerPoint or other presentation software, enhancing the overall quality and appeal of the slides.

Whether it’s generating charts, infographics , or illustrations, ChatGPT can quickly analyze data and generate prompts that can be provided as input used to produce visually engaging content through other AI tools such as Midjourney. Presenters can now spend less time designing visuals and more time perfecting their narrative.

Overcoming challenges and limitations with ChatGPT in presentations

While ChatGPT brings remarkable potential to presentations, it is not without its challenges and limitations. One of the primary challenges is ensuring the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated content. Presenters must exercise caution and review the AI-generated text and visuals to verify their correctness before incorporating them into their presentation. Fact-checking is essential to avoid unintentionally presenting false or misleading information.

Additionally, ChatGPT’s lack of emotional intelligence may hinder its ability to respond appropriately to emotionally charged topics or gauge audience sentiment accurately. Presenters should be mindful of relying solely on ChatGPT for sensitive or emotionally nuanced presentations, as human intuition and empathy remain irreplaceable in such scenarios.

Furthermore, ChatGPT may encounter difficulties with understanding context and providing relevant content. ChatGPT 4.0 encounters these difficulties more often than the legacy versions because of the misuse of premium features by different users. As the model’s capabilities evolve, these limitations are expected to improve. Presenters should keep these limitations in mind and be prepared to fill in any gaps that arise during their presentations.

Incorporating natural language processing in presentation interactions

Natural language processing (NLP) is an amazing enabler that fully supplements ChatGPT and adds lots of strength to the interaction and overall engagement with the audience. In the presence of NLP, the presenter can engage on a real-time basis with ChatGPT while delivering the presentation. Audience members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarifications about the content of the seminar, and new additions include interactive audience polls.

ChatGPT provides a detailed conversation, for that matter, and is thus able to create corresponding responses, so all Q&A sessions become useful and informative. Besides, since ChatGPT is capable of handling deeper and more complex questions using NLP abilities, the engagement goes further into helping the presenter handle specific questioning from the audience right there and, at that point, hence personalizing the presentation for each viewer.

Sentiment analysis can be done through NLP on the go during the presentation, so that the presenter is able to comprehend the feelings of the attendees present in the room and, therefore, drive the content and delivery according to the sentiments. This helps to make sure that the audience is kept engaged and sits throughout the session without any distractions.

Enhancing audience interactivity with AI-powered Q&A sessions

Q&A sessions enhanced by AI empower audience interactivity. Through ChatGPT, a presenter might be able to engage in long Q&A sessions without being confined by time restrictions. Members of the audience may ask questions, and ChatGPT could then parse and even categorize these requests so that it aids the presenter in giving out thorough and accurate answers.

Additionally, the capacity of ChatGPT to predict follow-up questions can make it more effective in drafting more insightful answers. As a reaction by audiences, they feel more involved and valued in the preparation thus increasing their active participation.

AI-powered Q&A sessions benefit not only the audience but also presenters for the feedback and insights that could be received from the audience. In fact, due to the feedback loop in the communication process, it could be used to adjust what to present in the foreseeable future and how to add value to the audience.

Future possibilities: AI’s role in transforming presentations

As AI technology, including ChatGPT, continues to advance, the future of presentations holds exciting possibilities. We can expect AI to play an even more significant role in transforming the way presentations are created and delivered.

AI-driven virtual presenters might become a reality, capable of conducting presentations autonomously. Virtual presenters could adapt their content and delivery based on real-time audience interactions, resulting in highly personalized and engaging presentations.

Furthermore, AI could aid presenters in speech coaching, offering suggestions for improving delivery, tone, and engagement. This real-time assistance can help presenters refine their presentation skills and deliver more effective talks.

The integration of AI-generated visuals and animations could lead to stunning and immersive presentations, captivating audiences like never before. AI’s ability to analyze audience preferences and behavior can also enable dynamic content generation, ensuring that presentations remain relevant and compelling to diverse audiences.

ChatGPT can produce intriguing content pieces for presentations, and now you can use it to generate the content for your slides, a presentation structure, or even the images and visuals for your presentations, with its built-in integration with DALL-E 3. This AI engine can create ideas and prompts for pictures and visuals that would enhance the quality of your work. Alternatively, you can use other AI tools for image generation with the prompts created by ChatGPT.

Ethical considerations when using AI in presentations

As we embrace the potential of ChatGPT and other AI technologies in presentations, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of our minds. Presenters must be transparent about the use of AI-generated content, informing their audience about the degree of AI usage. In scenarios where AI is not used to generate the exact content for presentations and answers, presenters are not ethically bound to make a statement. However, if AI had a vital role in coming up with the answers presented to the audience, the presenters are ethically bound to make a statement about the use of AI in their presentation.

Additionally, data privacy and security should be given utmost importance. Presenters must ensure that sensitive information is not shared with AI platforms and that data is handled responsibly and in compliance with relevant regulations.

While AI can greatly enhance presentations, it is crucial to retain human oversight and judgment. Presenters should avoid over-reliance on AI and ensure they maintain control over the content and flow of the presentation. AI should be treated as a valuable tool that complements human expertise rather than a substitute for it.

Ultimately, embracing AI in presentations requires a thoughtful and responsible approach, where the benefits of technology are balanced with ethical considerations and human values.

Many of us are already familiar with the basics of ChatGPT, but in fact, this software implements what’s known as a Generative Pre-trained Transformer, the language model developed by OpenAI. Therefore, ChatGPT isn’t the only gateway to use GPT for presentations.

The key to unleashing GPT power in presentation design is to work with the now-released open-access API that allows developers to use GPT in their applications. Multiple applications already count with integrations with ChatGPT and Generative AI, such as Zapier, Copyleaks, Code Snippets AI, and Notion AI , or even our AI Presentation Maker . Another one that truly caught our interest is MagicSlides.

Although this is not equivalent to ChatGPT for Google Slides, MagicSlides is a third-party plugin that allows us to work with the GPT API in Google Slides. To use it, you must count on an OpenAI account to create an API key access to GPT. Working with a single Gmail account is recommended to avoid performance issues. If your Google Chrome profile has multiple accounts, create a new profile from scratch and work only with one Gmail account.

Then, the concept is quite simple: you give the plugin a topic and the number of slides to create, and that’s it. You can add extra info as an optional feature, like instructions for which tone to use, which keywords to list, etc. The outcome is a simple presentation structure in a solid color background; you can customize from that first iteration to your preference, like changing the Google Slides theme color , for example.

Depending on your goals, there are multiple takes on how you can use ChatGPT to make your presentations more engaging. For starters, you can use this deep learning model tool to create AI-powered presentations in the format of interactive Q&As , allowing users to ask questions and visualize the responses live. If your presentation has a multicultural audience, ChatGPT offers the option to provide real-time language translation , which can be integrated via subtitles into the presentation template .

Storytelling is a powerful asset for presentations, and through ChatGPT, users can generate narratives from scratch or based on a set of prompts. These stories can be personalized by adding interests from the audience’s members or preferences, so the story remains relevant to the overall presentation. Another important feature to highlight is that we can generate character dialogues for our stories, making the presentation more immersive and entertaining for the audience. Also, ChatGPT can add contextual data in the shape of statistics or big data information, turning them into understandable pieces of information rather than complex concepts.

Illustration depicting a user working with ChatGPT

In terms of visuals, we can create captions and descriptions or generate alt-text for images, videos, and animations, making them accessible-ready. 

This same take can create accurate virtual tours through ChatGPT, providing information, context, and insights on specific locations during a presentation.

Gamification is another area to exploit through AI-powered presentations, and we can add that element to our slides in the following formats:

  • AI-powered quizzes : By integrating ChatGPT in presentations, we can create AI-powered quizzes or trivia games as alternatives to Q&A sessions. This serves to test the audience’s understanding of the topics exposed.
  • Scavenger hunts : We can create a presentation powered by ChatGPT in which the audience has to solve puzzles or find content based on the presentation information.

For sales purposes, ChatGPT can help business professionals generate predictive analytics models to understand market trends or customer behavior, making an impact in sales presentations. 

We cannot conclude this section without mentioning the ChatGPT integration procedure’s basics required for some of the features exposed here. As users, we must integrate ChatGPT into the presentation software as an API or a plugin. Then, the input recognition helps the deep learning model understand text input from the user or the audience. Thanks to its NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms, the information passed through the ChatGPT API is processed to generate an appropriate response and streamed through selected mediums.

ChatGPT is available to us in two versions: a free version, with ample capabilities but restricted to a number of inputs per hour and advanced tools; and a paid version, with up-to-date features and virtually no restriction for usage. The first version is ChatGPT Free (in its current GPT-3.5 model), and the second is ChatGPT Plus, which uses GPT-4.

GPT models available

Free users might face restricted access or longer wait times during high server demand. This limitation is due to resource prioritization, where the server capacity is allocated to maintain service levels, especially for paying customers. Still, premium users can find themselves restricted by a so-called Usage Cap , which is unfriendly considering it is a paid subscription service. Experience does tell us the limit gets reached sooner if using plugins or GPTs inside ChatGPT.

The response speed is also variable, as the premium members are prioritized. Typically, GPT-4 may feel a bit laggy compared to the paid GPT-3.5 version. For free users, response time will be at its lowest around 1-5 pm PST. 

Although the subscription-fee pricing may sound a bit hefty, depending on the usage of ChatGPT it can be profitable as it reduces the need to hire extra personnel for mundane tasks. Additionally, ChatGPT Plus comes with these particularly attractive features:

  • Early access to new features or GPT tooling. Some of these tools are of interest to sophisticated tasks like research and data analysis.

GPTs intended for Research & Analysis

  • DALL-E integration: Paid members get full usage of DALL-E, using it solo via prompts to generate images or pair it with useful GPTs for specific purposes, like logo creation, cartoon characters, image generation, and prompt generation (intended for Midjourney).


  • Image-to-text: Paid members access image-to-text responses by pasting the images in the input area. ChatGPT will analyze the image’s content and generate a response based on the prompt written by the user.

Image-to-text ChatGPT

  • Plugins: There’s a broad range of plugins available for users. Depending on your requirements, they get installed into your ChatGPT account and can be activated/deactivated. Remember that some of these third-party plugins may require an additional subscription fee by their creators.

Enable or disable plugins in ChatGPT plus

When planning this article, the main objective was to test, from a presenter’s perspective, an introduction to ChatGPT for PPT presentations. Therefore, we devised a hypothetical case: A brand wishes to present its new smartwatch at a live event. The presentation has to be streamed, and there is a select live audience attending the event. This presentation follows the format of other tech presentations like new releases.

What are our main objectives to achieve in this case study?

  • Obtain an outline of what the presentation should be about.
  • According to the “sales presentation for a smartwatch” requirements, obtain a list of elements to include per slide.
  • Generate suggestions on how to engage the audience to buy the product.
  • Get insights on which elements to avoid while performing the presentation.
  • Repurpose the presentation’s content to another format (article, social media, infographic, etc.)

So, our case study starts after logging into ChatGPT and giving detailed instructions: “Create an outline for a sales presentation about smartwatches.”

Outline generated for a sales presentation about smartwatches in ChatGPT

ChatGPT generated this presentation outline:

  • Brief overview of the topic
  • Purpose of the presentation
  • Importance of smartwatches in today’s world
  • Convenience
  • Health & fitness tracking
  • Communication and notifications
  • Mobile payments
  • Time management and productivity
  • Display and design
  • Operating systems
  • Battery life
  • Water resistance
  • Sensors and tracking capabilities
  • Showcase different models of smartwatches
  • Highlight the unique features of each model
  • Live demonstration of various functions and capabilities
  • Share experiences of existing customers
  • Highlight the impact of using a smartwatch in their daily lives
  • Summary of benefits and key features
  • Call to action
  • Q&A session

Interestingly enough, it’s time to cross-reference with what we, as presenters, intend to create out of the presentation.

Slide #1 – Introduction

As suggested, the ChatGPT introduction PPT will be handled through the first slide. Since the brand presenting this smartwatch is already established and has brand recognition, the purpose of the presentation shall be to track back to some key features of prior presentations. This implies if the brand has an iconic aesthetic used to start the presentation , that format should be preserved. 

Example of a smartwatch release presentation using our One-on-one Meeting PowerPoint Template

The point about the importance of smartwatches in today’s world is rather obvious given the kind of event; therefore, it will be replaced with some stats on how the brand has helped customers through the years to improve their lives thanks to these devices.

After the introduction is made, it should be immediately followed by an agenda slide .

Example of a smartwatch release presentation agenda slide using our One-on-one Meeting PowerPoint Template

Slide #2 – Benefits of smartwatches

Instead of generalizing the benefits of smartwatches, this second slide will directly speak about the features to be introduced in the to-be-released unit. It has to mention updates on health and fitness tracking functions (i.e., sleep pattern recognition, medication reminders, blood oxygen, wrist temperature, etc.), which new integrations it offers for mobile payments, productivity tracking apps, and how the notification system is updated. For convenience, we can directly mention a lighter watch specification (in terms of size and weight) or include those elements in the third slide.

Slide #3 – Key features of smartwatches

Now is the time to display your product in front of an audience. Some high-key photos taken by professionals should appear, as well as animations with a 360-degree view of the model. 

Next, we have to talk about the specs. Battery life, display size, and type, display resistance, waterproof/weather resistant capabilities. The new OS version is to be included in the unit, with the revisions listed from a prior version. To conclude, here is a list of the sensors paired with this smartwatch and their expected functionality.

Product demonstration

This point doesn’t have to be a slide. It can be a blank slide. A slide featuring the title “Product Demonstration” or a video. The purpose is to give room to the presenter to engage with the device, showing its functionality in real-time to the audience. Cameras should focus on the watch in detail as the presenter emulates daily life activities using the smartwatch.

Slide #5 – Customer testimonials

This can also be displayed in video format, with happy customers interacting with priorly-released units, to conclude with powerful graphics showing “the future” – a.k.a. the new model released.

Slide #6 – Closing

This is where you can become creative. A good point would be to feature an infographic comparing the functions and key specs between models (to highlight the reasons why users should upgrade). Call-to-actions are to be introduced here, using the element of excitement to create interest in buying the product.

What ChatGPT suggested

We ran the exercise of asking ChatGPT what would be content to list on these slides, and here is the output.

Outline of elements to include per slide in the case study presented using ChatGPT

Slide 1: Introduction

  • A captivating image related to smartwatches (which we added)
  • A brief overview of the topic
  • The purpose of the presentation
  • A statement about the importance of smartwatches in today’s world

Slide 2: Benefits of smartwatches

  • Benefits include convenience, health and fitness tracking, communication and notifications, mobile payments, and time management and productivity.
  • An image or graphic to illustrate each benefit.

Slide 3: Key features of smartwatches

  • A list of features includes display and design, operating systems, battery life, water resistance, sensors, and tracking capabilities.
  • An image or graphic to illustrate each feature.

Slide 4: Product demonstration

  • Images or graphics of different smartwatch models.
  • A brief description of each model, highlighting unique features.
  • A live demonstration of various functions and capabilities.

Slide 5: Customer testimonials

  • Quotes from existing customers about their experiences with smartwatches.
  • Images or graphics to accompany the quotes.
  • Highlight the impact of using a smartwatch in their daily lives.

Slide 6: Closing

  • A summary of the benefits and key features of smartwatches.
  • A call to action (such as encouraging the audience to purchase a smartwatch)
  • A space for questions and answers.

