145 Zoology Essay Topics

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  • Animals Division and Classification
  • Animal Behavior of a Snake
  • Actinopterygii: The Evolution of Ray-Finned Fishes
  • Symbiotic Relationship Between Cleaner Gobies and Fish
  • Watching Animals at the Zoo
  • Teacup Dogs: Appearance, History, Health Complications, Art
  • Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Red Panda
  • Nature Versus Nurture in Dog Aggression The notion that dogs are responsible for their aggression and the stereotyping of some breeds based on this assumption is misguided.
  • The Turtle-Headed Sea Snake’s Habitation Areas The paper aims to know the exact areas that turtle-headed sea snakes inhabit and quantify the number of such species within that vicinity.
  • A Peacock Spider’s Mating Rituals and Reproduction This report will cover the mating rituals and all other aspects of the reproductive cycle of a peacock spider.
  • Turdus Migratorius, American Robin The American Robin is also known as Turdus migratorius is a medium-sized migratory songbird that belongs to the “thrush” genus.
  • Kakapo Should Be Urgently Saved from Extinction This paper aims to investigate the rationale of specific measures to support the statement: kakapo should be urgently saved from extinction.
  • Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early Rhinocerotoids Modern rhinos with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals.
  • Octopuses: The Reproductive Process Octopuses are oviparous animals, which means that they lay the eggs outside their body. The female octopus’ mission is to produce viable eggs and ensure that its children come out.
  • Becoming a Cat Owner Getting a pet cat might sound very easy – and, it fact, it is – but it is the process of becoming its owner that might need some practice. Some guidelines might be of great use.
  • How to Groom Your Pet? Dogs need to have good hygienic care. The dog owner can learn how to groom his or her dog. There are professional groomers whose sole responsibility in life is to groom dogs at a fee.
  • The Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Agents on Marine Mammals The development of ecosystems is affected by various physical, biological, and chemical agents, and these effects can be both positive and negative.
  • Feline Mental Health and Separation Anxiety The paper discusses feline mental health based on separation anxiety, behavioral categories, significant symptoms, risk factors, and implications.
  • Psychological Well-Being of Captive Animals and Types of Enrichment The psychological well-being of captive animals is essential from a moral point of view and because of the animal’s physical condition.
  • Sexual Reproduction: Advantages and Disadvantages Although sexual reproduction can bring some shortcomings of the parents into the next generation, it tends to favor positive traits.
  • Reptiles and How They Fit in Their Phylum Reptiles are a large class of animals consisting of thousands of species and have common features, including cold blood, dry skin, and eggs for reproduction.
  • Chihuahua and a Pitbull as a House Pet: Comparison The Chihuahua and the Pitbulls can be safely kept as house pets, provided the required amount of exercise and correct training and handling are given regularly and from the puppy stage.
  • Nagel’s “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?”: The Concept of Conscious Experience “What Is It Like To Be A Bat?” uses the bat as an illustration of the ability to understand the mind and body operation and how the bat displays its character during an action.
  • Grey Squirrels: Fieldwork Observations The presented observations of grey squirrels’ behavior might be implemented for estimating animal intelligence and cognition.
  • Bonobos’ Sexual Receptivity and Social Behaviour This researcher intends to confirm the behavior patterns of the bonobos. The behaviors in relationship to sociosexual patterns are being assessed.
  • Consciousness and Emotions in Animals The paper indicates that animals can sense and respond to external factors and experience emotions generated in their neural system.
  • Hawksbill Turtle Scientific Description Hawksbill is a sea turtle named after their narrow, pointed beak resembling that of a hawk, and they use it to find food from cracks and crevices.
  • Florida Wildlife: Burmese Python Burmese Python feed on other animal species such as birds, crocodiles, and mammals. This type of snake is common in South Florida in the Everglades National Park.
  • Geladas: Habitat and Causes of Extinction Geladas are large-sized monkeys with massive jaw parts and long brown fur. They live in the high mountains and descend to search for some grass and plants.
  • Analysis of Sea Lampreys Problem Sea lampreys reduce the fish population, which affects the livelihoods of people. They negatively influence economic activities such as tourism and fishing in lakes.
  • Marsupials: Evolutionary History, Key Features, and Ecological Role This paper discusses marsupials to present a phylogeny of their in-group and out-group taxa, key features that unite the clade, ecological roles played by some of these features.
  • Sharks Characteristics Analysis: Danger of Extinction If the sharks disappear from our oceans, a catastrophic imbalance shall occur and affect the human food supply chain as well as the ocean ecosystem.
  • The North Carolina Zoo Animal Management The North Carolina Zoo is concerned about the animal’s natural environment and it has a project of expanding rhinoceros exhibit at a cost of $6 million.
  • Horses as Pampered Prisoners in Henderson’s Book While horses do not experience direct abuse, their seemingly favorable living conditions result in psychological and physiological suffering for today’s sport horses.
  • Horse Population, Evolution, and Physiology The evolution of horses occurred over a period of 55 million years. By analyzing bones and DNA of the ancient horses, we are able to get an idea about their origins.
  • Should Apartments Ban Dogs Based on Breed? This paper argues that apartments should ban dogs based on breed as a step forward to curbing bite-related cases by specific vicious breeds.
  • Feline Mental Health and Separation-Related Problems Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health.
  • Cause and Clinical Characteristics of Rib Fractures in Cats Nontraumatic rib fractures are more common in cats with diseases that induce prolonged respiratory effort or coughing, metabolic conditions, or certain neoplasms.
  • Blue Macaws: How to Prevent Their Extinction? The blue macaws preferred plain vegetation: single tall trees, thorny shrubs, groves of palm trees, forest belts, and river banks.
  • “Diet Choice and the Functional Response of Beavers” by Fryxell and Doucet “Diet Choice and the Functional Response of Beavers” by Fryxell and Doucet explores how the beaver diet would change under the influence of the local environment.
  • Aspects of Waterfowl Monitoring The paper states that for monitoring waterfowl within particular wetland areas identified on the attached map, twenty-four sites will be chosen.
  • Ornithology: Annotated Bibliography The authors conduct a profound literature review that seeks to explain the antecedents of this practice and present their investigation results.
  • “Resistance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Prions to Inactivation”: Article Summary This article aims to define the patterns of inactivation of the infectious proteins known as “prions” of bovine spongiform encephalopathy from cattle, mice, hamsters, and humans.
  • Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve Management Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve seeks to protect the seabird species from various risks and preserve the existence of special breeds.
  • The Process of Excretion in Rodents This paper focuses on the process of excretion in rodents, aiming to synthesize and evaluate the current body of academic knowledge.
  • Costs and Benefits of Being Honest Among Non-Human Primates Species typically live in groups where they should involve in cooperation with other living creatures for feeding, breeding, and others.
  • “Modus Ponens”: Horses Should Have Pink Hair This paper argues that horses should have pink hair. It argues for this conclusion via the deductive form called “modus ponens.”
  • Natural Migration to Bring Wolves Back to Colorado Not all communities, as well as animals, are ready for artificial reintroduction, and Colorado needs to open its doors for wolves naturally, with all related pros and cons.
