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การเมืองและการปกครอง, งานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ์, มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, หนังสืองานศพ/หายาก, หนังสือพิมพ์เก่า, เอกสารส่วนบุคคล.


หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ หนังสืออ้างอิงอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ และหนังสือเสียง ครอบคลุมเนื้อหาด้านสังคมศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ เศรษฐศาสตร์ การบริหาร วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี เภสัชกรรม เวชศาสตร์การกีฬา วิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพ และอื่น ๆ บางรายการสงวนสิทธิ์เฉพาะนักศึกษาและบุคลากรของมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์เท่านั้น

  • สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกิจการกระจายเสียง กิจการโทรทัศน์ และกิจการโทรคมนาคมแห่งชาติ (กสทช.) 424
  • ETDA Publications 138
  • The Foundation for the Promotion of Social Sciences and Humanities 146
  • Audiobooks (สำหรับนักศึกษาที่บกพร่องทางการมองเห็นเท่านั้น) 70
  • Boonchoo Treethong Library Collection (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 100
  • E-books Collection 4,818
  • E-books Collection (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 24,308
  • E-Reference (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 29
  • Thammasat University Textbooks 1,038


หนังสือ คำพิพากษา ร่างประมวลกฎหมาย และเอกสาร ครอบคลุมเนื้อหาด้านกฎหมาย กระบวนการยุติธรรม และอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง ซึ่งได้รับสิทธิจากหน่วยงาน เช่น สำนักงานศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ สำนักงานศาลยุติธรรม สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกฤษฎีกา เนติบัณฑิตยสภา และหน่วยงานต่าง ๆ ให้เผยแพร่และเข้าถึงได้เป็นสาธารณะ

  • The Archives of the History of Thai Codification 282
  • Court Judgment 968
  • Sanya Dharmasakti Library Collection 405
  • Sanya Dharmasakti Library Digital Archives (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 167
  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Sub-committee on Reviewing the Revision of the Criminal Code and Minutes of the Meeting on Revision of the Code (Book 5 Family) 45
  • Sanya Dharmasakti Institute for Democracy Collections 87


เอกสารและหนังสือที่เกี่ยวกับการเมืองและการปกครองของประเทศไทย ให้บริการเป็นสาธารณะ

  • The Thai Democratization Center 101
  • Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand (TRCT) Database 2,476


ข้อสอบเก่าของมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ ปัจจุบันมีให้บริการ 2 คณะ ได้แก่ คณะนิติศาสตร์ ตั้งแต่ปี 2012 และคณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ ตั้งแต่ปี 2017 ให้บริการเฉพาะนักศึกษาและบุคลากรของมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์เท่านั้น

  • Past Examination Repository, Faculty of Law (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 4,039
  • Past Examination Repository, Faculty of Engineering (เฉพาะนักศึกษา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มธ.) 13


งานวิจัย วิทยานิพนธ์ และสารนิพนธ์ จากทุกหน่วยงานของมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ และงานวิจัยที่ได้รับทุนสนับสนุนจากสำนักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมวิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม (สกสว.) ให้บริการเป็นสาธารณะ

  • สถาบันวิจัยเพื่อการพัฒนาประเทศไทย (ทีดีอาร์ไอ) 659
  • สำนักงานการวิจัยแห่งชาติ (วช.) 3,987
  • สำนักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมวิทยาศาสตร์ วิจัยและนวัตกรรม (สกสว.) 17,417
  • Special Project (TU Undergraduate) 13,311
  • Thammasat University Research 1,447
  • Thammasat University Theses 38,302


เอกสาร หนังสือ วีดีโอที่มีเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับประวัติและเหตุการณ์สำคัญของมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ และเอกสารผลงานการขอตำแหน่งวิชาการของบุคลากรมหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์

  • ผลงานการขอตำแหน่ง มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 54
  • Thammasat History Collection 279
  • The 2011 Flood at TU 256


คอลเล็กชั่นหนังสืออนุสรณ์งานศพและหนังสือหายาก ที่มีในวัดบวรนิเวศวิหาร และหอสมุดปรีดี พนมยงค์ เป็นแหล่งข้อมูลที่มีคุณค่าทางวิชาการในการศึกษา ค้นคว้าทางด้านวรรณกรรม ประวัติศาสตร์ ศาสนา เรื่องทั่วไป และชีวประวัติ ให้บริการเป็นสาธารณะ