As we can see, ChatGPT’s approach isn’t far from what we accommodate the presentation to be. It is pretty generalist despite mentioning the case in first person during the user input, but that can be expected from AI deep learning models. Reiterative answers in some sections can also happen, although not as noticeable as other alternatives to ChatGPT, which we shall mention later.

Engaging the audience with ChatGPT

Points #1 and #2 of our case study are done, so we move to get suggestions from ChatGPT to engage the audience about buying the brand’s smartwatches.

Suggestions for hooks to engage the audience about buying smartwatches from ChatGPT

This AI tool presents us with six different hooks to engage our audience .

  • Pain point focus : We have to identify a common pain or problem many people face, then show how our smartwatch solves that problem. For example, it uses the case of difficulties experienced in time management and how a smartwatch can solve that problem.
  • Personalization : This hook focuses on how the smartwatch can be customized to fit each individual’s needs and preferences. We can mention changing the watch face, the app market, or using custom bands. 
  • Health and wellness : By highlighting the health and fitness tracking capabilities, you can show customers how to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.
  • Convenience : This hook points to using the smartwatch in daily activities such as making phone calls on the go, enabling mobile payments, or browsing notifications without needing to check your phone.
  • Emotional connection : Using customer testimonials, you can create personal stories demonstrating a smartwatch’s positive impact on someone’s life.
  • Highlighting unique features : This would be your competitive edge. Explain which features make your smartwatch stand out in the market.

Recommendations on presentation mistakes

An advantage of GPT language is the ability to develop accurate recommendations based on the context showcased. For our case study, we asked ChatGPT if there were any mistakes to avoid when giving this presentation about the release of a new smartwatch.

Mistakes to avoid when giving a smartwatch presentation generated by ChatGPT

In this case, ChatGPT presents us with seven mistakes that presenters commonly make on topics like this. We can put aside the lack of preparation, as no professional presenter would arrive at a product release presentation without proper practice and assets. 

The second mistake is related to bombarding your audience with technical details, which can end up boring the spectators. Instead, it offers the alternative of shifting focus to the product’s benefits and how it can help solve real-life problems.

Ignoring the competition as a mistake is questionable. You don’t see Apple speaking about Samsung smartwatches in their product releases, nor Sony talking about Nintendo or Xbox when presenting their newest PlayStation unit. That should go more from a preparation side when researching what the competition did to catch the audience’s attention.

Not showing the product! This suggestion surprised us. Honestly, how can you come up with a presentation about a product release and not even show a photo of the product itself?

Failing to answer questions can happen if the presentation stretches long enough to conclude the event, but it is not a common mistake in professional technology presentation events.

Poor visuals and slides, yes, we concede it is a common issue experienced by presenters, especially if they are overly populated with text.

Finally, it lists not practicing the presentation, which we also put aside as we did with the first mistake.

Overall, we ended up with 2 valid suggestions to look for out of the seven suggested. We can always retry the output, but when we tested that, the suggestions were pretty much similar.

Repurposing content with ChatGPT

So what if we intend to use the information in this presentation for another medium, for example, a blog post on the brand’s website? We asked ChatGPT to give 10 title ideas for blog posts on smartwatches for a tech website.

  • “The Top 10 Features of the Latest Smartwatches”
  • “Why Smartwatches Are the Future of Personal Technology”
  • “How to Choose the Best Smartwatch for Your Lifestyle” – OK
  • “The Health Benefits of Owning a Smartwatch” – OK
  • “The Most Innovative Smartwatches of the Year”
  • “Smartwatches vs. Traditional Watches: Which is Right for You?”
  • “Maximizing Your Productivity with a Smartwatch” – OK
  • “How Smartwatches are Changing the Game for Fitness Tracking” – OK
  • “The Convenience of Mobile Payments with a Smartwatch” – OK
  • “The Impact of Smartwatches on the Wearable Technology Market”

Out of the ten titles suggested, half are a good fit for the content of our presentation, which, of course, requires additional research. 

Asking ChatGPT for extra recommendations

So far, the outputs generated by ChatGPT have been interesting from a content perspective. But let’s ask some more questions to test its true capabilities as AI content.

We start by asking, on that same thread, how long the presentation should be.

Output about presentation duration by ChatGPT

It gives a vague answer about sales presentations, recommending sticking it below the 30-minute mark. The section about “clear, concise, and engaging manner” is presented as a vice through this thread – we believe we counted about 7-8 times that same sentence repeated in the entire chat.

We move on to another question, this time asking ChatGPT which would be the best visual medium to present a smartwatch: a detailed infographic or a video.

Output about visual medium for presenting a smartwatch by ChatGPT

Again, we see the “clear, concise, and engaging manner” phrase in the second paragraph, which is somewhat rephrased in the final paragraph of this output. The suggestion retrieved is that infographics can help sales presentations highlight key features and benefits while also clarifying to the audience what your competitive advantage is. It recommends using videos as a bridge for emotional connection with the audience since they can demonstrate the product in action.

Finally, we wanted suggestions about the color scheme in the presentation slides to encourage customers to buy the product. Below is an image of the output generated.

Output about selecting colors for slides in a smartwatch presentation by ChatGPT

If you check our article about color theory , especially in the section about color psychology, the suggestions are okay. The question lies in a generalist output rather than explicitly suggesting a color palette for this.

Now it’s time to brief some tips to help presenters extract the potential of ChatGPT for presentations at its current state-of-the-art.

Avoid complex inputs

Asking a detailed question can make ChatGPT crash. You can question whether it is your mistake or just the server overloading. A good practice for this is checking ChatGPT’s homepage, and if the message shown below is displayed, there’s a server outage.

Server restriction by ChatGPT

This can be flagged as a partial outage triggered by requests going way higher than the system can handle. Those peaks in navigation are seen at certain hours, especially during the Pacific Time afternoon. A complete server outage can happen, and that’s notified through a different warning, saying the service will be up soon.

Don’t rely on the text generated by ChatGPT

Especially if your intent is to repurpose the presentation’s content for a blog post, be EXTRA cautious when using AI tools like ChatGPT. Google is flagging and penalizing websites that retort to AI content generation . This is explained by the necessity of providing users with the best quality content available for their search queries. Your website can endure a severe demotion in rankings triggered by ChatGPT content.

A good practice is to rephrase the content manually, meaning to actually read what ChatGPT generated and explain it in your own words. That way, ChatGPT becomes an idea generator rather than a content generator.

Take a look at repeated outputs

You can always regenerate the response if the output doesn’t satisfy your needs or rephrase the question to make it more specific. We tested the option of saying “do not include…” but it works randomly. 

Any AI tool for presentation is not intended to become an instant solution, and we cannot assume that we can entirely create a presentation with ChatGPT as the only resource. This process requires patience, skills to give the proper instruction (to avoid those repeated outputs), and a good deal of copywriting skills.

Outlines and title generation

ChatGPT is an amazingly effective tool for creating presentation outlines, helping a common writer’s block. Title generation is accurate, although it falls into the generalist category and can be easily flagged as AI content. We advise you to double-check titles, rephrase, or simply use the output for brainstorming.

Learning a new skill/definition

Say you have to deliver a presentation about a concept you don’t clearly understand – which, under some situations, can perfectly happen. ChatGPT can help you learn that concept to basic professional competence, and you can ask as many questions as desired to get a broader picture of the topic. Think about it as a personal, free coach. 

Of course, do not take the outputs as absolutely true, as some responses can be biased through the machine learning procedures applied. With dedication, you can train ChatGPT yourself and help the community get better responses.

Evaluate emotions

Yes, as cutting-edge as it sounds, the natural language processing features of ChatGPT and its machine learning algorithms help users evaluate their emotions in different datasets. How can this process be accomplished? Let’s go through a basic overview.

  • Data Collection : Feed ChatGPT with transcripts from speeches or customer reviews.
  • Model Review : ChatGPT uses machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to develop the emotion recognition model.
  • Prediction : After the system processes the information, the output is sent using predictions that can be repurposed into new information.
  • Integration : With the new information generated, we can create graphs and charts to turn into visually-understandable data the emotion analysis generated.

This kind of feature is ideal for processing large chunks of data regarding customer reviews and finding common patterns of conflict (i.e., areas in which customer service can be improved).

Despite being the best-advertised option for GPT language tools, presenters should check other AI alternatives for content generation.

In our experience, Jasper one of the best content generator based on AI available in the market. We tested it in multiple scenarios, like generating metas, creating a presentation structure, generating step-by-step solutions, title ideas, and more.

Jasper’s Dashboard

We can work from pre-made templates or directly use the powerful Boss Mode, which is intended for long-format text generation, and it crawls the internet to search for valid answers.

Jasper’s Boss Mode in action

Our objections? Jasper can be reiterative with its answers, rephrasing or reusing the same sentences in the L length (which is the maximum) of text generation. Much like what happens with ChatGPT, some answers fall into the generalist side, meaning there’s room for improvement.

Frase is an AI tool for content generation to improve Google search ranks.

Frase AI content generation tool

We can appreciate considerable differences in keyword management for content generation (Jasper only allows 3 keywords), maybe due to this tool’s primary intent, which is web content.

Users can generate presentation structure, content briefs, large pieces of content, detailed analysis, and more, and customize where the AI engine is extracting the information from (if SERP, People Also Ask, Questions, Headers, Topics, etc.)

For presenters, Frase can be used to generate speeches or repurpose presentations into quality blog articles. ppt is a new multimedia tool to generate AI-powered presentations by integrating ChatGPT, Dall-E, and other interesting features.

Tome’s UI for AI presentation generation

The free mode offered by Tome is pretty simple. You sign in and then are offered a set of pre-made templates to test. Or, you can hit the create button and create a presentation from scratch. 

You then write what the Tome presentation is about and click on create. Options for selecting which type of illustrations you want to add are listed, and if you intend to create a presentation, an outline, or a story.

Example of the Smartwatch product release presentation generated in Tome

It is an interesting take on presentation crafting. However, some users can feel it is restrictive due to using only Dall-E-generated images instead of uploading their photos. 

iA Presenter

Finally, we have iA Presenter, a tool still in the beta stage with a waitlist to access its features.

iA Presenter landing page

The proposal is truly interesting: you introduce text that can be extracted from multiple sources, and then you designate which are the headlines (using the # in front of the text). Slides are separate from each other by adding a – – – (triple dash) on the text. 

Images can be easily incorporated, and there are plenty of options to create visual cues, such as gradients, which are better audience magnets than common bullet points.

In this section, we wish to list some of the tools we have tested to speed up the content creation process from scratch. Yet when we consider the future of AI presentation as something vague, these tools have caused an uproar in terms of content development.

As the final AI image generation tool on this list, we should mention Midjourney , an AI tool that has raised controversies when winning an artist competition against real-life artists .

To access Midjourney, you have to apply to the official waiting list. After you are accepted, you’ll receive an invitation to their Discord server – a requirement to interact with the tool.

Like any Discord server, your interactions with the tool are public unless you create a private channel and invite the Midjourney bot to it. This would be our personal suggestion so you preserve the privacy of your projects. Midjourney works with credits in a subscription-based plan (basic tiers allow 200 images per month). The time to process each image depends on demand.

As we have seen with Jasper, DeepAI is a text-generator AI tool based on NLP (natural language processing). Its application is to create creative content as if written by humans, but we found its most powerful application in text translation.

If you used to struggle with making subtitles for your presentations, then take a look at DeepAI now.

We can all agree that video content production is expensive. Especially if we have to hire actors to do voiceovers or have them appear in video presentations. takes video content creation a step further, allowing us to produce realistic videos with realistic AI avatars. These avatars are gender diverse, and they can fit multiple contexts, like doctors, corporate workers, athletes, common people, and even Santa Claus!

There is multiple language support available for Synthesia, with access to distinctive accents (like you want your avatar to talk in Mexican Spanish rather than Castillan). 50 customizable video templates are available for users, and you can also retrieve graphic assets from your computer or royalty-free services like Unsplash or Pexels.

This tool is subscription-based, but you can start with a free trial. For a text-to-video tool, the fee doesn’t sound that expensive, especially considering the outcome and what it would be to produce such reels with real-life actors. We want to highlight that, in some cases, avatars look a bit robotic (like not blinking when speaking), so test the different options available with enough time to craft the best quality video for your needs.

If you want to deliver presentations with realistic AI voiceovers, then you ought to test Murf AI. It is a text-to-audio AI generator, with a library of more than 100 professional voice actors in 20 different languages. Creating voiceovers in Google Slides presentations is an easier task now as you can export voice, voice + music, and even subtitles in formats like MP3, WAV, or FLAC. Exporting to video is another option, but we find tools like Synthesia to be more powerful for this purpose.

What is AI for presentation design?

AI for presentation design refers to the use of artificial intelligence tools and software to assist in creating, enhancing, or automating various aspects of presentations.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can’t be fully trusted for the accuracy of information, especially in matters of recent events or really specific subjects. It often messes up and the response isn’t accurate. Another thing is that it lacks essentially personal experience and feelings. That’s because it is a machine learning model that has been trained on a wide range of text from the internet but does not have the capability to access or retrieve information beyond what it has been trained for based on data up to its last update.

How does ChatGPT handle sensitive topics?

It is coded to avoid engaging in conversations about illegal activities, explicit content, and other sensitive topics. Still, some users have tested this to the limit by rephrasing the prompts to force ChatGPT to answer (for example, in piracy-related conversations). Users should also take into account that some answers may be politically or socially biased.

Can ChatGPT speak multiple languages?

ChatGPT is capable of understanding and generating text in multiple languages, though its proficiency varies depending on the language. Much like Google Translate, English is the base language and the answers are best delivered if asked in English.

Does ChatGPT Plus offer API access?

ChatGPT Plus itself does not offer API access, but OpenAI provides separate API services for businesses and developers.

How does ChatGPT handle user data?

ChatGPT follows OpenAI’s privacy policy, which includes measures to protect user data, but it’s important to avoid sharing sensitive personal information.

What happens if you reach the Usage Cap in ChatGPT-4?

The tool will trigger an error message saying you reached the limit and from which hour it will be available to use again. As a “solution,” it offers to switch to GPT-3.5 to deliver the answer.

Does ChatGPT learn from user interactions?

ChatGPT does not learn in real-time from individual user interactions; it learns from a wide range of data during its training phase.

Can an AI presentation maker help with slide layout and design?

Yes, AI can suggest slide layouts, font choices, color schemes, and design elements to create visually appealing slides. Still, remember that ChatGPT is a language model and not an AI presentation maker on its own.

Is AI capable of proofreading and editing presentation content?

Yes, AI for presentation can proofread and edit presentation content for grammar, spelling, and clarity to improve overall quality. We still recommend pairing it with proven quality tools like Grammarly for reassurance on grammar correction.

The current state-of-the-art for AI presentations is rather incipient. 2022 can be taken as the first year in which AI started to fill the conversation topics and proved itself to be a powerful variant of human-created content, although not a replacement.

We consider there’s room for improvement in ChatGPT for PowerPoint presentations and in all tools presented here, which naturally shall follow through usage. Regarding ChatGPT, the potential lies in idea generation, not copying/pasting extracted content. Think of ChatGPT as an extra tool in your arsenal to become a better presenter, not the panacea for presentation design.

power point presentation about chatgpt

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How to Use ChatGPT for PowerPoint Presentations

AI can help create presentations faster and help you get your message across to your audience better. Tools like ChatGPT help you find the right words and organize thoughts. AI image generators can save you from searching for the right stock photo and give your presentation the extra pop that it needs to stand out.