  • Modern-Day Chimpanzee and Ancestor Comparison In this paper, the organism of focus will be the Modern-day Chimpanzee. It is also referred to as chimp, robust chimpanzee, or common chimpanzee.
  • Should Wolves Come Back to Colorado? The article’s aim is expected to prove that grey wolves coming back may have a number of benefits for the citizens, the state, and the country in general.
  • Giraffe Neck as Result of Sexual Selection The paper reviews giraffe’s evolutions theories and compares their relevance. It concludes that sexual selection theory offers a better explanation for long necks in giraffes.
  • Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity Ruscha’s rat and giant panda were selected for the analysis of mammals. The similar features of all the mammals are shared among all the species
  • Nutrition for Gorillas at the National Zoo The National Zoo is situated along Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C. This essay discusses nutrition for gorillas at the National Zoo.
  • Defining and Measuring Biodiversity The biodiversity factor should be taken into consideration to breed animals successfully and prevent them from becoming extinct.
  • Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Tanuki Tanuki, also called the Japanese Racoon Dog, is a subspecies of the Asian Racoon Dog. It belongs in the Canid family, with their close relatives being wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs
  • Why the King Salmon Population Keeps Getting Smaller Human impact on landscapes and ecosystems, combined with fishing and the increase in the number of other fish, is negatively influencing the populations of chinook salmon.
  • Implicit Memory: Animal Observation The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology.
  • Resource Value Effects Territorial Defense by Broad-Tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds The species apply expensive territorial behavior to defend its territory. The defending mechanism may change of the quality of resource changes.
  • Primate Behavior: Observing and Comparing Observing and comparing primate behavior to humans sheds new light on the evolutionary theory by highlighting important connections between our behavior and primates.
  • How Dogs Respond to Hugging? Comparing the article and newspaper story, we can find some similarities. First, both these are devoted to the same issue and describe how dogs respond to hugging.
  • The Threat to Gharial Crocodiles in Protected Areas Fishing, agriculture, sand mining, and water extraction for irrigation are a few activities that pose threats to the crocodiles in the protected areas.
  • Teat Dipping and Milk Iodine Concentrations in Dairy Cows The review gives approaches to optimal udder preparation practices before and after milking to obtain high-quality milk.
  • Primates and Their Defining Characteristics Primates are the group of mammals. This group consists of such animals as monkeys, lemurs, and apes. Humans are primates too.
  • Birds Starvation and Death in Alaska The article Thousands of Birds Found Dead along Alaskan Shoreline by Seth Kovar and Steve Almasy addresses the death of the birds in Alaska because of starvation.
  • Bonobos and Common Chimps Comparison Common chimps and bonobos differ in a number of ways. This paper looks at the similarities and differences that exist between bonobos and common chimps.
  • Metabolic Power Budgeting and Adaptive Strategies in Zoology: Examples From Scallops and Fish
  • The Importance of Zoology to Medical Science
  • A Problem of Zoological Taxonomy: Why Is the Cassowary Not a Bird?
  • Quantitative Zoology: Numerical Concepts and Methods in the Study of Recent and Fossil Animals
  • The Type-Concept in Zoology During the First Half of the 19th Century
  • Research Strategies to Improve Honeybee Health in Europe
  • New Concepts and Methods for Phylogenetic Taxonomy and Nomenclature in Zoology
  • A New Bleaching and Decalcifying Method for General Use in Zoology
  • Zoology Students’ Experiences of Collaborative Enquiry in Problem-Based Learning
  • The Relationship Between College Zoology Students’ Beliefs About Evolutionary Theory and Religion
  • How Technology Can Be Used to Enhance Zoological Parks
  • The Changing Roles of Zoological Parks in Conserving Biological Diversity
  • Resolving a Zoological Mystery: The Kouprey Is a Real Species
  • Situating and Teaching 21st Century Zoology: Revealing Pattern in the Form and Function of Animals
  • Concepts and Issues With Interspecies Scaling in Zoological Pharmacology
  • Deer Antlers: A Zoological Curiosity or the Key to Understanding Organ Regeneration in Mammals?
  • Marine Invertebrate Diversity in Aristotle’s Zoology
  • Anatomical Information Content in the Ediacaran Fossils and Their Possible Zoological Affinities
  • Species and “Strange Species” in Zoology: Do We Need a Unified Concept of Species?
  • Zoological Considerations on the Origins of Farming and Domestication
  • The Domestic Cat: The Biology of Its Behavior
  • Local Variations in the Response of Birds to Human Presence in Urban Areas
  • Concept-Driven Teaching and Assessment in Invertebrate Zoology
  • DNA Fingerprinting in Zoology: Past, Present, Future
  • Why Do Species Exist in Zoology: Insights From Sexuals and Asexuals
  • The Movement to Curtail Animal Dissections in Zoology Curriculum
  • Studying the History of Pre-modern Zoology With Linked Data and Vocabularies
  • Behavior as a Tool in the Assessment of Animal Welfare
  • Zoological Diagnostics of Soils: Imperatives, Purposes, and Place Within Soil Zoology and Pedology
  • Climate Change and Invasive Species: Double Jeopardy
  • Amphibians in Zoos: A Global Approach on Distribution Patterns of Threatened Amphibians in Zoological Collections
  • The Meaning of Object Permanence at Different Zoological Levels
  • Some Recent Advances in Zoology and Their Relation to Present-Day Problems
  • Social Competition and Its Consequences in Female Mammals
  • Animal Learning and Memory: An Integration of Cognition and Zoology
  • Concept of Scientific Wildlife Conservation and Its Dissemination
  • Zoology: The Hidden History of the American Western Horse
  • Innovation in Teaching and Learning Invertebrate Zoology in Remote and Online Classrooms
  • Current Perspectives on Curriculum Needs in Zoological Medicine
  • Innate Immunity Receptors in the Perspective of Zoological Research
  • Big City Life: Carnivores in Urban Environments
  • Zoology Meets Botany: Establishing Intracellular Organelles by Endosymbiosis
  • Progress in the Zoology and Conservation of Giant Pandas
  • Comparison of the Genomes of Human and Mouse Lays the Foundation of Genome Zoology
  • Bounds of Diversity: Queer Zoology in Europe From Aristotle to John Hunter
  • The Thermal Ecology and Zoology of Reptiles & Amphibians
  • An Overview of Crustacean Discoveries and New Perspectives on Deep-Sea Zoology and Biogeography
  • Marine Zooceuticals: Synergy of Zoology & Pharmaceuticals
  • From Seabed to World Wide Web: Marine Zoological Sampling, Data Processing, and Production of Digital Marine Faunas
  • Zoology: Its History, Branches, Importance, and Applications
  • How Has Zoology Changed Over Time?
  • Is Zoology an Exact Science?
  • What Is the Importance of Ritualization in Zoology?
  • Is Animal Science Considered Zoology?
  • What Is the Difference Between Zoology and Botany?
  • What Are the Subdisciplines of Zoology?
  • How Does Evolution Relate to Zoology?
  • What Is the Meaning of the Term Zoology in Biological Studies?
  • How Are Zoology and Marine Biology Related?
  • Why Is Cytology Important in the Study of Zoology?
  • What Is Fieldwork in Zoology For?
  • How Many Different Branches of Zoology Are There?
  • What Is Urban Zoology?
  • How Is Zoology Related to Other Specializations?
  • What Is Symmetry and Its Types in Zoology?
  • Why Is Aristotle the Father of Zoology?
  • Why Was Charles Darwin Important to Zoology?
  • How Many Types of Zoology Are There?
  • What Is Differentiation in Zoology?
  • Does Zoology Study Animals With Radial Symmetry?
  • What Is Intraspecific Competition in Zoology?
  • Is the Existence of Undiscovered Species Possible in Zoology?
  • What Is an Example of Heterosis in Zoology?
  • What Is the Purpose of Zoology?
  • What Is the Function of the Pallial Sinus in Zoology?
  • Do Dinosaurs Fit in the Category of Zoology?
  • What Is the Difference Between Zoology and Veterinary Medicine?
  • What Are the Biological Principles of Zoology?
  • How Are Zoology and Ecology Related?
  • What Is the Significance of Zoology for Medicine?