  • Wat Bowonniwet Vihara Cremation and Rare Books 11,902
  • Rare books 3,155
  • Pridi Banomyong Library Cremation 6,594



  • Back Issue Newspapers (เฉพาะสมาชิก มธ.) 77


เอกสาร หนังสือ และผลงานอันทรงคุณค่าของบุคคลสำคัญ ได้แก่ สมเด็จพระญาณสังวร (เจริญ) ศาสตราจารย์ พันตรี ดร.ป๋วย อึ๊งภากรณ์ และศาสตราจารย์ อดุล วิเชียรเจริญ ให้บริการเป็นสาธารณะ

  • Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara 220
  • Puey Ungphakorn Archives 6,146
  • Prof. Adul Wichiencharoen Archives 888


อนุสรณ์ในงานฌาปนกิจศพ นายประสงค์ นิยมาภา ณ ฌาปนสถานกองทัพบก วัดโสมนัสวิหาร 20 มิถุนายน 2510

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พระธรรมโกศาจารย์ (เงื่อม), 2449-2536

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จิตรพล วรทรัพย์

สง่า นิลวรางดูร,เสนอ อินทรสุขศรี, 2464-2557


อนุสรณ์งานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ พ.ต.ต. ถิ่น อิ่มใจ จ.ช. ณ เมรุวัดชลประทานรังสฤษฏ์ อำเภอปากเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม 2541

กรมอนามัย. กองโภชนาการ,มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล. สถาบันวิจัยโภชนาการ


อนุสรณ์ในงานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ นายประเสริฐ ปิยะพงษ์ 28 มีนาคม 2525

พระพรหมมังคลาจารย์ (ปั่น), 2454-2550,พระพรหมวชิรปัญญาจารย์ (ทองดี)


คุณแม่ลิ้ม จันฉาย

สมเด็จพระอริยวงศาคตญาณ (ปุ่น), 2439-2516


อนุสรณ์งานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ ขุนรัฐวุฒิวิจารณ์ ป.ม., ท.ช. (สุวงศ์ วัฏฏะสิงห์) ณ เมรุวัดมกุฏกษัตริยาราม วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2525

พระพรหมมังคลาจารย์ (ปั่น), 2454-2550


ธรรมนูญชีวิต: พุทธจริยธรรมเพื่อชีวิตที่ดีงาม

สมเด็จพระพุทธโฆษาจารย์ (ประยุทธ์)


อนุสรณ์ในงานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ นางเปลี่ยน โชติหิรัญ จ.ม. ณ ฌาปนสถานกองทัพอากาศวัดพระศรีมหาธาตุ บางเขน วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2523


อนุสรณ์พิมพ์เป็นบรรณาการแด่ท่านผู้มาร่วมงานฌาปนกิจศพ นางแหวน ชุ่มชูสังข์ ณ เมรุวัดอภัยทายาราม (มะกอก) พระนคร วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มีนาคม 2512


อนุสรณ์ในงานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ คุณหญิงเนือง นิมิราชทรงวุฒิ (เนือง วินิจฉัยกุล) ณ เมรุวัดธาตุทอง วันเสาร์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม 2514

ชินวราลงกรณ, สมเด็จพระสังฆราชเจ้า กรมหลวง, 2440-2531,พระเทพกิตติปัญญาคุณ (กิติศักดิ์), 2479-2548



พระธรรมวโรดม (เซ่ง), 2423-2485


อนุสรณ์ในงานฌาปนกิจศพ น.ส. เสงี่ยม ศุนาคม ณ เมรุวัดพลับพลาชัย 9 มิถุนายน 2509


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Social media trend 2023: short-form vs. long-form video

Premsira Rugrien,Funk, Sascha, advisor

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พรศุลี นิลณรงค์,สุรชัย ศิริไกร, อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา


ชลอ อุทกภาชน์


ลาลูแบร์, ซิมมอน เดอ, ค.ศ. 1642-1729 ,นราธิปประพันธ์พงศ์, พระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เธอ กรมพระ, 2404-2474


นัษฐิกา ศรีพงษ์กุล


เอกลักษณ์ ตั้งสังขะรมย์


ยอดชนก โชติธนไพศาล,อุรุพงศ์ รักษาสัตย์, อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา


เทพย์ สาริกบุตร, 2462-2536


Sirinyakorn Suratepin,Funk, Sascha, advisor



शनिवार, , Saturday 27th April, 2024

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 Thesis and Dissertation | Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Central Department of Education

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TU Masters Degree Dissertation Writing Guideline

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Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management has published Masters Degree Dissertation (Thesis) Writing Guideline (Format) 2019. About Dissertation Guidelines These dissertation guidelines have been created as a guide to help Master?s level students establish minimum requirements, academic standards, the physical format and appearance of dissertation. The purpose is to provideacademic requirements and structural guidelines required for dissertation writing to the studentsunder the Faculty of Management (FOM), Tribhuvan University(TU). The FOM encourages the preparation of documents to be consistent with the specialized requirements prior to the submission. Submission of this document is the final step in a program leading to conferral of a Master?s degree. DOWNLOADS 1. Masters Degree Dissertation Writing Guideline 2019  [ DOWNLOAD ] READ ALSO:

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Syllabus for BIM 5th Semester 2024

Syllabus for bbm 5th semester 2024, syllabus for bba 5th semester new course, syllabus for eed 216: small business planning and creation (focus area course of bbm in entrepreneurship development area), exam schedule published: bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 1st and 3rd semester regular examination 2024, result published: mbs 4th semester regular examination 2024, updated mbm 3rd semester syllabus 2024, amended exam center for bachelor 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2024, mbm 3rd semester syllabus 2024, स्नातकाेत्तर तहकाे workshop सम्बन्धी सूचना, exam center for bachelor 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2024, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 1st semester regular examination 2024, exam schedule published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bms, bhm and bttm 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2024, model question for bba, bim and bbm 4th semester, exam center for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2024, re-totaling result published: mpa, mba-f, mba-cl and mbm program, result published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bttm and bhm 8th semester chance examination 2024, result published: bba 2nd semester regular examination 2023, mbs 3rd semester re-totaling result published, result published: bbm, bim and bhm 2nd semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba-f, bms, bttm and bpa 2nd semester regular examination 2023, exam center for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular exam 2024, exam form notice for bachelor 3rd semester (for back students), amended exam schedule of mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2024, result published: bba, bim and bbm 3rd semester regular examination 2023, त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयकाे वार्षिक दिवस प्रकाशन - २०८१ का लागि लेख/रचना उपलब्ध गराइदिने बारे ।, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2024, result published: bpa 5th sem; bttm 5th sem; bhm 3rd & 5th sem and bbm 5th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bim 5th semester; bms, bba-f, bpa and bttm 3rd semester regular examination 2023, exam center for bba, bbm, bbaf, bpa, bms and bim 7th semester regular examination 2024, exam schedule for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular exam 2024, exam schedule for m. phil. in management 2nd semester regular examination 2024, result published: bba 5th semester regular examination 2023, result published: mpa 1st semester; bba-f & bms 5th semester regular examination 2023, notice regarding mbs and mpa workshop on case analysis in management, result published: mbs 1st semester regular examination 2023, model question for mbm 2nd semester, exam form notice for (1) mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2024 & (2) bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bttm, bhm, bba-f and bms 3rd 4th and 6th semester regular exam 2024, exam schedule for bba, bbm, bbaf, bpa, bms and bim 7th semester regular examination 2024, re-totaling result, amended exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2024, re-totaling result of master's, exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2024, अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना ।।, निर्देशक आवश्यकता सम्बन्धी सूचना, स्कूल अफ मेनेजमेन्ट विनियम २०८०, re-admission test result published: mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats, mbs and mpa program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., plagiarism report सम्बन्धी सूचना ।, amended exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2024, result published: mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats 4th semester regular exam 2023, exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bhm and bttm 8th semester chance examination 2024, स्नातकाेत्तर तथा एम.फिल. तहकाे थेसिस, टर्मपेपर, प्राेजेक्ट रिपाेर्ट, इन्टर्नसिप, प्रयाेगात्मक परीक्षा काे म्याद थप सम्बन्धमा, result published: mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular exam 2023, exam form notice for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular exam 2024, exam schedule published: bachelor 8th semester chance exam and m. phil. pa 2nd semester regular examination 2024, result published: m. phil. pa 1st semester and bbm 6th semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2024, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bms, bhm and bttm 7th semester regular examination 2024, result published: bba and bim 6th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bttm, bpa, bms and bba-f 6th semester regular examination 2023, re-admission test form call for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats, mbs and mpa program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., re-totaling result