ChatGPT can be used with Microsoft PowerPoint to summarize text, organize thoughts and write bullet points. When used in conjunction with generative AI for images, users can create bright vibrant PowerPoint slides with ease.

We’ll look at both ways to manipulate and generate better text combined with AI image generation tools that can help people brainstorm new ideas and create quick unique graphics. We’ll also highlight some of the alternative tools that combine text and image generation for better presentations.

First, Lets look at some of the exciting ways that business users can take advantage of ChatGPT for PowerPoint Presentations.

We will use a fictional ice cream shop named Cool as Ice for our examples .

Table of Contents

Let chatgpt suggest a powerpoint presentation outline.

Not sure where to start on a PowerPoint presentation?

Let ChatGPT create one for you.

Try a prompt like: Create a fun outline for 10 Power Point slides related to the history of ice cream shops and why an audience should invest in one called Cool as Ice.

We used ChatGPT Plus which takes advantage of OpenAI’s most recent AI model, GPT-4.

When you include modifiers in your prompts like “fun” the data created is impressively creative and will give you some witty ideas that you may not have otherwise thought of. While you may not want to have “fun” presentations for business you can also ask it to create outlines in different tones that are suited for your audience.

power point presentation about chatgpt

We especially like the title, “Scoop Into The Past”

So, let’s take a scoop and have ChatGPT organize the history of ice cream into bullet points for us.

Using ChatGPT to Organize and group content

ChatGPT is well versed in a range of historical topics. For times that ChatGPT does not have the historical knowledge or information is newer than it’s training dataset which goes up through September of 2021, users can copy and paste large blocks of text directly into the prompt input.

Try a prompt like: Summarize this into short bullet points for a presentation in chronological order

Paste the text in, and ChatGPT will turn blocks of text into bullet points that can quickly be inserted into a presentation.

For the example below, we used a prompt to summarize the history of ice cream parlors.

power point presentation about chatgpt

The more exact you can make a prompt, the better it will be. Make sure to ask ChatGPT to summarize in brief bullet points. Otherwise, the answers will be too long and not suited for adding into a PowerPoint Presentation.

For large sets of data and full document summarization, ChatGPT offers a tool called Code Interpreter that’s available with ChatGPT Plus, their paid subscription. The feature is currently in beta, but allows people to upload large documents or pdf files directly into the software.

You can manipulate the documents and have it summarize them for you.

In our testing, we found that it works best with self contained documents. It was not great at piecing documents together in the context of other information available to the general public.

Ask ChatGPT to Re-write Bullet Points

We recommend making the content generated by ChatGPT your own, by using the content it creates as a first draft. It gives your slides a personal touch and it can take longer to have it auto-generate the exact text you need through prompt engineering than it takes to re-write it yourself.

However, a great use for ChatGPT is asking it to re-write a sentence.

Try asking ChatGPT to re-write a sentence to be shorter and provide 25 different versions.

By having the AI chat bot generate many different iterations at once, you can pick and choose the ones that you like best.

This trick helps you get past writers block, and helps you fit a complex idea on one line of a PowerPoint slide.

ChatGPT Can Provide Background Information for PowerPoint Presentations

Keeping ChatGPT open while you’re writing is a big productivity booster.

You can use ChatGPT for general background information for research. It’s much faster than searching Google for the answers that you need.

Users need to be aware that the information from ChatGPT may not be accurate and you should validate your sources before presenting something that has more serious implications than our fictional ice cream shop.

power point presentation about chatgpt

We weren’t surprised to see Vanilla and Chocolate as the #1 and #2 most popular ice cream flavors.

Not sure we would have guessed Mint Chocolate Chip would come in all the way at #4 but who are we to argue with advanced Artificial Intelligence?

Use Generative AI for PowerPoint Images

ChatGPT and Generative AI Images go together like peanut butter and jelly.

If you’re unfamiliar with using AI to create images there are a number of high quality services that will create images for you based on text prompts.

AI image generation works like ChatGPT but instead of text output, the services will output high quality images.

The example below was created using the prompt:

A delicious bright looking dripping mint chocolate chip ice cream cone centered on a white background .

power point presentation about chatgpt

By defining a white background, it ensures that it will be easy for us to embed into a Power Point presentation. If we needed to, we could use follow-up prompts to ask the AI to remove shadows, zoom out etc.

This specific image was generated using which creates very high quality images, but the user interface can be difficult to navigate. Midjourney allows some free generations, and then requires a monthly fee.

Bing Image Creator also creates beautiful images, and is completely free to use.

Do note that not all image generation services allow for commercial use of the content created. It’s currently an ambiguous area of the law as AI is so new and it’s unclear which if any copyright laws are applicaable.

To help avoid any potential future trouble, we put together a guide highlighting some of t he best AI image generators that allow for commercial use.

Use Generative AI for Slide Layout Ideas

Another use case for creating presentations with AI is having it recommend slide layouts.

PowerPoint has had the same templates for years, and they can get you really far. If you want something that’s truly new and creative, AI can suggest full PowerPoint slides for you.

You can use follow-up prompts to isolate parts of the image or remove text.

Many experts that study how to design better presentations will often recommend that people start by viewing what others have done, finding designs that you like and using them as a starting point. AI can speed up the process even faster.

power point presentation about chatgpt

The image above was also generated using

ChatGPT Plugins for PowerPoint

In our research we did not find many plugins that work directly inside of PowerPoint.

One of the few plugins that we came across is called Shufflrr . It adds a ChatGPT integrated button into the ribbon of Power BI that lets you insert AI generated text into your PowerPoint slides.

Having ChatGPT inside of PowerPoint is convenient but we’re not sure if it’s worth the effort when it’s pretty easy to copy and paste directly from ChatGPT.

There is also a great alternative to 3rd party plugins coming soon.

AI is coming to PowerPoint with Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft announced Microsoft 365 Copilot in PowerPoint in March of 2023.

They provided the example video below of what the new AI powered experience will look like, but have not announced an official release date.

We’re looking forward to having the ability to use AI directly in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Hopefully this solution will be released to the general public in the very near future!

AI Powered Alternatives to PowerPoint

If you are not tied to the Microsoft ecosystem, there are a number of different solutions available on the market today that will allow users to create presentations with AI generated images and text without having to use separate products like ChatGPT or

One of our favorite products is called Tome

They take the idea of generating presentations with a prompt to the next level by creating a full slide deck of text and images. You can quickly update the images or text by asking it to regenerate portions of it and the

Google has also announced that AI is going to be built into their Google Workplace suite of products under the Duet Brand name.

While Google was late to the party of generative AI, they have been investing heavily in catching up to ChatGPT.

Google’s AI powered text chat bot is called Bard and the technology behind it will be available in the entire Google suite which includes Google Slides.

Where there are currently limited options for directly integrating ChatGPT with PowerPoint, Microsoft is hard at work bringing generative AI to the Microsoft Office platform.

Microsoft recently announced a limited beta for Copilot for Excel and has also previewed what AI generated text will look like in Microsoft Word.

We imagine that an AI update is coming to PowerPoint in the very near future even if there is no official release date as of writing.

In the meantime, people can create amazing presentations with ChatGPT and PowerPoint, then turbo-charge the creative juices by using an AI image generation service like Midjouney or Bing Image Creator to bring their words and text to life.

Beyond the creative, don’t forget to ask ChatGPT for tips on body posture, public speaking, and how to give the best presentation possible!

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How to plan and create a powerpoint presentation with chatgpt and midjourney.

Let's use AI to make a tedious task fun.

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Prompting chatgpt to create a presentation outline, slide notes, and slide text, creating illustrations for powerpoint with midjourney, putting it together, tips and tricks, ai in your office, key takeaways.

By incorporating ChatGPT and MidJourney into your workflow, you can create compelling PowerPoint presentations with ease. ChatGPT helps generate presentation outlines, slide notes, and slide text, while MidJourney provides visually captivating illustrations. These AI tools enhance your productivity and allow for impressive customization in your presentations.

Despite all our modern technology, putting together a slideshow is still a chore, even if you're really passionate about the topic you're presenting. By adding ChatGPT and MidJourney into your workflow, you can produce amazingly creative presentations all by yourself.

It's not a stretch to say that OpenAI's ChatGPT has disrupted content creation. While most of the attention is given to fancy, complex use cases, the humble PowerPoint presentation can benefit too. Here's a general set of steps, you can modify them based on your specific presentation.

Step 1: Set the Stage

Start by providing ChatGPT with a clear and concise briefing. This includes the presentation's topic, the intended audience, and the key messages you want to convey.

Make sure to be specific, as this helps the AI generate more focused content. Don't submit the prompt yet, or if you accidentally do just use the "Stop Generating" button to halt the process.

Related: How to Collaborate on a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Step 2: Request an Outline

Once you've set the stage, request ChatGPT to create an outline for your presentation. For instance, you can say, "Please create a PowerPoint presentation outline based on the briefing I provided" at the end of your prompt or as your next prompt.

ChatGPT can recall what's been said in the chat thread, so you can refer back to your brief without repeating the same information.

Related: How to Track Changes in Microsoft PowerPoint

Step 3: Review and Refine the Outline

After obtaining the initial outline, review it for coherence and relevance. If any point seems off, ask ChatGPT to revise it or provide additional information. ChatGPT works best with a back-and-forth process between you and the software. Treat it like another person on your team!

Step 4: Ask for Slide Notes

When you're satisfied with the outline, ask ChatGPT to generate slide notes for each point. You can do this by saying, "Please provide detailed notes for each point in the outline."

Again, you can ask ChatGPT to change the notes or correct them, or if you like you can edit them the old-fashioned way.

Now that you have the notes for every slide, the next step is to ask ChatGPT to create suitable text to go on each slide. Here I simply used the prompt "Please provide suitable text that I can put on each slide."

Since ChatGPT generally knows the formats of various media and styles, you'll get text that will fit on your slides while conveying the most essential info.

Related: How to Make a PowerPoint From an Outline

After creating your presentation outline and slide notes, it's time to bring your PowerPoint to life with visually captivating illustrations. MidJourney is a superb tool to help you with this, if you're looking for something artistic to have in your presentation. It won't however help you with a pie-chart or histogram, but you can make some pretty impactful imagery to represent a specific vibe or theme.

If you don't already know the basics of MidJourney, you'll have to head over to our MidJourney beginner's guide to review the general process.

For our small demo here, we'll start with a basic prompt, in this case, "computer technician working on a computer corporate cartoon."

As you can see, MidJourney gives us four images that are all candidates for our presentation. You can click the corresponding "U" button to upscale any of the individual images in the grid. U1 and U2 represent the top row of images, and U3 and U4 the bottom two.

You don't need to know any advanced MidJourney commands and methods to make neat imagery for your presentation, except for the custom aspect ratios.

Simply add "--ar W:H" at the end of your prompt, replacing "W" with the width and the "H" with the height.

For example, I love making slides that are split 50/50 between the text and graphic. Since slides have a 16:9 aspect ratio, it means you can use "--ar 8:9" to get something that takes up exactly half of the slide.

Related: How Good is MidJourney at AI Art? We Compared All the Models

As of this writing, MidJourney. doesn't offer high levels of control over the images you get, but if you're particular about your images, try to use the same modifiers in your prompt. For example, we used "corporate cartoon" in the previous prompt, and by reusing with a different subject you'll usually get images that look thematically coherent. Remember that you can keep re-rolling the prompt if you don't get what you want at first, and you can use the "V" buttons to create variations of an image that was close but not quite there.

Now that you have the text and imagery for each slide, it's time to throw it together in a slide. Now you can apply your existing knowledge of Powerpoint (or the presentation software of your choice) to polish up the look and feel of your presentation.

Armed with this basic knowledge, you can use these AI tools to up your presentation same significantly, but there are some additional tips and tricks you can keep in mind for even better results:

  • Use detailed prompts: This is particularly true for ChatGPT, but it also counts for MidJourney. The more you put into the prompt, the more likely you'll get what you want.
  • Have a back-and-forth: For ChatGPT, in addition to a detailed prompt, you should have a back-and-forth conversation to refine and improve your presentation outline and notes.
  • Consider an MJ prompt creator: There are several online prompt creators for MidJourney made by third parties, that give you easy access to things like setting an aspect ratio, or defining a particular style or color palette. A good example is the MJ Prompt Tool by Noonshot, although it hasn't been update for a while. Searching for "MidJourney Prompt Generator" using the engine of your choice will give you a list with numerous similar tools, all of which have their own pros and cons, so try a couple.
  • Use Color Words in MidJourney: Put the colors you would like to feature in your image's prompts, and then use those same color words for all your illustrations to get a uniform color palette across your images.

The prompt-engineering rabbit hole goes as deep as you want it to, but these basic tips and tricks should be more than enough to transform your PowerPoint Game.

I'll be the first to admit that using ChatGPT and MidJourney like this feels like something of a kludge. However, generative AI tools are already being integrated into productivity software. For example, Canva has an AI image generator built right into it and Grammarly also includes generating AI now. Microsoft 365 itself has CoPilot, so its worth looking over what these tools can do for you when creating documents. One way or another, there's an AI assistant nearby to help you get stuff done more quickly.

February 21, 2024

How to use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations

Step-by-step guide to using AI tools to create presentations

power point presentation about chatgpt

Co-founder, CEO

ChatGPT is one of the fastest growing technology products of all time, and it has sparked an AI revolution. Now every productivity tool and workflow is being transformed by AI, and nearly every business is experimenting with how to use AI to improve their products.

Many PowerPoint and Google Slides users are looking for ways to leverage AI in their day-to-day work , and creating presentations is a great starting point for using AI.

Here is a short guide on how to use ChatGPT to create presentations in PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Can ChatGPT create PowerPoint presentations?

The short answer is no, you cannot use ChatGPT to create a PowerPoint file . Today, ChatGPT cannot create slides with text, images, and charts in different layouts and output a .pptx file or Google Slides link.

The longer answer is yes, ChatGPT can generate presentation outlines with slide titles and descriptions . However, in order to convert ChatGPT text into PowerPoint, it requires a two-step process where ChatGPT is used to generate some of the content for the presentation while an AI slide generator tool like Plus transforms that content into slide format.

Benefits of using ChatGPT for presentations

Using ChatGPT to create presentations can be helpful for a variety of different reasons:

  • It can save users a lot of time by quickly generating a first draft of content
  • People almost always prefer to start with some content than with a blank slate
  • AI can provide unique perspectives and a wide variety of ideas
  • Using an AI tool will likely help ensure consistency of styles and formatting
  • Last but not least, it helps people focus on the important part of a presentation: storytelling and communicating ideas , not the boring work of creating slides!

How to create a PowerPoint presentation using AI

The easiest way to create a presentation using AI is to use a tool like Plus AI. Rather than jumping back and forth between ChatGPT and other apps, you can use Plus AI to manage the entire process of designing, creating, and editing presentations.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Install Plus AI from the Google Workspace Marketplace

The first step is to add Plus AI as an add-on to your Google Workspace, and then it will show up as an add-on within Google Slides.

Step 2: Provide a prompt or source document for your presentation

You can provide a sentence, a few bullet points, or even an entire document about the presentation you'd like to create.