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StudyCorgi. (2023, May 18). 145 Zoology Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/zoology-essay-topics/

"145 Zoology Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 18 May 2023, studycorgi.com/ideas/zoology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2023) '145 Zoology Essay Topics'. 18 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "145 Zoology Essay Topics." May 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/zoology-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "145 Zoology Essay Topics." May 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/zoology-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2023. "145 Zoology Essay Topics." May 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/zoology-essay-topics/.

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  • Zoos Essays

Zoos Essays (Examples)

157+ documents containing “zoos” .


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Zoos the history of zoos.

Zoos are a problematic institution. They provide for the common good by preserving species and offering facilities for research. Zoos allow for human-animal encounters that could not take place otherwise, and zoos are becoming increasingly pleasant places for individual animals. Many zoos offer extensive spaces for wild animals to roam, barring the ability of those animals to hunt or be hunted. For species preservation, zoos also serve a purpose. Zoos may even inspire visitors to pursue a career in the zoological sciences or a related field of inquiry. Individual animals are safer in zoos than they are in the wild, in the same way that a house cat is safer inside than out. The animal is not in its natural environment and it depends on human beings for its basic survival needs. Therefore, the animal encounters at zoos are unlike those in wilderness because in a zoo the animal is behaving….

Works Cited

Baratay, Eric and Hardouin-Fugier, Elisabeth. Zoo. Reaktion Books, 2004.

Kisling, Vernon N. Zoo and Aquarium History. CRC Press, 2000.

Robinson, Phillip T. Life at the Zoo. Columbia University Press, 2004.

Smith, Athena. "Zoo Ethics." The Collegian. 2000. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from  http://www.utulsa.edu/collegian/article.asp?article=223

Zoo Survey Thank You for Visiting the

Zoo Survey Thank you for visiting the Houston Zoo today. In order to help maximize the zoo-visiting experience for our guests, we have prepared a short survey to rate guest satisfaction. Your time and participation is appreciated. All answers will be ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least satisfied and 5 being the most satisfied. How satisfied were you with your overall zoo experience today? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with zoo pricing today? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with the quality of concessions available for purchase today? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with the pricing of concessions available for purchase today? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with zoo staff friendliness? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with zoo staff knowledge? Least Average Most How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of the zoo? Least Average Most 8. How satisfied were you with the displays in the zoo? Least Average Most 9. How satisfied were you with the children's zoo area? Least Average Most 10. How satisfied were you with the Hermann Park….

Zoos Are Categorically Utilitarian in

Singer would also claim that there is no actual utility in abusing animals in this way, and that it does not promote the greatest good for the greatest number for either the animal or human communities. Even if an individual animal has no inherent rights (as Tom Regan would claim), the human being has a moral duty to respect all animals with the capacity for suffering. It is important to alleviate suffering, and therefore important to liberate the animals in their collective condition of oppression in an exploitative zoo. Tom Regan would argue that the exploitative zoo infringes on the rights of the individual animals -- as Regan does claim that animals have the same rights as human beings. Therefore, it is more likely that Regan would denounce all zoos including those designed for species preservation -- because Regan would not place any perceived utility before rights. Regan's thesis is….

Zoo recommendation Research Assignment

1. Explain the rationale behind collaboration for the zoo, in other words, why would public officials responsible for the zoo want to consider some type of partnership with another organization? (2 points)Pubic partnerships provide a means to enable a much more viable financial future for the zoo. Partnerships with public entities provides as means of capital and personal connections. Here, public-private partnership provides the means to enable relationships that can help ensure the completion of the project. Private relationships provide necessary financial capital necessary for project completion. In addition, the financial acumen of business leaders can be leveraged to create future business contacts. As such, collaboration for the zoo can provide a stable and much more viable funding source, along with contact information for individuals who can provide resources to the zoo in the event of financial difficulty2. Consider the type of collaborations available. Pick two options and discuss how….

How Zoos Benefit Science

ZOOS IN THE UNITED STATESThe Benefits of Zoos in the United StatesIn the past, various arguments have been presented regarding zoos some in support of and some opposing the setting up and operation of zoos. From the onset, it would be prudent to note that there is no standard definition of a zoo. However, to a large extent, zoos could be perceived as establishments that seek to house animals of different kinds for a wide range of reasons including, but not limited to, display to the public, scientific research, etc. This text explores some of the benefits of having zoos in the United States, specifically with regard to the relevance of the said establishments to the scientific community.DiscussionFor many, zoos are only beneficial to the extent that they provide members of the general public with an opportunity to view and interact with wild animals at close quarters. However, zoos….

Caldecott, J. (2009). Designing Conservation Projects. Cambridge University Press.

Hanski, I. (2011). Habitat Loss, the Dynamics of Biodiversity, and a Perspective on Conservation. Ambio, 40(3), 248-255.

Hancock, L. (2020). Population Sizes Since 1970, Says New WWF Report. WWF.  https://www.worldwildlife.org/press-releases/68-average-decline-in-species-population-sizes-since-1970-says-new-wwf-report 

Kaufman, A.B., Bashaw, M.J. & Maple, T.L. (2019). Scientific Foundations of Zoos and Aquariums: Their Role in Conservation and Research. Cambridge University Press.

Controversy Over Zoos Most People

This issue was put in front of the public with the story of Keiko, a killer whale that was badly abused in a Mexican facility. Eventually, Keiko was moved to a better aquarium in Oregon, but activists insisted that Keiko should be released to live in the wild (Staff writers, 1997). In fact, people have worked for animal rights since the 1860's when the first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was established in the 1860's (Unti & Rowan, 2001), but until recently, most people did not consider holding captive animals in well-designed and well-maintained zoos as inhumane or cruel. ecause of the attention Keiko received, including the animal being represented as the lead character in two "Free Willy" films, Keiko was eventually released. This action demonstrated the difficulty of returning captive animals to the wild. Although Keiko had begun life as a wild animal, he did….


Diamond, Jared. 1995. "Playing God at the Zoo." Discover, March.

Paulson, Amanda. 2004. "It's No Longer a (Traditional) Zoo Out There." The Christian Science Monitor, June 15.

Staff writers. 1997. "Keiko the Killer Whale at Center of Debate over Animals in Zoos." Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Oct. 6.

Sunquist, Fiona. 1995. "End of the Ark? (Zoos)" International Wildlife, Nov. 21.

Zoo Animal Technology Program I Want to

Zoo Animal Technology Program I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I was very young, and I've always felt I wanted to help take care of them in some capacity as my career. In the past, I've had tropical fish, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other animals in my family for as long as I can remember. I have always been involved in training, maintaining, and caring for these animals, and I have loved every one of them. I would like to continue in my life. I also strongly believe in animal conservation and husbandry, and the zoo technology program would allow me to learn more about these important areas of zookeeping. I know that many animals are endangered in the wild today, and the only way to help preserve many….

Great Apes at the Zoo

Zoo Observation I visited X zoo on a warm, sunny day in October. All of the primates I observed in the zoo were confined to a specific area, although they were separated by species (Strier 1-2). The apes were enclosed in a habitat that attempted to mimic their natural environment behind a pane of glass. Although there was a fair amount of greenery, there was, overall, little privacy for the animals. Although the younger animals appeared to be extremely active, the older estland Lowland gorillas attempted to find what privacy they could in the simulated environment of the rainforest. To conduct my ethnographic analysis was somewhat difficult at first; although primates are diurnal rather than nocturnal, many of the larger animals looked sluggish and sleepy at first and did not interact much with one another (Strier 2). Judging from the people around me, visitors are particularly fascinated by these apes because of….

Strier, Karen. Primate Behavioral Ecology. Routledge, 2010.