Step 3: Review your presentation outline and select a presentation theme

Before generating a presentation, Plus will show you a draft outline that you can approve. You can make changes to the outline, or you can ask the AI to regenerate the outline and try again.

Step 4: Review your slides and make any edits or revisions

Once Plus is done generating a presentation, you can review and edit the slides like any other presentation. You can also use Plus AI's editing tools to insert more slides, rewrite or reformat existing slides , or even apply a new theme to your presentation.

Step 5: Share your Google Slides link or export to PowerPoint

This whole process only takes a few minutes. Once you're done, you can share your Google Slides link or export to PowerPoint like it is a normal presentation.

How to create a PowerPoint presentation using ChatGPT

Step 1: open chatgpt and ask for the outline of a presentation.

power point presentation about chatgpt

When asking GPT for the presentation outline, make sure to specify the topic of the slide deck, the audience for the slide deck, the creator of the slide deck, and any notes for items you want to make sure to include.

Pro-tip: Rather than just starting from a prompt, you can also ask ChatGPT to convert a PDF or a website into a presentation outline!

Here is a prompt you can copy and paste to try this out for yourself.

Write the outline of a sales presentation for a car wash software company to sell a CRM system to a regional car wash franchise. Emphasize the importance of digital marketing and recurring subscription revenue.
For each slide, write the title of the slide along with a one bullet description of the slide content.

Step 2: Make adjustments to the presentation as necessary

power point presentation about chatgpt

After reviewing the output from ChatGPT, check if there are any missing pieces or opportunities to present more information to enhance the slide deck.

In this example, where a user is asking for a sales deck, it might be helpful to include a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the product.

Step 3: Copy and paste the ChatGPT output into Plus AI

power point presentation about chatgpt

Install the Plus add-on and click Extensions -> New presentation with Plus AI. Once Plus AI is open, copy and paste the presentation outline from ChatGPT and click the Generate button.

❗Note:  Make sure you select the right number of slides for your presentation. The AI model can get confused if you write a 10 slide outline but you select 15 slides from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Make adjustments to the outline

power point presentation about chatgpt

After reading your input, Plus will convert it into an outline of a slide deck, and show you the specific slides that will be created in the final presentation.

If there are any changes to slide order or titles, you can change them now before the slides are created.

Step 5: Review the slide deck and AI outputs

power point presentation about chatgpt

Now Plus will produce a completed slide deck that can be edited in Google Slides, just like a normal presentation.

Flip through the slides to make sure the content is reasonable and pay particular attention to things like style (easy to fix) and hallucinations (easy to miss) that you may need to correct.

Step 6: Make final tweaks to the deck (using AI and by hand)

power point presentation about chatgpt

AI can produce a fantastic starting point for a presentation, but it is unlikely to give you a 100% completed product. When using Plus, you will receive "tips" on each slide with suggestions like "Add a customer quote" that may require a human touch.

You can also continue to use Plus AI's presentation tools to convert slides to new layouts, rewrite content, and edit the theme of the presentation.

Step 7: Export to PowerPoint or share the Google Slides link

power point presentation about chatgpt

If you'd like to share your presentation as a PowerPoint attachment, click File -> Download -> Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx). If you'd like to share as a Google Slides presentation, just click Share and send it like you would send a normal Google Slides deck.

Tips for using AI to create presentations

How to write an effective AI prompt: (1) type of presentation, (2) presentation topic, (3) audience, (4) specific content

  • Make sure your prompt gives the AI enough information - Include the goal, audience, and specific pieces of content you would like to include. Learn more about writing effective prompts here .
  • Understand the potential and limitations of AI - AI is prone to hallucination and may be limited in how it can access up-to-date data. Always make sure to check facts and figures.
  • Figure out your AI workflow - AI is a set of tools that can help you get work done faster and smarter, but there are many different ways to use it. Some people may prefer to start with an existing deck and use AI to rewrite or reformat it , while some people might prefer to start from a new AI-designed presentation every time.
  • Zoom out and focus on what's important - AI gives everyone a personal business assistant to do the boring, repetitive work. This gives you the freedom to think at the 10,000 foot level about the goals of the presentation and what you want to communicate!

Is there an AI that can create PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations?

AI tools have transformed the way people get work done, but they all have limitations.

GPT-4 is the latest version of OpenAI's large language models, and it is the most powerful AI model that has been released to-date. Unfortunately, while GPT-4 can write presentation outlines, slide titles, and slide content, it cannot actually create slides with layouts, images, and formatting in PowerPoint file format.

To create slides in PowerPoint or Google Slides, you need to use a tool like  Plus AI that can transform text content into layouts and graphics for a presentation.

Can I ask ChatGPT for VBA code to create a PowerPoint presentation?

power point presentation about chatgpt

One 'workaround' to create PowerPoint presentations using ChatGPT is to ask ChatGPT to write VBA code for generating a PowerPoint. This is a complicated workflow that only generates simple text and bullet slides, but it does extend ChatGPT outside of its chat interface by connecting it to PowerPoint.

To create a PowerPoint using VBA code, ask ChatGPT to provide the VBA code to create a presentation. Then, inside of PowerPoint, open the Tools menu, click Macros, and select Visual Basic Editor. Then, create a new module, copy paste your code, and click the Run button inside of the Visual Basic Editor. Now when you go back to your PowerPoint window, you should see the completed presentation.

If this sounds like too much work, try Plus AI , which allows you to create a presentation from a prompt or paste in a presentation outline from ChatGPT.

Is there a custom GPT for presentations?

power point presentation about chatgpt

Yes, while you can ask the general ChatGPT model for help with your presentations, you can also try using a custom GPT like Plus AI Presentation Maker for help planning and outlining presentations. This custom GPT for presentations will help you make sure your presentation has a great narrative structure and adhere to presentation best practices .

Unfortunately, custom GPTs are chat-based, so you will not be able to directly interact with your presentation from the ChatGPT interface. Instead we suggest using an add-on like Plus AI to bring AI presentation capabilities into a tool like Google Slides or PowerPoint.

Can ChatGPT make a Google Slides presentation?

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to make a Google Slides presentation in two different ways: (1) You can install an add-on like Plus AI , which integrates directly with Google Slides to add AI functionality to Google Slides or (2) You can use ChatGPT to create the outline of a presentation and then build it manually or enter it into an AI presentation maker like Plus.

How do I use GPT in Google Slides?

Google Slides does not have a native GPT presentation functionality. In order to use GPT-4 inside of Google Slides, you need to install an add-on like Plus AI . Plus AI uses GPT and other AI models to create professional presentations with beautiful layouts.

What are the best AI tools for presentations?

It's tough to recommend a single best AI tool for anything, so we've reviewed the best AI presentation generators for different types of users here . Here is a summary of the best AI slide tools depending on what you are looking for:

  • Best for Google Slides users: Plus AI
  • Best for PowerPoint users: Microsoft 365 Copilot*
  • Best for non-traditional slides users: Gamma
  • Best for simple designs: Canva Magic Design
  • Best for brainstorming: ChatGPT

(* Note: Microsoft 365 Copilot is not yet generally available. Instead, we recommend using Plus AI and exporting to PowerPoint)

ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful AI tool, but as a chatbot, it is limited in its ability to design slides and output presentation files. One way around this problem is to use AI tools like Plus to create slides directly inside of your favorite presentation tools.

power point presentation about chatgpt

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4 Genius Ways to Use ChatGPT To Create A PowerPoint Presentation

Zhun Yee Chew

Zhun Yee Chew

4 Genius Ways to Use ChatGPT To Create A PowerPoint Presentation

ChatGPT has gained its prowess as a generative AI capable of assisting humans in a wide range of written communication tasks. You have likely also heard that ChatGPT can code, create music, and accomplish  a myriad of other remarkable feats .  GPT-4 can even identify the ingredients you have in your fridge  and instantly devise a recipe using them. With these capabilities in mind, you may now find yourself wondering: what else can ChatGPT achieve? What about using ChatgPT for making PPT? Can ChatGPT create a PowerPoint presentation?

Can ChatGPT create a PowerPoint presentation?

Can ChatGPT Create A PowerPoint Presentation

Yes, it certainly can. ChatGPT can be employed in the process of creating PowerPoint presentations by assisting in generating an outline, crafting slide content, generating VBA codes to automate slide creation, and offering image suggestions to enhance your PowerPoint slides.

In the following article, we will unlock the lesser-known capabilities of ChatGPT that are a source of intrigue for many. We are set to delve not merely into one or two, but rather 4 ways to use ChatGPT to create a PowerPoint presentation—a process often considered tedious and unenjoyable by many.

Join us on this journey as we explore how this AI marvel has the potential to completely reshape the way we conceive of and deliver PowerPoint presentations. 😎

Why Use ChatGPT to Create PowerPoint Presentations?

I mean, why not? 

Traditionally, creating a PowerPoint presentation required a considerable investment of time and effort. From drafting the content and refining the structure to selecting visuals and perfecting the design, each step demanded not only careful attention but also time. 

Imagine having a co-pilot that is already ready at your service, translating the concepts or ideas you have in mind into a coherent presentation. This is precisely where ChatGPT emerges as a transformative tool. Of course, time-saving is just one aspect. There are, in fact, numerous other advantages to using ChatGPT for PowerPoint presentations:

  • Idea Exploration and Expansion : ChatGPT lends a helping hand in brainstorming and expanding upon ideas, ensuring that your presentation provides comprehensive information and a range of perspectives.
  • Clear and Concise Ideas : ChatGPT ensures that your ideas are communicated clearly and concisely, by assisting you in expressing complex concepts in simple terms.
  • Uniform Presentation Tone and Quality : ChatGPT helps maintain a consistent tone and quality throughout your presentation, elevating the overall coherence and professionalism of your content.
  • Polished Language : ChatGPT minimizes grammar and language errors, ultimately removing the worry of flaws and grammar errors in your presentations.
  • Compelling Storytelling : ChatGPT’s narrative capabilities also mean that you can craft compelling stories that deeply resonate with your audience.
  • Effortless Refinements : With ChatGPT’s swift content generation ability, it makes last-minute changes or revisions a quick and effortless process.
  • Enhanced Visual Elements : Going beyond text, ChatGPT can also propose relevant images, graphs, and charts that align with your narrative, enriching visual appeal and audience engagement.

How to Use ChatGPT To Create A PowerPoint Presentation

So, now that we know that ChatGPT can be used to create a PowerPoint presentation, let us dive straight into the different methods it can do so.

🔥 Method #1 Use ChatGPT to Create Slides Outline and Slides Content

The first method involves utilizing ChatGPT to formulate a presentation outline . By providing ChatGPT with the topic and key points you wish to cover in your presentation, ChatGPT can swiftly generate an organized structure for your presentation. 

Here is an example: 

ChatGPT creates outline for PowerPoint presentation

Once ChatGPT has generated the slides outline for you,  it becomes a scaffolding upon which you can build the content of each slide. 

Creating PowerPoint Slides Content with ChatGPT

With a clear sequence of topics and subtopics in place, you can further harness ChatGPT’s capabilities by instructing it to expand on each of these points. By providing concise prompts or questions, you can guide ChatGPT to generate detailed content for each slide . 

ChatGPT creates content for PowerPoint presentation

You can always ask ChatGPT to formulate the slides content in your desired format, and expand the details:

ChatGPT creates content in bullet point format for PowerPoint presentation

Once you have the slides content,  you can seamlessly transfer this material into your PowerPoint presentation. Copy and paste the AI-generated text onto the respective slides, following the outline and structure ChatGPT has established for you.

How to Insert A Word Document Into PowerPoint?

After pasting the slides content generated by ChatGPT into Microsoft Word,

Step 1: Open the Word document

Open the Word document you want to transform into a PowerPoint presentation in Word.

Alternatively, paste the slides content generated by ChatGPT into Microsoft Word. 

Step 2: Format the text

How to Insert A Word Document Into PowerPoint Step 2

Clear all the existing formatting of the text and format the text in such a way that Heading 1 aligns with the slide heading, Heading 2 with the slide subheading and Heading 3 with the body text. 

Step 3: Export to PowerPoint (Windows)

How to Insert A Word Document Into PowerPoint Step 3

If you are on Windows, go to file > export > export to PowerPoint presentation. Once that is done, select “Open Presentation”. 

Step 4: Export to PowerPoint (Mac)

How to Insert A Word Document Into PowerPoint Step 4

If you are on Mac, save the document as a Rich Text Format (.rtf), and open PowerPoint and insert > outline. 

That’s it! Here is the final product: 

PowerPoint slides generated from Microsoft word document

Of course, this is a text-only presentation which still requires you to add design elements, media content, and adjust the layout for visual appeal.

🔥 Method #2 Use ChatGPT to Automate Presentation Creation Using VBA Codes

The next method simplifies the first approach into just a few clicks. It involves using ChatGPT to generate a series of VBA codes , which you can then add to PowerPoint to have them translated into individual slides . In other words, you don’t need to instruct ChatGPT to generate slide outlines, then create slide content, add them to Microsoft Word, and finally transfer them to PowerPoint.

But first, what is VBA? 

VBA , or Visual Basic for Applications in short, is a Microsoft computer programming language which is used to facilitate automation of repetitive Microsoft suite data-processing functions, like generating custom graphs and reports. In this instance, VBA can also be used to automate the process of slides creation in PowerPoint using ChatGPT, an AI that can understand and process both human language and codes.

ChatGPT will generate codes that you can input in  Visual Basic Editor  in PowerPoint, an interface that allows you to write and edit custom scripts that automate actions in PowerPoint. Visual Basic Editor  is part of the Development tools in PowerPoint. 

Here is a sample output : 

ChatGPT creates PowerPoint presentation using VBA codes

Running VBA Codes on PowerPoint

Copy the codes generated by ChatGPT.

And open up the Visual Basic Editor interface in PowerPoint by going to Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor on Mac, or Developer > Visual Basic on Windows.

Visual Basic Editor PowerPoint

Then click “Insert Module”, paste the codes, then click “Play”. 

Insert VBA codes using Module in PowerPoint

Here is the output :

PowerPoint presentation slides generated using ChatGPT VBA codes

Ok, I know what you are thinking. The slides look plain and basic. But fret not, as we know a way to generate quick designs and layouts in PowerPoint using  PowerPoint’s native AI-powered Designer .

Designing the Slides Using PowerPoint Designer

PowerPoint Designer enables you to effortlessly turn the plain-looking slides into a polished presentation, by adding images and offering layout and design suggestions. 

What can PowerPoint Designer do?

  • Add photo and design to title slide 
  • Turn text in the form of lists, processes, or timelines into a graphic
  • Organise images and texts into professional layouts
  • Provide layout suggestions

Here’s how you can access PowerPoint’s Designer. Simply head over to the Design tab in your PowerPoint ribbon and select the Designer pane on the right side of your screen. 

And there you have it – an instantly polished-looking slide, all achieved with just a few clicks!

PowerPoint Designer

🔥 Method #3 Use ChatGPT   to Automate Presentation Creation With AIRPRM 

This method is the simplest among all the approaches we have discussed thus far. No ChatGPT prompts are even necessary. We have found a tool that has ready-made ChatGPT prompts . Behold AIRPRM, a tool that offers ready-made ChatGPT prompt templates for your convenience.

What is AIRPRM?

AIRPRM is a Chrome browser extension designed for ChatGPT. It provides an extensive range of prompt templates that can be combined with ChatGPT to produce top-notch content that aligns with various contexts and applications. You can add the extension to your Chrome browser  here .