Lincoln Park Zoo Grade Course Recreational Activities

Lincoln Park Zoo Grade Course ecreational activities can be termed as a necessity for every individual despite his age, social status or society. A man with a 9 to 5 job would certainly prefer a vacation or a short weekend road trip. A housewife who is busy taking care of her children and dealing with the household chores all day long would long for a change. Similarly, children attending schools, tuitions and taking exam would prefer an entertainment to get a break from their routine life. This is because of the fact that humans often want change from their daily routine which builds up stress, work load, tensions and burden them up with worries. Consequently, it is not only their work or the responsibilities which are adversely affected, but their health and well being is also compromised. Therefore, although every man would want shelter, food and clothes for their living, no person….

Chen, L. (1997). The Effects of Color and Background Information on Children's Cognitive Learning. Journal of Visual Literacy. Vol. 17, no.2

Howe, K. (2000). Understanding Advertising: History, Persuasion Techniques, Mass Media, Target Audiences, Ad Creation. Prufrock Press Inc. San Luis Obispo.

Jam, F. (2010). Impact of Advertisement on Children Behavior. European Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 12, no.4

Lincoln Park Zoo. (2012). Zoo Families. A Magazine of Conservation and Education. Vol. 11, No.3

Scientific Report of Tufted Capuchin Monkeys San Diego Zoo

Scientific eport of Tufted Capuchin Monkeys in SanDiego Zoo Behavioral Differences Between Male and Female Capuchin Monkeys in an Artificial Habitat Studies have shown that the activity and energy of an animal can be determined through the collection of data and presentation as an activity budget (Altmann 1974, Tacha 1985). An activity budget collects specific behavior data over a predetermined time for an animal or population for analysis in the evaluation of a hypothesis. This study reports the differences in activity between males and females for a population of tufted capuchin primates living in an outdoor artificial habitat within a North American zoo. The hypothesis that there are differences in activity levels between male and females for this population is confirmed for the duration of observation in this study. More study would be required to determine the effects of weather, seasonal variation, and daytime verses nocturnal behavior. Introduction The tufted capuchin (Sapajus paella) is….

Altmann, J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods.Behaviour 49:227-267.

Bobick, J. 2004. The Handy Biology Answer Book New York, Visible Ink Press 141.

Bohn, K. 2012. Photography Credit, copyright San Diego Zoo

Di Bitetti, M.S. Janson, C.H. (2001) Social foraging and the finder's share in capuchin monkeys, (Cebus apella), Animal Behavior 62, 1, 47-56

Sacramento Zoo Observations Chimpanzee Pan Troglodystes and

Sacramento Zoo Observations Chimpanzee (Pan troglodystes) and Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelli) When I was at the Sacramento Zoo, I observed many animals, including primates. At this time, I chose to further expand on my observations of the Chimpanzee (Pan troglodystes) and Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelli). At this time of observation; I can only see four of the five chimpanzees, two females and two males. Of the five chimpanzees, it seems that the extra female chimpanzee is missing from my observations. According to the Sacramento Zoo, there are a total of five chimpanzees- with three females and two males. Although it is difficult to tell from the distance that we were at, the females are slightly smaller than the males. I would assume that the males would also be heavier since they are larger. Unfortunately, there are no blatantly obvious characteristics that distinguished the males from the females and vice versa from….

Strategic Planning of Singapore Zoo

Strategic Planning- Tourism Strategic Plan Lewis-Clark Valley Lewis-Clark Valley is the beautiful site of Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington. The historical background of this valley is rich in cultural stories and its own heritage that dated back in some 18th century. The area has been land of Nez Perce Indians who had travelled to this valley and lived long in the land and rivers. The valley is so named because in the 1805, the Corps of discovery explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark visited this place and was welcomed by the native people. This meeting and warm welcome has developed good relations with the land and its people thus named it after their second names. Lewis-Clark Valley is the land of miners, merchants, railroaders, millworkers and farmers. Its geographical location is somewhere 465 miles from the Pacific Ocean at the convergence of the Snake and Clearwater ivers. The cities of Lewiston,….

Aepel, T. (1997). Not All workers Find Idea of Empowerment as Neat as It Sounds. The Wall Street Journal, retrieved July 15, 2011 from http://www.sba.muohio.edu/snavely/empower.htm

David, F. (1999). How Companies Define Their Mission, Long-Range Planning, 22 (3), 90 -- 97.

Langley, A. (1998). The Roles of Formal strategic Planning, Long-Range Planning, 21 (3), 40-50.

Markides, C. (1999). A dynamic view of strategy. Sloan Management Review, 40 (3), 5 -- 63.

Fierce Creatures Who Are the Main Stakeholders

Fierce Creatures ho are the main stakeholders in the zoo acquisition? There are two directly opposing groups in the zoo acquisition. The first group, represented by Rollo, is comprised of the new purchasers of the zoo and the people who thus have a financial stake in the success and progression of the zoo. Rollo has been given strict instructions that the zoo is to be completely and thoroughly reorganized to both increase attendance and provide a surge in the profit margin of the enterprise. His employers, Octopus Inc. demand that each business in the empire have a 20% profit margin. At present the zoo is not making any profit whatsoever. These are the financial stakes involved in the equation. On the opposing side of the equation are those who are involved with the zoo in its current iteration. They have an emotional stake in this acquisition because they are mainly concerned with….

Works Cited:

Fierce Creatures. (1997) Dir. Fred Schepisi. Perf. John Cleese and Kevin Kline. Universal Pictures, DVD.

Schools Today Are Under Pressure to Provide

Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education. At the same time, the school environment and classroom are relatively safe and protected, but also restrictive in terms of insulating students from the world in general. To strike a balance between safety and learning, teachers often elect to include excursions beyond the boundaries of the school. These field trips are designed to provide students with a practical learning experience to supplement the information they are expected to internalize within the classroom. To maximize the positive effects of this experience, the Western Australian Department of Education has created a policy document to divulge the specific requirements for student safety during such trips. This is then also the stated background of the policy, in that any risk factors related to excursions outside the school premises need to mitigated in such a way….