Once the extension is installed to your browser, you will notice a complete transformation of your ChatGPT interface. Your ChatGPT interface will now have a variety of options and templates at your disposal. 

Type in “PowerPoint” in the search bar to pull up PowerPoint-related AIRPRM ChatGPT prompts.

AIRPRM prompts

Then, in the chat bar, simply follow the format provided and add the topic of the presentation as well as VBA instruction. Then click generate and see ChatGPT do its magic. 

Create PowerPoint presentation using AIRPRM VBA prompt in ChatGPT

The output is exactly the same as what we get in method #2 when we instructed ChatGPT with our own prompt. Except in this case, you do not even need to spend time brainstorming on the prompt to provide to ChatGPT. AIRPRM has got that covered for you. 

Create PowerPoint presentation using VBA codes with AIRPRM and ChatGPT

Once ChatGPT has generated the VBA codes, follow the exact same steps outlined in Method #2 to paste the code into the Visual Basic Editor in PowerPoint. Then, run the code to automate the process of generating slides.

🔥 Method #4 Use ChatGPT  to Create Slide Image Suggestions

AI-generated Image with ChatGPT prompt

Okay, at this stage, you might be wondering if it is worth using ChatGPT for creating PowerPoint presentations at all, considering that the output generated by ChatGPT so far is entirely text-based and lacks visual appeal. We encourage you to keep reading, as the fourth and final method involves utilizing ChatGPT to infuse your PowerPoint presentation with a layer of visual excitement.

While ChatGPT is fundamentally a text-based chatbot that cannot produce images, this method entails combining ChatGPT with text-to-art generator tools such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Dall-E, and many more. The goal is to generate image suggestions that can seamlessly enhance your PowerPoint presentation. 

Here is how you can use ChatGPT to add images to your slides once you have created the text-based content with ChatGPT’s help (using one of the methods above). 

Create PowerPoint slide images using ChatGPT

This prompt will guide ChatGPT in generating a list of prompts suitable for inputting into a text-to-art generator tool for image creation.

Once you are happy with the art or images generated by the text-to-art generator, then download the images to be included in your PowerPoint presentation. You can further enhance the layout or look of your slides with PowerPoint Designer. 

PowerPoint Designer

We also recommend you to add interactive elements such as quizzes and games to your PowerPoint slides once you have created the content, as a study indicates that a majority of 68% of individuals hold the belief that interactive presentations leave a more lasting impression.

68% of individuals hold the belief that interactive presentations leave a more lasting impression.

So, can ChatGPT create a PowerPoint presentation? Absolutely, yes and yes!

From generating outlines and content to automating slide creation using VBA codes, leveraging AIRPRM for prompt automation, and ultimately providing image suggestions, ChatGPT has truly revolutionized presentation creation. If you’re not using ChatGPT to streamline your PowerPoint presentation-making process, you are missing out!

So, make use of the step-by-step guide and the 4 creative ways to use ChatGPT to create a PowerPoint presentation we provided above to integrate ChatGPT into your presentation workflow, and let ChatGPT unleash its transformative potential. With ChatGPT as your creative ally, you will not only save time but also craft PowerPoint presentations that reach new heights of excellence that were previously unimaginable.

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How to Create Stunning PowerPoint Slides with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tom Tran

You know, as much as I love giving presentations, there's one thing that always seems to trip me up: creating visually stunning PowerPoint slides. I mean, don't get me wrong—I know how important it is to captivate your audience with eye-catching visuals. But let's be real, not all of us are born graphic designers. And that's precisely why I'm so excited to introduce you to my secret weapon: ChatGPT!

ChatGPT is an incredible language model developed by OpenAI that's been a total game-changer for my presentations. Not only can it help me whip up creative and engaging content for my slides, but it also takes the pressure off me to be a design whiz. So, if you're like me and want to take your presentations to the next level, stick around. I'm about to spill the tea on how to use ChatGPT to create stunning PowerPoint slides that'll have your audience hooked.

Step 1: Groundwork

Laying the Groundwork Before we dive into the design magic, we need to get our ducks in a row. And by that, I mean setting some clear goals for our presentation and sketching out a rough outline. Trust me, taking the time to clarify what message you want to send and who you're sending it to will pay off big time.

Step 2: Titles

Jazzing Up Those Titles Let's face it, folks: first impressions matter. That's why I  turn to ChatGPT to craft snappy titles and headings for my slides. Whether I'm presenting on the latest marketing trends or dishing out tips for remote work, ChatGPT helps me reel in my audience with catchy titles that are too good to ignore.

Step 3: Content

Giving Your Content the ChatGPT Touch Now, you might think ChatGPT is just good for headlines, but boy, are you in for a treat. I've been using ChatGPT to generate all sorts of valuable insights and content for my slides—from bullet points to summaries. And let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.

Step 4: Visuals

Amping Up the Visuals Look, I'm all about that visual flair. And ChatGPT has been my go-to for generating suggestions for images, graphics, and visual metaphors that complement my content. I mean, who wouldn't want to sit through a presentation with visuals that pop?

Step 5: Speaker Notes

ChatGPT to the Rescue for Speaker Notes I'm not ashamed to admit it: sometimes, I need a little help with my delivery. That's where ChatGPT comes in. I've been using it to craft engaging speaker notes that keep me on track and ensure my talking points are crystal clear.

Step 6: Call to Action

Ending with a Bang. No presentation is complete without a killer call-to-action. And ChatGPT has been my secret sauce for crafting persuasive CTAs that inspire my audience to take action.

Step 7: Review

The Finishing Touches After letting ChatGPT work its magic, I always take a moment to review and refine my presentation. Consistency is key, my friends.

Step 8: Feedback

Feedback Makes Perfect Finally, I like to get some feedback from my trusted colleagues. A little constructive criticism goes a long way, and ChatGPT is always there to help me iterate based on that feedback.

And there you have it! Thanks to ChatGPT, creating stunning PowerPoint slides has never been easier. Whether you're a presentation pro or a total newbie, I guarantee that this AI-powered tool will be your new best friend. So go on, give it a try, and let ChatGPT transform your presentations into visual masterpieces that'll leave your audience speechless.

You see, in this fast-paced world, presentations are all about making an impact, and with ChatGPT by your side, you'll be equipped to do just that. Whether you're presenting to colleagues, clients, or a room full of strangers, you'll be able to deliver your message with confidence, creativity, and a splash of style.

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ChatGPT PPT Maker Prompt: 4 Customizable Inputs for Slides

Last Updated: March 7, 2024 Fact Checked

Creating Slide Outlines

Using visual basic editor (vba) codes, using aiprm for chatgpt, creating slide images.

This article was written by Luigi Oppido and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly . Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources.

Do you need to make a PowerPoint presentation quickly? Just ask ChatGPT to generate the outline and slide content. If you want to include images, you'll need to use a text-to-art generator tool like Midjourney in conjunction. Here are the best ChatGPT PPT maker prompts to use with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Quick Prompts to Generate PowerPoint Slides

  • Write an outline for a PowerPoint presentation about the following topics: [topic 1], [topic 2], [topic 3]... It must be [#] slides.
  • Write me the VBA code to create a PowerPoint presentation for [topic]. It must be [#] slides.
  • Write me the VBA code to create a PowerPoint slide for [smaller topic].

Step 1 Start a new...

  • If you aren't already logged in, enter your account information to do so now.
  • Use this method to create the information and data for a presentation in text only. This does not include any design elements.
  • ChatGPT will generate a presentation outline with the above parameters. If you approve of the topics and order, proceed. Otherwise, generate the prompt again.
  • Expand on the topics in the outline you provided. Tell me more about the important facts and key takeaways from the topics. Include supporting examples and extra details that will help the audience better understand the topic.
  • ChatGPT will generate more details on each topic, separated by slide. If you approve of the added content, proceed. Otherwise, generate the prompt again.
  • Reformat the previous information into bullet points. Add more detail.
  • Use PowerPoint or Google Slides to add design elements, such as color, images, videos, graphs, and more.

Step 1 Start a new conversation in ChatGPT.

  • Use this method to generate codes that can be inputted in PowerPoint. You'll need to enable the Developer tab in PowerPoint to use these codes.
  • Keep in mind that a full PowerPoint presentation in VBA code may be too long for ChatGPT to generate, so you may only receive snippets for a general template you can modify.
  • 3 Copy the code. ChatGPT will generate a block of code that can be entered in PowerPoint.
  • On Windows, click the Developer tab and click View Basics .
  • On Mac, click Tools → Macro → Visual Basic Editor .
  • If you don't have Developer mode enabled, go to Files → Options → Customize Ribbon → Main Tabs → check the box for Developer .
  • 5 Paste the code in the editor. Click Insert Module and input ChatGPT's provided code.
  • PowerPoint will create a presentation based on the code. It will be text-based, so you'll need to add design elements to spruce it up.
  • Click Design at the top.
  • Click Designer on the ribbon.
  • Scroll through the right panel to view generated designs.
  • Click a design to select it.

Step 1 Download AIPRM for ChatGPT on Google Chrome.

  • Visit the AIPRM download page .
  • Click Add to Chrome at the top.
  • Click Add extension to confirm.
  • With the extension downloaded, ChatGPT's interface will look a bit different.
  • 3 Type powerpoint into the search bar. This will pull up all PowerPoint-related prompts in AIPRM.
  • You'll see the output similar to method two , and you'll still need to paste it into the Visual Basic Editor to create a presentation.

Step 1 Sign up for a text-to-art generator tool.

  • ChatGPT can only provide text-based information. If you need image suggestions, you'll need to combine ChatGPT with another tool.
  • You can also ask ChatGPT to include the prompt for your text-to-art generator tool. Add the following prompt: Make sure to provide the [Midjourney] prompts for the suggested images.
  • 3 Open the text-to-art generator tool. Some tools require a valid email address for sign-up while others are free-to-use.
  • 4 Input ChatGPT's text. Use ChatGPT's generated text to prompt the text-to-art generator tool. This process will differ based on the tool.

Step 5 Combine the text and photo.

  • If needed, use the built-in tools to adjust the color, placement, crop, or another element.

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How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation?

Creating presentations manually is time consuming. With the revolution of AI, professionals are making use of ChatGPT for presentations. Read more to know how to make use of ChatGPT for creating presentations. Save time and improve productivity.

How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation?

Artificial Intelligence has witnessed a dramatic rise in recent years, touching nearly every area of our lives. One of the most fascinating and accessible applications of AI for content creation is where ChatGPT comes into play. Imagine having an AI-driven assistant that can help you brainstorm ideas, outline your content, and even provide real-time suggestions while you deliver your presentation. 

Gone are the days of plain slides and monotonous presentations. In today’s fast paced corporate, professionals can use ChatGPT for presentations to create intriguing and engaging slides that will leave your audience both informed and amazed.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model-based ChatBot developed by OpenAI. It uses natural language processing to create human-like conversations. It is part of the GPT-3.5 architecture, an advanced version of the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) model. ChatGPT is designed to understand and generate human-like text, making it capable of engaging in natural language conversations and assisting with various tasks.

This technology has numerous practical applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and content generation. It assists with tasks like writing, coding, creative brainstorming, and you can even use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations.

Can You Use ChatGPT to Create a PowerPoint Presentation?

Yes, you can smartly create PPT using ChatGPT , and ease your presentation-making process. It excels in generating content for your presentations, even though it can’t generate the actual files.

Beyond file creation, ChatGPT proves its worth by crafting high-quality textual content for your slides. With a few simple prompts, this natural language processing tool aids you in generating engaging presentation material.

READ MORE: 30+ ChatGPT Presentation Prompts

ChatGPT applies complex algorithms to analyze user input and craft tailored presentations. This process involves reviewing the content and producing appealing texts through generated code, which users can conveniently copy and paste into PowerPoint.

Why Use ChatGPT to Create a PowerPoint Presentation?

Here are the reasons why professionals are using ChatGPT for PowerPoint presentations:

  • Assures accuracy
  • Consistent text flow
  • Presentation notes

Saves Time 

Crafting a PowerPoint presentation from scratch is often a time-consuming task. ChatGPT can streamline this process, allowing you to generate a presentation within minutes, saving both time and effort.

Assures Accuracy

ChatGPT also plays a role in maintaining the accuracy of your presentation’s content. It performs error checks and ensures the information presented is precise and relevant.

Note: Since ChatGPT is an AI assistant, it won’t be able to provide 100% accuracy.

Consistent Text Flow

ChatGPT ensures a cohesive text layout across all slides. This consistency enhances the visual appeal and professionalism of your presentation.

Presentation Notes

Beyond slides, ChatGPT can assist in generating engaging speaker notes. The right input helps you craft informative and compelling speaker notes to accompany your slide deck.

Creating presentations with ChatGPT has never been this efficient. Follow on the below steps on to use ChatGPT to make a PowerPoint presentation:

  • Access ChatGPT
  • Install Chrome Browser Extension “AIPRM for ChatGPT”
  • Using AIPRM
  • Search for PowerPoint (PPT)
  • Choose Your Prompt
  • Input Prompt Information
  • Create Your PPT  

Step 1: Access ChatGPT

  • Visit ChatGPT on OpenAI’s website.
  • If you have an account, log in. If not, sign up, confirming your phone number and using your Gmail ID.

Step 2: Install Chrome Browser Extension “AIPRM for ChatGPT”

  • Download AIPRM for ChatGPT chrome extension.
  • Accept any prompts during installation.
  • This extension complements ChatGPT, offering diverse tones and custom writing styles for tailored content creation.

Step 3: Using AIPRM

  • Once installed, the extension will open a new ChatGPT page. 
  • You’ll find various options for different content types. 
  • Click on the search bar to proceed.

Step 4: Search for PowerPoint (PPT) 

  • In the search bar, simply type “PPT” to initiate a PowerPoint presentation.

Step 5: Choose Your Prompt 

  • Upon searching for PPT, a list of prompts will appear. 
  • Select the one that best fits your requirements, and the chat bar will adapt for PPT generation.

Step 6: Input Prompt Information 

  • Within the chat bar, include the presentation name and the chosen topic for your PPT. 
  • For instance, you may want to create a PPT about AI.
  • Here are the prompt examples you can add:
  • “Explore the History of Artificial Intelligence: From Turing to Deep Learning.”
  • “The Impact of AI on Various Industries: A Comprehensive Analysis.”
  • “Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: Exploring the Differences.”
  • “Ethical Considerations in AI Development and Deployment.”
  • “AI in Healthcare: Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment.”
  • “The Future of AI: Trends and Predictions.”
  • “Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI: Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction.”
  • “AI in Autonomous Vehicles: A Roadmap to Self-Driving Cars.”
  • “Challenges and Limitations of AI Technology.”
  • “AI and Robotics: Shaping the Future of Work.”

Step 7: Create Your PPT 

  • After adding the required information, simply hit “Enter” to generate your PowerPoint presentation.
  • You can successfully create your own PowerPoint presentation using ChatGPT and AIPRM extension.

By following these steps, you can easily use ChatGPT for PPT; however, these steps serve as a general guide and may require minor variations based on the specific interface or any updates introduced to the ChatGPT platform. 

Even though using ChatGPT for presentations is revolutionary and time saving, there are some drawbacks when using ChatGPT for PowerPoint presentations.

Disadvantages of Creating PPTs Using ChatGPT

Despite its many advantages, using ChatGPT to create presentations comes with some disadvantages:

Lacks Human Touch

Generic content, difficult to customize, does not offer graphics.

While ChatGPT excels at providing structured and fact-based content, it often lacks the human touch of creativity required for engaging presentations. Machine-generated content tends to be overly technical, failing to deliver on real-world engagement.

Content generated by ChatGPT can become overly generic due to its reliance on a single knowledge base. When the platform lacks ample data on a specific topic, the resulting PPT content may be one-dimensional, not covering essential concepts.

Customization is a challenge, as ChatGPT tends to produce standardized content regardless of the context, limiting adaptability to specific situations. 

ChatGPT does not offer graphics or design elements for PPT templates, a crucial aspect of effective presentations. You can’t overlook this important part of a presentation.

While AI tools like ChatGPT can provide structured content, there’s an essential element missing—the human touch of presentation specialists. So how do you create engaging presentations with human touch in less time? The answer lies in outsourcing presentation services to bridge the gap between data and engagement. 

READ MORE: Why Consultants Choose To Outsource Presentations?

Why Create PPTs by Presentation Specialists? 

Presentation isn’t just about data; it’s about connecting with the audience on an emotional level, and presentation service providers truly understand that. 

  • Expertise in Storytelling: Presentation service providers and specialists excel at crafting engaging storylines that engage and resonate with your audience, elevating your PPTs beyond mere data.
  • Design Excellence: These presentation service professionals are experts at transforming templates into visually appealing designs, aligning layouts and templates with your brand’s identity, and ensuring your presentations are not just informative but also visually striking.
  • Message Clarity: Presentation service providers simplify complex ideas, making your message clear and understandable to a wide range of viewers, enhancing the effectiveness of your presentations.
  • Audience-Centric Approach: Their customization skills allow them to adapt content to your specific audience and context, ensuring your presentations are tailored for maximum relevance and impact, ultimately enhancing your communication efforts.

This proactive approach of working with a presentation service provider ensures that you always have a top-notch presentation ready for a crucial sales pitch or a comprehensive brand identity guideline. Another reason behind taking these specialized presentation services is that they bring back the human touch, creativity, and design expertise to your message, which cannot be achieved by AI alone. 

However, finding the right presentation service provider is a strategic and time-consuming task. When professionals decide to leverage human creativity and AI intelligence into their presentations, they can take help from SlideUpLift for their presentation creation needs. 

The Presentation specialist team at SlideUpLift is a mix of Business Consultants and graphic designers. Business Consultants understand the importance and business impact of presentations, while graphic designers understand the design and creative elements. When combined with AI, we can help you create visually appealing slides, graphics, animations, decks, templates, and more. Explore our presentation design services to create stunning PPTs. Give us a try with our custom-slides service or schedule a call with us to know more!

Can ChatGPT create a PowerPoint presentation?

ChatGPT helps generate the text for a PowerPoint presentation, including the content for slides, but it cannot create an actual PowerPoint file or design the visual elements, such as graphics, images, and layout.

How to use ChatGPT to make a PPT presentation?

You can use ChatGPT to generate the text content for your presentation. You can provide prompts or questions related to the topic of your presentation, and ChatGPT can assist in developing relevant text.

Is ChaGPT a reliable source to generate presentations?

ChatGPTs content is sourced from a diverse range of materials, minimizing the potential for errors, but it does not completely eliminate them.

Can I create PPTs on ChatGPT for free?

ChatGPT will not assist you in making a full-fledged PowerPoint presentation, but you can use ChatGPT to generate text for your presentation for free. 

Does ChatGPT generate plagiarism-free content for PowerPoint presentations?

The majority of content generated by ChatGPT is plagiarism-free and suitable for use, particularly in PowerPoint presentations. However, rephrasing the sentences in your own language is a good idea. 

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power point presentation about chatgpt

AI PowerPoint Presentations

🔥 New: Create presentations directly in ChatGPT with our new GPT .

📣 Beta: Paste an article or blog post link and turn it into a slide deck 🔥

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power point presentation about chatgpt

Note on Generated Content

The below slide deck has been generated by an AI. The system may occasionally generate incorrect or misleading information and produce offensive or biased content. It is not intended to give advice.

power point presentation about chatgpt

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Create presentations 10x faster, save hours of work & mental energy, works with powerpoint & google slides, 👩‍🏫 “what is chatgpt, use for context“.


🧑🏾‍💻 “You are the Leading Expert in your field of machine learning and are creating a slide deck on the recent advancements in large language models for an academic conference“


👩🏻 “Account strategy in banking and the roles of presales and sales in customer success“


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  • High-quality, non-editable file format - PDF
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  • High-quality non-editable file format - PDF

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  • Custom corporate design templates
  • Use context information from your PDF, Docs, or links
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With the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in every task we do, the launch of ChatGPT has led to an all-time high dependency on AI for content generation. ChatGPT created by OpenAI and released in November 2022, is making a Whipple in the complete content industry, from article writing, to post generation. There is hardly anything today that is not being automated using ChatGPT. 


ChatGPT: What is all the craze about?

ChatGPT, short for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an AI model developed by OpenAI . It is built upon the GPT architecture and trained on a massive amount of text data to generate human-like responses in conversation.

ChatGPT leverages the power of deep learning and natural language processing algorithms to understand and generate contextually relevant responses.

Why ChatGPT for your Presentations?

ChatGPT does not essentially build a ready-to-use PPT for you. But being a language model it can generate precise content for all the slides with detailed organizations and all you need to do is put that content on any of your favourite templates.

There are multiple reasons why one should use ChatGPT for building their presentations and some of the key reasons that will immediately motivate you are:

1. Quick Solution for a Time-Consuming Task

Whether talking about the folks from offices or schools or colleges, everyone has a vast curriculum with innumerable assignments to work on. With a quick and easy way to extract relevant content and generate a PPT quickly, while, on the other hand, you would have saved hours surfing the internet and flipping your textbooks to find and sort the content that should go on your slides.

2. Selecting Precise and Relevant Information

The whole purpose of PPTs is to put a large amount of information into a precise format and present it to the audience. Hence it becomes almost essential to be very particular and decide meticulously what needs to be put on those slides. This can often be a time-consuming process and as humans it is actually impossible for us to cover all aspects of the given topic and there is a high probability that we miss out on some crucial sections. 

With the vast data used to build ChatGPT’s AI model, it can accurately identify the crucial topics and organize them for you on slides within minutes, without any hassle.

3. Organizing and Structuring the Slides

Even after having the most accurate and relevant information for your presentation, there is a high probability that it will still be not as effective. The reason is the structuring. PPTs are often very short and hence the orator needs to attract and engage the audience with relevant facts and figures in a proper structure so that they are neither overwhelmed nor bored at any given point. Here, ChatGPT plays a very crucial role in structuring your presentation in the correct way leaving no space for human error. Also, again the fact cannot be emphasized more that ChatGPT can do all this magic in minutes that we would probably take hours or even at times days to do. 

Use ChatGPT for Making PPTs: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: search for chatgpt and log in or sign up.

  • Open your preferred search engine and search for ChatGPT. Look for the official ChatGPT page on the OpenAI website and click on the provided link.
  • On the ChatGPT page, locate and click on the “ Try ChatGPT ” link. This will take you to the main Chat page where you can start working with the model and generate content.
  • If you already have an account, log in using your registered email ID. If not, sign up for a new account by following the necessary steps, such as confirming your phone number and signing in through your Gmail ID.

Step 2: Install AIPRM – ChatGPT Prompts Browser Extension

Go back to your search engine and search for AIPRM – ChatGPT Prompts , which is a browser extension designed for ChatGPT. It offers multiple tones and custom writing statuses that can be paired with ChatGPT to generate high-quality content relevant to your specific application and context. Download the extension and select “yes” for any prompts that appear during the installation process.

Install AIPRM - ChatGPT Prompts Browser Extension

Step 3: Access AIPRM – ChatGPT Prompts Extension

Once the extension is installed, it will automatically open a new ChatGPT page. You will now see various options that you can select to generate different types of content. Locate the search bar and click on it.

Access AIPRM - ChatGPT Prompts Extension

Step 4: Search for PPT

In the search bar, type “PPT” to generate a PowerPoint presentation.

Step 5: Select the Prompt

After searching for PPT, you will see a list of prompts. Click on the desired prompt that suits your needs. The chat bar will now change to accommodate the PPT generation.

Select Prompt For PPT

Step 6: Provide Prompt Details

In the chat bar, add the name of the presentation and the topic for the PPT. For example, you can generate a PPT on ChatGPT itself.

Following is a sample input of the prompt used to generate a PPT:


Step 7: Generate the PPT

Once you have entered the necessary details, press “Enter” or click on the appropriate button to generate the PPT.

Congratulations! You have successfully generated your own PowerPoint presentation using ChatGPT and the AirRPM extension.

Note: Please remember, if the model is still typing, let it complete the whole content and then you can copy-paste it to any template of your choice. Also, the steps provided are a general guide and may vary slightly depending on the specific interface or updates made to the ChatGPT platform.

Disadvantages of Generating Your PPT from ChatGPT

Although generating a PowerPoint presentation and even for that matter other content from ChatGPT might look like a very tempting and easy method to solve most of your problems, there are a few downsides to it as well. Some of the key things that you should keep in mind while generating PPTs from ChatGPT:

  • Although ChatGPT can easily provide very structured content with effective facts included, there is a chance that a human touch of creativity might be missing from the content as machine-generated content can often look very technical, whereas, in a real-world a presentation needs to be engaging, where the ChatGPT lacks.
  • More often than not due to the same knowledge bank, the generated content can be extremely generic, and in case the knowledge base does not have a lot of content on the requested topic, the PPT content generated can be very single-tracked not covering as many concepts as needed or expected.
  • Another major challenge can be standard content generated for all contexts and hence little customization as per the situation.
  • ChatGPT does not provide any graphics or designs for the PPT template, and that is a very important aspect of a PPT. 

ChatGPT offers a convenient and efficient way to generate PowerPoint presentations. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, users can leverage the power of ChatGPT and the AirRPM extension to create high-quality PPTs tailored to their specific needs. By providing prompts and inputting the necessary details, users can effortlessly generate PPTs on various topics of their choice.

FAQs on How to Use ChatGPT for Making PPT

Q1: does content generated by chatgpt contain plagiarised content.

Most ChatGPT-generated content does not contain plagiarism and so it can be used especially for PPTs.

Q2: How can I generate my own PPT using ChatGPT?

You can use ChatGPT in combination with the AIPRM – ChatGPT Prompts Extension to generate content for the PPT on any given topic.

Q3: Is the content generated by ChatGPT accurate?

ChatGPT contains content from a variety of sources and hence there might be a possibility of very minor errors if at all.

Q4: How much does it cost to use ChatGPT for making PPT?

ChatGPT as well as the AirRPM extension are absolutely free for public use and hence there is no cost of generating a PPT using ChatGPT.

Q5: Can I use ChatGPT for other tasks besides making PPT?

Yes, it can be used for almost all content-related tasks like writing articles, creating product descriptions, and even composing music.

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How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Despite their short time being available to the general public, AI tools like ChatGPT have become indispensable for students. These solutions help them write compelling texts, compose vivid poetry, and polish codes.

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While these solutions have been primarily known for their generative capabilities, only some students know about their versatility in creating captivating PowerPoint presentations. experts has prepared this guide to teach college-goers how to use ChatGPT to make a PPT presentation. Perfect for beginners, our tips will elevate your demonstrations to impress both peers and professors.

  • 🤖 ChatGPT & PPT Presentations
  • 💡 Why Use AI to Create Presentations
  • ✅ How to Use ChatGPT for Presentations
  • 🗒️ Making a Presentation Outline
  • 🔠 Creating Content for Slides
  • 💬 Writing Effective Speaker Notes
  • 🎏 Generating Catchy Presentation Titles
  • ⚙️ Helpful Tools
  • 🔥 Tips and Tricks

📎 References

🤖 can chatgpt create powerpoint presentations.

While the current version of ChatGPT can’t produce fully-tailored presentations with layouts, charts, images, and text, it’s still a handy tool.

Analysts estimate that nearly 30 million PowerPoint presentations are created every day.

More than 30 million presentations are created worldwide, and people are increasingly using ChatGPT to speed up the preparation of materials for PowerPoint presentations.

Chatbot takes care of the content, and an AI slide generator tool works on the rest.

If you still have trouble understanding this approach, consider the following common questions, which might provide additional insight.

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How to Use ChatGPT for PPT?

You can use ChatGPT to make a PowerPoint presentation in many ways:

  • Ask ChatGPT to create an outline for your presentation topic and target audience.
  • Prompt ChatGPT to suggest bullet points to illustrate your point.
  • Use ChatGPT to write speaker notes.
  • Request the chatbot to suggest creative presentation titles.
  • Ask ChatGPT for feedback on your work.

How Do You Integrate ChatGPT in PowerPoint?

There are several ways students can learn how to use ChatGPT to make a PowerPoint presentation for their next academic assignment:

  • Use a free ChatGPT plugin for PowerPoint that attaches the power of OpenAI’s chatbot to your Chrome browser
  • Install Chrome browser extension “ AIPRM for ChatGPT ”

What Is the Best AI for a Presentation?

While many helpful AI-based tools are circulating online, ChatGPT is currently the best solution. The power of machine learning technology makes this tool highly adaptable, fast, and accurate, providing detailed information on various topics.

The chatbot has some accuracy issues because it doesn’t check sources for truthfulness and uses data uploaded before January 2022. However, checking the received information can easily overcome this limitation, so the ChatGPT-PowerPoint combination remains effective and convenient.

Surveys show that more than 45% of speakers have difficulty developing creative presentation layouts.

This makes it an excellent tool for working on presentations dealing with different topics. The highly interactive ChatGPT is bound to answer any questions about various topics, doing more than making a presentation and learning something.

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💡 Why Use AI to Create Presentation Slides

Students often boost their productivity with AI tools for studying . Perhaps using AI to make a PowerPoint document wasn’t your first choice. It may feel strange, as the tool doesn’t make presentations from scratch. However, dismissing this idea is counterproductive, as the ChatGPT-PowerPoint combo is irreplaceable when working on presentations.

Choosing this chatbot has several benefits:

The five reasons to use ChatGPT to create presentations in PowerPoint.

Reasons to Use ChatGPT for Presentations

  • Saved time . OpenAI’s platform provides much-needed assistance for students who are in a rush. It’s a quick, effortless, and reliable way to gather relevant information compared to spending hours finding the right materials on the web.
  • Brainstorming . ChatGPT is the perfect solution when you need more ideas. The chatbot helps to brainstorm and expand ideas you might not have considered before. However, we recommend being mindful of the ethical use of a chatbot .
  • Better organization . With this AI-powered app, you can better organize information, figures, and relevant facts on the slides. This leaves little room for human error and more time to polish your documents.
  • Improved language skills . OpenAI’s solution ensures that your presentations are clear of grammatical errors. The chatbot also makes your story flow through powerful narrative capabilities. But we still recommend you check the text with such tools as free AI checker or plagiarism finder .
  • Fast access to relevant data . Using ChatGPT for PowerPoint documents lets people tap into enormous amounts of information, with the chatbot’s powerful computation skills providing it in seconds. The tool offers in-depth knowledge of various subjects, which opens up great research opportunities for students.