Mastery Over Nature Exotic Animal Trade

Mastery Over Nature and the Exotic Animal Trade Humankind has always had a fascination with nature and specifically animals in nature and even more specifically with conquering the animal or gaining mastery over the animal. The exotic animal has been the focus of great aspiration of humankind to attain mastery over. The reasons for this are varied in nature with some individuals obtaining exotic animals for their own pleasure and as examined in this particular informative study there is desire for obtaining exotic animals so that human beings can experience the animals of nature. Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide, South Australia The setting examined in this study is that of the Adelaide Zoo, located Adelaide, South Australia. The work of Kay Anderson entitled "Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontier of Human Geography" reports that in the suburban backyard, people unknowingly "make their more routine interventions in nature by clearing ground and….

Adams, G., Fisher, L., Le Blond, D., Mazur, N., McMahon, C., Peckover, T., Schmiechen, J. And Sharrad, N. 1991, The role of the Adelaide Zoo in conservation, Report prepared for the Royal Zoological Study of South Australia, Mawson Graduate Centre for Environmental Studies, The University of Adelaide.

Anderson, K (1994) Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers of Human Geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. N.S. 20(3) 275-294. Retrieved from:  http://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/150953/Anderson95_CultureNatureAdelaideZoo_CCRCopyFinal.pdf 

Tarpy, C. 1993, 'New zoos -- taking down the bars', National Geographic, July: 2-38.

Thomas, K. 1983, Man and the natural world: changing attitudes in England 1500-1800, Allen Lane, London.

How do I create a hook for an argumentative essay on the topic are zoos necessary

When writing an argumentative essay , you are encouraged to take strong positions that might not be appropriate in other types of academic writing.  This is especially true when you are crafting your hook, which is a dramatic statement, usually a sentence or two, designed to capture the reader’s interest and get them interested enough to read the rest of the essay.  You might find this type of task challenging when focusing on a topic like zoos .  However, if you consider how popular the Netflix Series Tiger King was in the summer of....

Could you give me a unique essay title for a primate behavior assignment?

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Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding topics for toulmin argument?

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ZOOS IN THE UNITED STATESThe Benefits of Zoos in the United StatesIn the past, various arguments have been presented regarding zoos some in support of and some opposing…

This issue was put in front of the public with the story of Keiko, a killer whale that was badly abused in a Mexican facility. Eventually, Keiko was…

Zoo Animal Technology Program I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I…

Zoo Observation I visited X zoo on a warm, sunny day in October. All of the primates I observed in the zoo were confined to a specific area, although they…

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Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education. At the same time, the school environment and classroom…

Mastery Over Nature and the Exotic Animal Trade Humankind has always had a fascination with nature and specifically animals in nature and even more specifically with conquering the animal or…

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A List Of The Most Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics On Zoos

Every single individual must have some memories of a zoo they have been to, or at least for most people, the ones that they used to visit when they were kids. These usually form fond memories, things that we reminisce about when we get together with those that we love, or when we are telling fond stories of how things were back in the day. Because of this reason therefore it should not be a problem for you to write a very good paper when you are requested to hand in a strong paper on a zoo. As a matter of fact, you are supposed to be in a very good position to hand in one of the best argumentative essays you have ever worked on your entire life.

To get you some brief ideas, here are some interesting titles that you can consider, while you also follow the same procedure to try and think up some interesting ones:

  • The importance of zoos to the economy
  • Discuss the challenges that keeping animals in the zoo has
  • Explain how hard it is for an animal of the wild to adapt to life in the zoo
  • There are animal rights activists who are against the act of petting wild animals in zoos. Critic or justify their concerns with suitable examples
  • Wild animals are supposed to be left in the wild, not tamed in zoos. Discuss

Apart from these topics, you can also think about something that perhaps you experienced during one of your excursions to any zoo in your lifetime. The best thing about such titles is that in most cases you have the freedom to do whatever you please with the same. You do not necessarily need to stick to or be bound by any of these titles. For the sake of this paper, you are able to enjoy the freedom of choosing whichever direction you want your paper to take.

While working on this paper, you also must not forget the need for you to stick to the normal guidelines of essay writing, which means that you must include a properly articulated introduction for your readers, one that will give them a very good idea of what to expect as you write the paper. Apart from that, make sure that you cite your sources and proofread your work before submission.

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Essay on Zoo for Students and Children

500 words essay on zoo.

The world is a huge place to see. It consists of so many living organisms that it is impossible to see each and every one of them. Especially for human beings, who are fascinated very much by animals. For the same reasons, zoos were created so that humans can interact better with animals.

Essay on Zoo

In other words, a zoo is a facility that has animals, birds, and reptiles of all kinds. They are confined to space where they are given food and medical facilities. The government has given strict guidelines to maintain a zoo. This is done keeping in mind the animal’s safety. In addition, zoos are made breeding grounds for animals to protect their species.

Benefits of Zoo

Zoos were made to bring wildlife closer to humans. It gave humans a better and up-close view of them. This allows various researchers and scientists to note the behavioral pattern of the animals. It helps them in their studies and discover new things.

In addition, zoos are a great source of entertainment for kids. They love visiting zoos and interacting with animals. This helps them learn practical knowledge about the animal. It also gives them exposure to wildlife and widens their knowledge.

Furthermore, zoos give us easy access to rare animals. Had it not been for zoos, we would have never been able to see what some animals looked like. We enjoy their behavior and it also creates awareness about the extinction of the rare species.

Similarly, zoos are a safe breeding ground for animals. They ensure the animal breeds so they never go extinct. This helps in creating a good balance. Moreover, the zoos ensure the animals get all the nutrition in their bodies to lead a healthy life. This is beneficial as the animal may not get guaranteed meals in the forests.

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Disadvantages of Zoo

While the zoo is a great place for entertainment, it is also very exploitive. It takes advantage of the poor animals to make a profit off them. The zoos keep animals in very bad conditions. It takes unethical methods just to create revenue.

Furthermore, zoos are very unfair to animals. They take the animals out of their natural habitats just for the sake of human entertainment. Why would the animals be put into cages as humans want them to? They are voiceless creatures who are being forced to live in poor conditions. Imagine putting humans into cages so animals could come to see them. It sounds inhumane the other way around but not when we do the same to animals.

Most importantly, zoos do not take proper care of exotic animals. They bring them over in their facility despite knowing that they cannot survive in that climate. Some zoos do not take enough precautionary measures to keep the animals safe. This has resulted in so many deaths of animals that it seems cruel.

In short, though zoos are very helpful to humans and animals to an extent. They must be monitored constantly to ensure the animals are safe. The unethical zoos must be shut down at once to prevent any further loss of animals.

FAQs on Zoo

Q.1 List the advantages of Zoo

A.1 Zoos bring the wildlife close to humans. It helps researchers study them closely and discover new things. It protects rare species and provides a safe breeding ground for them as well.

Q.2 How are zoos harmful to animals?

A.2 Zoos are very harmful to animals. They take them out of their natural habitat for human entertainment. They make them stay in poor conditions due to which they also lose their life and get infections.

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Zoos and Aquariums Argumentative Essay Sample

Can you imagine being stuck in a small, refined cage your whole life? A place where you sleep uncomfortably, eat scarcely, and are forced to entertain people out of your own will. These species of wildlife are being captured to make others “happy” and “excited” while secretly they’re the ones who are hurting the most. Animals across the world in zoos, aquariums, and sanctuaries all deal with these horrific punishments every day, unaware of what they did to “deserve” this.

The idea of Zoos and Aquariums providing entertainment for people started thousands of years ago. From what was thought to be the first zoo in Ancient Egypt to now our modern-day San-Francisco Zoo, they were both created to amuse our society and make money. But what many people don’t realize is behind closed doors these animals are treated worse than inhumanely. The article titled “The Independent: Zoos Are Where the People Come First, Not the Animals' ' wrote, “these zoo enclosures are often built for a human-centric visitor experience rather than for the welfare of the animals' ' (Damian). The so-called safe places where these animals recover and help endangered species have quickly become a scheme to get money for the owners of zoos and aquariums.

My first point on why I believe zoos and aquariums are a terrible place for animals is because they fail to provide reasonable living conditions. They not only deprive them of their natural habitats but go the “cheap way” and get what’s going to cost them the least without taking the animal’s life into consideration. The website “Orlando Sentinel” talks about a well-known aquarium, Sea World, and its abuse towards marine life. The author, Marino, stated, “Kyara’s [a baby orca at Seaworld] mother, Takara, has lived her entire life in a concrete tank without ever knowing what it’s like to swim the ocean waters off the coast of Iceland from where her mother and father were captured.” When taking an animal like an orca away from their vast ocean home and sticking them in something as small as a “bathtub” for them you start to question what SeaWorlds “ main priorities” are. But, Kyra is just one example of the thousands of animals captured and put into captivity by SeaWorld. Their main intentions for these animals is to make money rather than help their animals live a somewhat “healthy life”.

But I can agree with many people with the fact that there are zoos and aquariums that do give their animals plenty of space to run freely and live similarly to how they normally would. In an article from “Boston Globe” stated “The executive director of the Detroit Zoo announced in 2004 that he was voluntarily sending his zoo's two Asian elephants to a California sanctuary, where the land was plentiful, the weather temperate, and the elephants could roam. The reason, Kagan said, was simple. To paraphrase: The zoo, despite its best efforts, was essentially ruining the elephants' lives.” To be clear, many activists against zoos do not believe that ALL zoos are bad and ALL zoos should be shut down, but from recent reports and history on zoos treating their animals horribly it inevitably ruins it for everyone. When certain popular Zoos start doing something wrong, it sets a precedent for all other zoos and makes us generally think very negatively of them. However a statement in the “New York Times” shows the overwhelming outweighing negatives which stated “the time devoted to pacing by a species in captivity is best predicted by the daily distances traveled in nature by the wild specimens." So although some zoos and aquariums do try and make their enclosures their “number one priority” in the end these animals will never truly experience what it’s like to be back in the wild again, or even ever. 

The second point on why zoos and aquariums should not be allowed is because they can cause stress and aggression within the animals. The reason that most zoos and aquariums even take in animals is because they are sick or are going to become endangered and they are trying to “save” them. But by keeping them in small spaces, alone, for so long there have been many signs that this has led to awful stress in the animals. In the article found in the “Boston Globe”, ____ States, “Gus's compulsive behavior, a growing pile of research suggests, is distressingly common among captive animals. The gorillas behind the glass are plucking their hair, and the orangutans are incessantly masturbating. Dolphins ram their heads into the sides of pools, and sea lion pups try to nurse from each other instead of adult females' ' (Scharfenberg). To clarify, these unusual behaviors of animals are showing signs of aggression and could be harmful towards others if we don’t stop zoos and aquariums fast. Wild animals were not brought into this world to be our “pets” and companions, but again and again we treat them that way, until they act in an irrational way back. A story in the “GlobalPost” called “'Lion Park' Where an American Was Mauled to Death…” states, “This wasn't the first such incident at the Lion Park. In March, an Australian tourist who had his window down was chomped by a lion. In December 2013, the father of a former South African rugby player was bitten on the shoulder” (Conway-Smith). All of these “incidents” have happened because they’ve been locked up in small cages and are going mentally insane. A regular wild lion might not show as much aggression to humans because they don’t find them as a threat but as lions live longer and longer in captivity, withering away, so do their brains. 