✅ How to Use ChatGPT for PowerPoint Presentations

ChatGPT can help you make an outstanding PowerPoint presentation in many ways.

With its help, you can:

  • Create a well-structured outline for your topic, target audience, and desired length.
  • Make compelling slide content by suggesting bullet points to support your points.
  • Get speaker notes quickly and efficiently.
  • Choose a catchy presentation title.

The four steps to create PowerPoint presentation using ChatGPT.

Below, we’ll explain each method step-by-step, ensuring that we cover all aspects. This way, you’re more likely to succeed in your subsequent PowerPoint presentation.

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🗒️ Using ChatGPT to Make a Presentation Outline

The most straightforward way to work on a presentation is to ask ChatGPT to generate an outline and content for each slide. This relatively fast process takes several steps to complete.

  • Use the following format for better results: “Write an outline for a PowerPoint presentation on health care reform in the US.
  • Make it 15 slides”.
  • Press Enter and wait for the chatbot to generate an answer.
  • Your prompt could look like this: “Expand on the provided subtopics by exploring key ideas, providing supporting evidence, and clarifying details for the audience.”
  • Paste the results from the text ChatGPT made into the Word document and save it. Now, it’s possible to transfer its content into a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Heading 1 aligns with the slide heading,
  • Heading 2 aligns with the slide subheading,
  • Heading 3 aligns with the body text.
  • Windows users must open document settings, click file > export > export to Powerpoint presentation.
  • Mac owners must save the file in the Richt Text Format (.rft), open the document, and press insert > outline.

🔠 Using ChatGPT to Create Content for Slides

If you struggle to create engaging and compelling content for your presentation slides, you can delegate this task to ChatGPT. You can use it so it doesn’t become academic cheating .

As long as your prompts are clear and specific, the chatbot can be a great assistant in creating informative and captivating slides.

The picture lists the ways ChatGPT might be used to make content for PPT slides.

Below are some ideas on how to use ChatGPT for presentation content.

Generate Bullet Points

ChatGPT can help you generate bullet points from scratch. You can provide the bot with a topic or key ideas, and it will generate concise and structured bullet points that you can use in your presentation.

Alternatively, if you want slide content based on a specific text, you can send the text to ChatGPT and ask the chatbot to convert it into bullet points. The tool will ensure your content is accurately summarized and structured.

Here are the prompts you can use to generate bullet points:

Example of Bullet Point Creation

Here is an example of how you can get bullet points using ChatGPT.

Get Ideas for Visuals

While the free version of ChatGPT has its pros , it cannot generate visual content for your presentation. It can only offer advice on how to make your slides more engaging. For instance, you can ask the bot to suggest relevant images to enhance the slide’s visual appeal or what table or chart to include to support your argument. Also, we suggest trying the Perplexity or Bing chatbots, which will provide links to the pictures.

Here are some prompts you can use:

Example of Generating Picture Ideas

Here is an example of how you can get picture ideas using ChatGPT.

Refine and Edit Presentation

ChatGPT can offer feedback on your presentation slides and help you refine them for better clarity and coherence. Chatbot is pretty good at editing and proofreading content . Try out these prompt examples:

Example of Presentation Refining

Here is an example of how you can refine your presentation using ChatGPT.

💬 Using ChatGPT to Write Effective Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are a crucial component of any presentation. These notes typically accompany each slide and provide additional context, explanations, key points, or prompts to guide the speaker’s presentation.

ChatGPT can help you create effective speaker notes that ultimately contribute to a more polished and successful presentation.

Consider these three ideas on how to use AI for preparing your notes:

  • Enriching speaker notes . ChatGPT can generate additional ideas, elaborate on key points, or provide supporting data for each slide. Input a brief summary of each slide, and the bot will expand on your content, provide relevant examples, and suggest different perspectives or angles to consider.
  • Anticipating audience questions . ChatGPT can also aid in preparing for audience questions and formulating relevant responses. By considering potential areas of interest or confusion for the audience, ChatGPT can help the presenter proactively address these points in your speaker notes.
  • Optimizing tone, clarity, and language . Additionally, ChatGPT can analyze your draft notes and suggest improvements in wording, transitions between points, and the overall coherence of the content. It can assist in identifying complex language or jargon that may hinder understanding and provide alternative phrasing to enhance clarity.

Here are some prompts you can use to write effective speaker notes with ChatGPT:

Example of Generating Speaker Notes

Here is an example of how you can generate speaker notes using ChatGPT.

🎏 Using ChatGPT to Generate Catchy Presentation Titles

The importance of a good presentation title cannot be overstated. A compelling title serves as a powerful tool to capture the audience’s attention. It sets the tone for the whole presentation and can significantly impact the audience’s perception of the content.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to generate a captivating title for your presentation:

  • First, you will need to specify your topic.
  • Then, you should indicate your target audience.
  • After that, you can describe the tone of your presentation.
  • Finally, mention other requirements if there are any.

Let’s look at these steps in more detail.

Specify Your Presentation Topic

The first thing you should do is provide a concise description of the main focus of your presentation so that ChatGPT can generate title suggestions that align with the content.

Identify Your Target Audience

Consider the demographic, knowledge level, and interests of your target audience. Are you presenting to a group of professionals, students, or a mixed audience? This will help ChatGPT tailor the tone, language, and relevance of the title suggestions to resonate with the specific audience.

Describe Your Tone

Do you aim for an authoritative, informative, persuasive, or captivating tone? Clearly defining the intended tone will guide the bot in generating a title that aligns with the desired emotional impact.

Mention Other Title Requirements

If there are specific keywords or key phrases relevant to your topic that you want to incorporate into the title, specify them. Additionally, provide guidance on the desired length of the title and any specific format requirements.

Additionally, just as we’ve used ChatGPT to generate a captivating presentation title, you can also leverage the same process to create compelling titles for individual slides.

⚙️ Helpful Tools for PowerPoint Presentations

Now, let’s explore some powerful tools that will transform your PowerPoint experience. By offering AI-powered content generation and effortless automation, these resources will empower you to craft captivating and inspiring presentations.

Smart Slides

If you want to elevate your presentations, we recommend checking out the Smart Slides plugin for ChatGPT. Smart Slides works magic to produce captivating slideshows, saving you the hours typically spent on slide design. This presentation plugin offers interactive features, templates, and collaboration options.

Here’s how to use Smart Slides:

  • Get started . To begin using Smart Slides, you can search for the plugin in the ChatGPT plugin store.
  • Make slides . Once the plugin is active, you can start working on your slides. Each slide needs a title and some content. The content should be a list of points that you want to show on the slide.
  • Personalize . Smart Slides lets you customize your slides to fit your needs. You can change the layout, include images, and adjust the text style to make your presentation more interesting.
  • Save your presentation . After you’ve created your slides, you can save your presentation file. The plugin gives a unique link for each presentation, which you can use to download your file.

The following method is more suitable for students in a rush. It allows them to get VBA codes directly added to PowerPoint presentations and made into separate slides. This way, you don’t have to make outlines and content for the slides separately.

Your audience should be able to absorb each slide and its meaning in about 3 seconds.

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a programming language that can be added to PowerPoint and used to automate data-processing functions in Microsoft suite applications. It’s perfect for making reports and custom graphs. Here, it makes finished presentations in a couple of steps:

1️⃣ Ask OpenAI’s solution to generate VBA code: “Write VBA PowerPoint codes on US international policy. Make it 10 slides.” Wait for the results and paste them into PowerPoint’s Visual Basic Editor. 2️⃣ On Mac, you can open this tool by going to Tools> Macro>Visual Basic Editor. If you prefer working with Windows, click Developer> Visual Basics. 3️⃣ Once the VBE opens, click Insert > Module, paste the code, and hit “Play.”

This is the most accessible method of making documents, as it doesn’t involve trying to come up with things to ask of ChatGPT. Instead, you get direct access to the chatbot prompts. Students can use the powerful Chrome browser extension called AIPRM for easy access to many ChatGPT templates.

They can be combined with OpenAI’s solution to make different types of high-quality content. This approach significantly cuts down time on brainstorming ideas to provide to ChatGPT. There are several actions students must perform to unlock the power of this method.

1️⃣ Find, download, and install the Chrome extension. Once the process is over, you’ll see the interface change on ChatGPT’s website. 2️⃣ Write PowerPoint in the search bar, and you’ll see a list of ChatGPT prompts. Follow the provided format, add the topic and the VBA instruction, and press “Generate.” 3️⃣ After the chatbot stops creating a template response, you’ll receive a full presentation faster than with the second method. 4️⃣ Paste the VBA codes into PowerPoint as we’ve discussed before and run it. This way, the program will automatically generate slides for each document part.

ChatGPT for Presentations

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I tested chatgpt plus against copilot pro -- here's how each ai chatbot did.

I created a ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro battle to see which AI chatbot subscription service is really worth your $20 every month.

Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro use GPT-4 but have noticeable differences due to integrated tools and user interfaces.
  • Copilot is faster, offers more integrated image editing tools, and is integrated with Microsoft 365.
  • ChatGPT excels in writing eloquent content, has fewer ads, and restricts content imitation more than Copilot.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus and Microsoft's Copilot Pro are among the biggest names in artificial intelligence. Yet, these chatbots arguably have more in common than any other subscription-based AI software. That's because both platforms are built with versions of GPT-4 . In theory, this means one shouldn't be any smarter than the other. However, while the underlying training data is similar, the two AI platforms have a few noticeable disparities that could make all the difference in choosing where to spend that $20-a-month subscription.

I created a ChatGPT Plus vs. Copilot Pro battle by feeding both programs the same prompts. Both use GPT-4 and DALL-E, yet Copilot just made GPT-4 Turbo available even to non-paying customers. That move gives Microsoft's offering a bit more speed. Yet, that's not the only distinction. The wildly different user interfaces, integrations, and policies create noticeable gaps between the two AI chatbots. ChatGPT tended to be a bit more long-winded yet offered more descriptive language and varied sentence structures. On the other hand, Copilot offered more tools inside the AI app while simultaneously being integrated into more places, like Word and Outlook.

With both subscriptions costing $20 a month and utilizing GPT-4 and DALL-E, the differences between ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro make one a better fit. Here's how the two programs differ.

I pitted Gemini Advanced against ChatGPT Plus -- here's how each AI did

Image test: copilot has more built-in image editing tools, yet chatgpt delivers the requested style a bit better.

Both chatbots had the same struggles that feel fairly universal across generative AI -- neither could properly spell "happy birthday" within the graphic itself when I asked it to create a birthday card. Similarly, both struggled with human hands and portraying people in a way that didn't feel artificial.

While the platforms share similar struggles, looking at the integrated tools, Copilot pulls ahead. Microsoft's AI created four image options, whereas ChatGPT created one. But Copilot's real benefits come from the integrated tools. Designer, the GPT made for creating images, has a few integrated tools where you can edit the resulting graphic. Integrated styles allowed me to convert to a different genre like watercolor or pixel art. I could even click on part of the image to create a background blur or a color pop effect or switch to a square aspect ratio, all without leaving Copilot.

The one thing I felt ChatGPT excelled at was getting the style right on the first attempt. When I asked for a watercolor image, ChatGPT produced a watercolor image. With Copilot, it produced a render that wasn't at all like a watercolor. With Copilot, I could then use the built-in tools to select a style, and then the result was closer to what I was looking for. Still, Copilot's watercolor featured black outlines more consistent with comic book art than with a painting.

Copilot: Everything you need to know about Microsoft's AI

Writing test: chatgpt is long-winded, but more eloquent, copilot was able to add in more recent facts.

ChatGPT tends to get wordy if you don't request a specific length. However, the program from OpenAI also produced more polished content. ChatGPT's writing, for both business and creative tasks, contained more varied sentence structures, less passive voice, and more descriptive language.

In contrast, when tasked with writing a short story about a haunted house, Copilot started with "once upon a time" and ended with "happily ever after" in an odd mashup of horror tropes and fairy tale storytelling. Copilot did a bit better when I switched from the fast conversation style to creative, though I still enjoyed ChatGPT's story more. Copilot also misunderstood instructions when I asked it to write up a letter of recommendation for a former coworker, writing a letter to me rather than from me.

The one area where Copilot performed a little better was pulling recent information. ChatGPT integrated more specifics in an email about the iPhone 15 Pro when requested, but acted as if the phone hadn't been announced yet and reminded me to check the specifications. Copilot seemed to do better at incorporating recent information, adding specifications about the smartphone on the first attempt. Both programs incorrectly stated that the Pro version had the A16 chipset, serving as a reminder to always check factual data when using AI.

I tried ChatGPT Plus. Here's everything it can do

Advice test: chatgpt often suggests more options, but co-pilot still had some sound advice.

What felt long-winded when tasked with writing a professional email turned into more ideas when I asked ChatGPT for advice. When I asked for gift ideas, the chatbot churned out more ideas in general than Copilot.

However, the two programs felt most similar here in chatting and asking for advice. I could have asked for a specific number of ideas and received very similar results. ChatGPT listed more options, but both churned out fairly standard advice when I asked for gift ideas and job interview tips.

How to master GPT-4 in ChatGPT: Prompts, tips, and tricks

Speed test: copilot tends to finish faster, copilot has three modes for choosing when speed is most important.

With ChatGPT coming from OpenAI, the company behind GPT-4, it's a bit surprising that Copilot is actually the first to utilize GPT-4 Turbo. While the upgraded GPT is available for beta users of ChatGPT Pro, Copilot began integrating the Turbo version for consumers first, resulting in a tendency to answer questions faster.

When I asked for a poem, Copilot finished plus added four images (that I didn't request) before ChatGPT could even finish just the text. In general, Copilot seemed to finish faster nearly every time.

Copilot also has three conversation styles to choose from, so you can prioritize speed, creativity, or precision. Switching to creative mode occasionally allowed ChatGPT to finish first. But, in general, Copilot completed more tasks first.

ChatGPT seemed to experience more freezes. It's limited to 40 messages every three hours. Microsoft doesn't list a specific number for Copilot, but the company recently removed the former 300-message daily limit for the free tier.

How to use ChatGPT to make AI-generated images and art

Ethics test: both chatbots use the similar training data, but chatgpt has more content restrictions in place.

With both chatbots using GPT-4, the difference in ethics between the two platforms lies in each company's content policy guidelines. Neither chatbot refused to generate an image in the style of Van Gogh. However, when I asked for an image inspired by more recent living artists, ChatGPT refused, as imitating a specific artist's style is against the content guidelines.

Neither platform refused when asked to imitate a writer's style, past or present.

10 ChatGPT extensions to try and what exactly they can do

Privacy test: copilot doesn't use data for training, but both platforms have some data controls.

Both ChatGPT and Copilot allow users to delete their previous chats. ChatGPT will delete your data automatically every 30 days if you turn off chat history. Copilot has a privacy center where users can visit and manually delete their data, though this also deletes Bing search history.

Microsoft says it doesn't use data typed into Copilot for training -- which makes sense as the system is based on training data from OpenAI. ChatGPT will use your data for training, but users can turn this off in the settings.

OpenAI launches GPT Store for custom chatbots in ChatGPT

Extra features test: copilot has more integrations, but chatgpt has more custom gpts and fewer ads.

Naturally, as a Microsoft product, Copilot is integrated into more apps. You can use Copilot in Word and PowerPoint if you also have a Microsoft 365 subscription. Microsoft also incorporates the AI into Outlook email. That means there's less copy-paste action to get the AI-written content into your email, word processor, or presentation. You don't have to go back and forth between the Copilot app or web version and the program you are using.

Copilot also has more integrated tools. You can edit your images right from the image generator. Copilot Notebook will also generate content for you without the chat-like experience, allowing longer descriptions of what you would like the AI to write for you.

While ChatGPT doesn't have those same integrations, it does have a longer list of custom GPTs. The Explore GPT section has plenty of different options in a number of different categories, while Copilot is limited to Copilot, Designer, Vacation Planner, Cooking Assistant, and Fitness Trainer.

ChatGPT also doesn't have ads within the paid mobile app or web platform. Copilot annoyingly sneaks in some links and even some photo ads after nearly each generation.

How to use Google's Gemini AI from the web or your phone

Verdict: which ai chatbot subscription is the best, copilot has a free trial and is faster, and the free version uses gpt-4.

Despite sharing similar training data, ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro both have unique quirks that make the decision on which chatbot to use a more clear-cut choice. Both have the same $20 a month cost, though Microsoft is the only one with a one-month free trial accessible by downloading the mobile app.

With integration into Microsoft 365, Copilot is the better choice for users who already have a subscription to the brand's suite of tools like Word and PowerPoint. While the AI is in addition to the subscription costs for Microsoft 365, the integration means less back-and-forth between separate apps.

Copilot is also the faster of the two AI systems, with fewer message limits. Microsoft's chatbot also has more integrated image editing tools for use with DALL-E graphics. The user interface also has a separate Copilot Notebook, allowing for generating text without the chat-like experience.

While Copilot is the better choice for those who already use Word and Outlook, ChatGPT Pro consistently produces more eloquent written content. Where Copilot's felt more like a first draft, OpenAI delivered more varied sentence structure and vocabulary for a smoother read. ChatGPT also has content restrictions that prevent imitating another modern artist. The OpenAI program was also free of the ads that dotted Copilot.

Looking outside the subscriptions to the free tiers, the decision is more clear-cut. The free version of Copilot uses GPT-4, while ChatGPT uses the older GPT-3.5 for non-paying users. That allows Copilot to deliver better results in less time for those who cannot swing the cost. The free access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo is limited to non-peak times, however, and the free option also excludes the Microsoft 365 integrations.

Microsoft Surface and AI event: 5 biggest announcements you might've missed this week


Microsoft is arguably the leader in the AI space right now, constantly releasing new offerings and updates to stay ahead of the curve. Therefore, it is no surprise that the company took to its March Surface and Windows AI event this week to unveil a handful of new AI features and hardware.

Also:  Microsoft unveils Surface Pro 10 and Laptop 6 with AI features. Here's what's new

As Microsoft's event description, "Advancing the new era of work with Copilot," implied, the event focused on the company's AI offerings specifically for its enterprise customers. Instead, Microsoft Build, taking place in May, will have announcements better suited for general consumers. Until then, here's everything the company unveiled at its Surface event.

1. Copilot in Microsoft 365 is now on Windows

The headlining AI news at the event is that Copilot capabilities in Microsoft 365 are finally coming to Windows. This is a major win for working professionals because now within the Copilot in Windows interface, they can select a "Work" option to enable Copilot in Microsoft 365, as seen in the photo above. 

Also: Microsoft Copilot vs. Copilot Pro: Is the subscription fee worth it?

Copilot in Microsoft 365 is a workflow game changer because it infuses Copilot assistance across all of the 365 applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more, to assist with tasks such as creating PowerPoint presentations, writing assistance, and interpreting spreadsheet data. Basically, Copilot can understand the user's entire universe of work data to provide even deeper assistance. 

2. New Copilot accessibility features in Windows 11

At the end of the month, there will be a new release of Windows 11 preview which will feature a host of new Copilot skills for accessibility. For example, users will be able to ask Copilot to turn on the narrator and screen magnifier, change text size, or start live captions. 

Also: Windows 11's big new update is full of AI and rolling out now - here's what's in it

Asking Copilot to help adjust PC settings enables users to have more control of their device, making it easier to access crucial settings instead of having to navigate through a series of different tabs and struggle to find what they're specifically looking for.

3. The first AI-powered Surface PCs for business

After launching the Surface Pro 9 or Surface Laptop 5 two years ago, Microsoft finally unveiled the succeeding models -- the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6. Because this was Microsoft's first hardware launch in the era of the AI PC, the business devices got under-the-hood upgrades, including a new processor, to better support AI and productivity tasks.

Also: Surface vs. MacBook: Can Microsoft's new Arm-based AI PCs compete with Apple?

Both models sport a new Intel Core Ultra (5 or 7) processor which features a dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU) for better device performance and battery efficiency, especially when performing AI-related tasks. As seen in the photo above, the appearance of the Surface devices remains relatively unchanged. 

For a full rundown of what the new products feature, you can read ZDNET's Senior Reviews Editor Kerry Wan's roundup .  

4. Windows 365 GPU support 

Although this feature doesn't use AI, it can certainly be helpful for tasks related to it. Windows 365 GPU has the potential to improve many professionals' workflows by allowing users access to GPU-empowered cloud PCs. The improved graphics performance of these machines will be essential for tasks that require more power such as in graphics design, image and video editing (and rendering), and more.

Microsoft says Windows 365 GPU support, currently available in preview, was highly requested by customers who wanted access to a GPU in a Software-as-a-Service solution.

5. The first Copilot key on a Microsoft device

It wouldn't be the launch of an AI PC without the mention of a Copilot key. Both the new Surface devices and the new Surface Pro Keyboard, pictured above, include a dedicated Copilot key to make it easier for users to get direct access to AI assistance. It certainly helps that Windows users without the latest PC or Surface device can still access the feature by clicking the Copilot icon from the Windows 11 taskbar. 

Artificial Intelligence

How to watch microsoft's surface and windows ai event today (and what to expect), microsoft unveils surface pro 10 and laptop 6 with ai features. here's what's new, microsoft's most underrated surface accessories are coming to business users.


  1. ChatGPT Free Infographic PowerPoint Template

    power point presentation about chatgpt

  2. PPT

    power point presentation about chatgpt

  3. ChatGPT Free Infographic PowerPoint Template

    power point presentation about chatgpt

  4. ChatGPT Free Infographic PowerPoint Template

    power point presentation about chatgpt

  5. How To Use ChatGPT To Easily Make Powerful Powerpoint Slides » chatGPT

    power point presentation about chatgpt

  6. PPT

    power point presentation about chatgpt


  1. PowerPoint Presentation using ChatGPT

  2. How to Create a Presentation Using Power Point l How to Create a Powerpoint Presentation

  3. How to create PowerPoint presentations using chatGPT

  4. Microsoft PowerPoint Communication

  5. How to make a basic PowerPoint Outline using ChatGPT

  6. Chat GPT With Powerpoint


  1. Chat GPT

    Fear not, we've got you covered! This Google Slides and PowerPoint template has been created by a teacher and comes ready to use in class, with ChatGPT and its origin and functions broken down to a T. It's available in different languages as well, so you may not have to modify it at all. Download it for an awesome hands-on class on current ...

  2. From CHATGPT to a POWERPOINT presentation! Step-by-step guide

    Learn how to turn the power of CHATGPT into a dynamic PowerPoint presentation with this step-by-step guide! 😨 In this video, I'll walk you through the proce...

  3. Creating a PowerPoint Presentation using ChatGPT

    Firstly, open your PowerPoint application and create a new presentation. Then, you should find "Visual Basic Editor" in the "Tools" menu, under "Macro" submenu. Launching Visual Basic Editor. You should see a "VBAProject" window in the Visual Basic Editor. Right-click on that to insert a new Module.

  4. How to Create Presentations with AI using ChatGPT

    Depending on your goals, there are multiple takes on how you can use ChatGPT to make your presentations more engaging. For starters, you can use this deep learning model tool to create AI-powered presentations in the format of interactive Q&As, allowing users to ask questions and visualize the responses live.

  5. ChatGPT for PowerPoint

    Transform Your Creativity into Stunning Slides with Chat GPT for Power Point! Revolutionize your presentations with our innovative AI-powered slides generation add-in. Whether you are a business professional or a student, our add-in is the ultimate tool to help you create AWESOME slides. Here are just a few examples on how our add-in can help ...

  6. Create a Complete Powerpoint Presentation with ChatGPT

    ChatGPT can now create an actual powerpoint slide show with a simple text prompt.Let me show you the step by step process and then I'll show you a couple of ...

  7. How to Use ChatGPT for PowerPoint Presentations

    Let ChatGPT Suggest a PowerPoint Presentation Outline. Not sure where to start on a PowerPoint presentation? Let ChatGPT create one for you. Try a prompt like: Create a fun outline for 10 Power Point slides related to the history of ice cream shops and why an audience should invest in one called Cool as Ice. We used ChatGPT Plus which takes advantage of OpenAI's most recent AI model, GPT-4.

  8. How To Plan and Create a PowerPoint Presentation With ChatGPT and

    Step 2: Request an Outline. Once you've set the stage, request ChatGPT to create an outline for your presentation. For instance, you can say, "Please create a PowerPoint presentation outline based on the briefing I provided" at the end of your prompt or as your next prompt.

  9. How to use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations

    Step 3: Copy and paste the ChatGPT output into Plus AI. Install the Plus add-on and click Extensions -> New presentation with Plus AI. Once Plus AI is open, copy and paste the presentation outline from ChatGPT and click the Generate button. Note: Make sure you select the right number of slides for your presentation.

  10. 4 Genius Ways to Use ChatGPT To Create A PowerPoint Presentation

    After pasting the slides content generated by ChatGPT into Microsoft Word, Step 1: Open the Word document. Open the Word document you want to transform into a PowerPoint presentation in Word. Alternatively, paste the slides content generated by ChatGPT into Microsoft Word. Step 2: Format the text.

  11. How to Create Stunning PowerPoint Slides with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 1: Groundwork. Laying the Groundwork Before we dive into the design magic, we need to get our ducks in a row. And by that, I mean setting some clear goals for our presentation and sketching out a rough outline. Trust me, taking the time to clarify what message you want to send and who you're sending it to will pay off big time.

  12. Create Stunning PowerPoint Presentations with ChatGPT

    ChatGPT can be a valuable tool to support the content creation process for a PowerPoint presentation, providing inspiration, research assistance, language re...

  13. How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint or Google Slides

    Before ChatGPT can create a complete PPT presentation, it needs to start with an outline. Make sure the prompt is clear and concise. Use the following prompt or a variation of the prompt: Write an outline for a PowerPoint presentation about the following topics: [topic 1], [topic 2], [topic 3]... It must be [#] slides.

  14. How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation?

    Step 6: Input Prompt Information. Within the chat bar, include the presentation name and the chosen topic for your PPT. For instance, you may want to create a PPT about AI. Here are the prompt examples you can add: "Explore the History of Artificial Intelligence: From Turing to Deep Learning.".

  15. SlidesGPT AI PowerPoint Powered by ChatGPT API

    SlidesGPT ( is an AI Powerpoint presentations creator using ChatGPT API. Purchase Download $ 2.50. PowerPoint: High-quality, editable; PDF: High-quality, non-editable; Google Slides: High-quality, editable; File downloads valid for 90 days; Perfect for offline use, editing, and printing; Buy.

  16. ChatGPT will create an entire PowerPoint presentation for you

    ChatGPT PowerPoint (Image credit: Microsoft). Check out the following use cases below to see how Copilot will power other Microsoft 365 apps. Microsoft Word - Get rid of "writer's block" by using ...

  17. ChatGPT

    Requires ChatGPT Plus. Prompt to create PowerPoint presentations. Supports creating 20+ slide presentations. Can read links to web pages, Google Drive, OneDrive, and more to fetch content.

  18. How to Use ChatGPT For Making PPT?

    Once the extension is installed, it will automatically open a new ChatGPT page. You will now see various options that you can select to generate different types of content. Locate the search bar and click on it. Step 4: Search for PPT. In the search bar, type "PPT" to generate a PowerPoint presentation. Step 5: Select the Prompt

  19. 12 ChatGPT Prompts For Engaging PowerPoint Presentations In 2024

    Below are 12 ChatGPT prompts that, with a little fine-tuning and background context from you on the details of your presentation, can help you craft and deliver a highly engaging presentation at ...

  20. Crafting Dynamic PowerPoint Presentations with ChatGPT: A ...

    Open your PowerPoint presentation, navigate to the Developer tab, insert a module, and paste the VBA code. Watch as your slides come to life with just a click! Method 3: AIPRM Chrome Extension

  21. How to Use ChatGPT to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

    2️⃣ Write PowerPoint in the search bar, and you'll see a list of ChatGPT prompts. Follow the provided format, add the topic and the VBA instruction, and press "Generate.". 3️⃣ After the chatbot stops creating a template response, you'll receive a full presentation faster than with the second method.

  22. What's the best AI for creating amazing PowerPoint presentations

    This guide tests the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation creation skills of Claude 3 vs Gemini vs ChatGPT-4 helping you create amazing slides. ... And then there's ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), which is a ...

  23. Presentations.AI

    ChatGPTfor Presentations. ChatGPT. for. Presentations. Stunning Decks Made Effortlessly. Effortlessly build a beautiful presentation using AI with Presentations.AI, the best AI-powered presentation app. Type in a prompt and generate entire PPT presentations from scratch within seconds using AI. Try creating a tome for free.

  24. ChatGPT

    "Create presentation materials like a pro. Automatically generate high-quality presentation slides containing text that aligns with your theme. Capable of outputting in various file formats (PowerPoint (pptx), PDF, Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), etc.)"improve your productivity

  25. ChatGPT for Project Managers: 10x Your Productivity with AI

    Explore ways to use ChatGPT to craft stakeholder communication tailored to each individual, taking into account their preferences and communication style. Finally, Jean delves into using ChatGPT for project tracking and reporting, so that you can stay on top of project progress and make data-driven decisions. Learn More

  26. ChatGPT Plus vs Copilot Pro: Which AI is better?

    ChatGPT Plus and Copilot Pro use GPT-4 but have noticeable differences due to integrated tools and user interfaces. Copilot is faster, offers more integrated image editing tools, and is integrated ...

  27. Learner Reviews & Feedback for ChatGPT Advanced Data ...

    ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis can help you augment your intelligence and automate tasks, such as: 1. Turning an Excel file into visualizations and then slides inside a PowerPoint presentation; extracting data from a series of PDFs 2. Answering questions about what is in the PDFs, and visualizing the data; automatically determining if a receipt ...

  28. [Video] Paul Storm on LinkedIn: #presentation #chatgpt #chatgpt #ai #

    How to write a PowerPoint #Presentation with #ChatGPT Used Prompt; "I want you to write me VBA code for a PowerPoint presentation about the history of AI… | 138 comments on LinkedIn

  29. [Video] Ahmed Gamal on LinkedIn: #presentation #chatgpt #chatgpt #ai #

    How to write a PowerPoint #Presentation with #ChatGPT Used Prompt; "I want you to write me VBA code for a PowerPoint presentation about the history of AI. You are to fill in all the text with ...

  30. Microsoft Surface and AI event: 5 biggest announcements you ...

    Apple Vision Pro review: Fascinating, flawed, and needs to fix 5 things; I've tried the top XR headsets. Here's the one most people should buy; ChatGPT vs. ChatGPT Plus: Is the subscription fee ...