For example, when certain criminals are put in jail very few are obligated to be in solitary, where they have to spend time alone in a cell until their time is up. People who have experienced this have gone mentally insane and have shown signs of an illness in their minds. But what people fail to realize is that is exactly what most zoos/aquariums do to their own animals. There are many similarities between the 2 by keeping both “locked” up in cells, not allowing them to leave but there is one thing missing. The captured animals didn’t do anything to deserve to be in these cruel situations.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/animal-ethics-essay-topics/

"95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/animal-ethics-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/animal-ethics-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/animal-ethics-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "95 Animal Ethics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/animal-ethics-essay-topics/.

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How to Find a Catchy Title for Your Paper/Essay

Last Updated: February 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,068,785 times.

Coming up with an effective title can end up being the most difficult part of your essay. A catchy title can make your paper stand out from the pile and give your reader a sense of the content, slant, and perspective of your essay. To craft a strong title, you need to focus on the three elements of a standard title: the hook, the key terms, and the source or location. This structure applies specifically to academic essays, but you can also apply this structure to narrative essays.

Understanding the Structure of a Title

Step 1 Craft a hook.

  • The hook can be collection of keywords, an image, a play on words, or a quote from your essay.

Step 2 Choose one or two key terms.

  • Keep in mind good titles never state the obvious or contain generic terms or phrases. Titles like “Paper on 1950s China” or “Report on Shakespeare” are too general and do not give the reader a sense of the content of your paper. Avoid general and non specific terms like “society” “culture” “the world” or “mankind” in your title.

Step 3 Cite the source or location.

  • For example, a paper about Mao’s Great Leap Forward in Communist China in the late 1950s may have a title that has a hook (catchy phrase), one or two key terms, and the source or location (1950s Communist China). A possible title could be: “The Failure of One, the Fall of Many: Mao’s Great Leap Forward in 1950’s Communist China”.

Using Keywords or Images

Step 1 Consider the tone of your essay.

  • For example, the title of an essay about the Great Leap Forward might be something simple, professional, and clear, such as: "The Failure of the Great Leap Forward: China in the late 1950s". An essay about Shakespearean comedy may be more playful, such as: " Love's Labour Lost and Other Comedies."

Step 2 Sum up your paper in three words or less.

  • For example, an essay about the Great Leap Forward in 1950s China may focus on the failed use of industries like steel and farming by Mao’s government and the resulting mass famine in China. Three words that sum up the paper may be: steel, land, famine. A possible title of the essay could be: “Steel, Land, and Famine: The Failure of the Great Leap Forward”.

Step 3 Choose two to three keywords from your introduction or conclusion.

  • Look for two to three keywords that are short, descriptive, and clear. Consider if the words fit together in some way, or how they are very different. For example, your introduction on 1950s China may have keywords like “industrialization” “collectivization” and “collapse”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “The Collapse of Collectivization in 1950s China”.
  • In an essay on the conventions of Shakespearean comedy, the tone of the essay may be less serious or rigid, and you can look for keywords that are playful or humorous. For example, your conclusion may have keywords like “lovers” “obstacles” and “improbable” or “supernatural”. A possible title for the essay could then be: “Lovers in an Improbable Situation: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy.”

Step 4 Use a strange or unique image.

  • For example, a paper about a volcano could have the title: “The Day the Earth Bled: The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius”.

Using a Quote or a Play on Words

Step 1 Look for a key quote or phrase in your essay.

  • For example, an essay on Shakespearean comedy may quote A Midsummer Night’s Dream , where a character named Theseus professes his love to his betrothed, the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. “Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword/ And won thy love doing thee injuries,/ But I will wed thee in another key,/With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling.”
  • A possible title for the essay may then be: “With pomp, with triumph, and with reveling: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.
  • Alternatively, you can look up a key quote or phrase that is not in your essay but reinforces central ideas or themes in your essay. Type keywords from your essay into a search engine, along with the word “quote” and see what comes up. You can then take a fragment of the quote and use it in your title.
  • For example, for an essay on Mao’s Great Leap Forward, you may use quotes from propaganda posters for the Great Leap Forward made by the Mao government, which are available online. A propaganda quote like “Brave the wind and the waves, everything has remarkable abilities” could be shortened to a title like: “Brave the wind and the waves: False Promises by Mao’s The Great Leap Forward”.

Step 2 Reword a cliche.

  • An essay on Shakespearean comedy could use the cliche “laughter is the best medicine” and change it into “laughter is thy best medicine.” A possible title could be: “Laughter is Thy Best Medicine: The Conventions of Shakespearean Comedy”.

Step 3 Go for a play on words, or a double entendre.

  • For example, an essay about missionaries in West Africa during the colonial period could have a title that plays on two key words, such as: “Prophets or profits: The European Colonial Invasion of West Africa”.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • There are also tools available online that can generate essay titles for you based on your topic. However, the effectiveness of these title generators vary and the quality of the titles may not be as high as if you take the time to create your own. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Your title is the first thing readers will look at, so remember it's an important part of your essay! Pick one that really captures what your paper is about.
  • Take your time picking a good title. If you're stuck, take a break and come back to it later.

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  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398294/
  • ↑ http://canuwrite.com/article_titles.php
  • ↑ https://writing.umn.edu/sws/assets/pdf/quicktips/titles.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.grammarly.com/blog/essay-title/
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  • ↑ https://education.seattlepi.com/come-up-catchy-titles-college-essays-2131.html

About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To find a catchy title for your paper or essay, start by thinking of 1 or 2 keywords or phrases to include in the title that applies to the topic of your essay and will hook your reader in. You can also try looking for a key quote or phrase and using part of it in your title. Alternatively, reword a cliche or familiar phrase so that it is specific to your essay. To give your title some punch, use a play on words or double entendre, like “Prophets or profits: The Colonial Invasion of West Africa,” which will show off your creativity. For more tips from our Writing reviewer, like where and how to find good keywords to use, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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