of bachelor 8th semester, result published: mbs 3rd semester regular examination 2023, result published: mbs and mpa admission test 2024, lab exam center: bba, bim and bbm 3rd semester & bba-f 2nd semester regular examination 2023, admission test result published for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., admission test center for mbs and mpa program, master's cmat application form-2023 notice, notice regarding master's cmat entrance exam, entrance exam center for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., exam form notice for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2024 & bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bms, bhm and bttm 8th semester chance examination 2024., result published: mbs and mpa 4th semester chance exam & mpa 3rd semester regular exam 2023, bachelor re-cmat result published (for the program : bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms under fomtu - 2023), result published: bim and bbm 8th semester regular examination 2023, admission test center for bachelor re-cmat 2023, result published: bhm 7th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba 8th semester and bhm 6th semester, result published: bpa, bms and bba-f 8th semester; bim 1st semester & bttm 7th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, entrance exam schedule for mbs and mpa program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., entrance exam schedule for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program under fom, tu of the admission year 2024 a.d., re-cmat schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms program under fomtu - 2023, result published: bba and bbm 1st semester regular examination 2023, re-totaling result: mbs and mpa 2nd semester and mbm 3rd semester, dissertation/thesis/project work सम्बन्धी सूचना, result published: bhm and bttm 1st semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba-f, bpa and bms 1st semester regular examination 2023, guidelines for seminar course administration for mba and mbm, exam center for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 2nd semester regular examination 2023, new course structure of bhm and bttm under fom, bba, bim and bbm 4th semester syllabus (effective from the admission batch of 2021 onward), prj 502: workshop on fieldwork project in sectoral or elective sector, स्नातकाेत्तर तहकाे thesis/dissertation/project report सम्बन्धी सूचना, admission test center for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms program under fomtu - 2023, exam schedule for mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 4th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam schedule for bttm 3rd & 5th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam schedule for bba, bim and bbm 3rd & 5th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester chance exam 2023, exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2023, exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester chance exam 2023, exam form notice for bba, bim and bbm 2nd semester, result published: bbm 2nd semester regular examination 2023, faculty of management, office of the dean announces central management admission test (cmat) -2080 : bba, bbm, bim, bpa, bhm, bttm, bba-f, bms, result published: bim 2nd semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 2nd semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester chance exam 2023, नागरिक वडापत्र, re-totaling result published: mhm mba mbacl 3rd semester, result published: bhm and bms 2nd semester regular examination 2023, exam form notice for mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 4th semester regular examination 2023, result published: mbm 3rd semester & bba-f, bpa and bttm 2nd semester regular examination 2023, re-totaling result of 3rd, 5th and 7th semester (bachelor), result published: bbm and bim 4th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam center for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2023, notice regarding bachelor's level examination fee, notice regarding bbs application form fee, exam center for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2023, notice regarding phd festival 2080, शिक्षक/कर्मचारीले अन्य संस्थामा आशिंक रूपमा काम गर्न अनुमति माग गर्ने पत्र तथा फाराम, result published: bba and bhm 4th semester regular examination 2023, retotaling result for mba 2nd and mba it 4th semester regular examination 2023, exam center for mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular examination 2023, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 2nd, 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2023, result published: mba-f, mba-m and mba-cl 3rd semester regular examination 2023, स्नातकाेत्तर dissertation सम्बन्धी सूचना, result published: mhm, mttm and mats 3rd semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba-f, bms, bttm and bpa 4th semester regular examination 2023, model question for bba 3rd semester, exam schedule for mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2023, amended exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 6th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam schedule for bbm 6th and 8th semester regular exam 2023, exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa and bms 6th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, new aanugaman form, result published: bbm 7th semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bttm, bhm & bms 6th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba and bbm 5th semester regular examination 2023, mbs and mpa 4th semester re-totaling result, result published: bhm & bim 5th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba and bim 7th semester regular examination 2023, student college transfer academic council nirnaya, आल्मुनियम पार्टेशन, ढल निर्माण तथा जडान र ट्रस निर्माण सम्बन्धी सूचना ।, exam center for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2023, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 4th semester make up (chance exam) 2023 & mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular examination 2023, result published: mba 3rd and 4th sem; bttm 5th semester; bpa 5th and 7th semester; bba-f 5th and 7th semester & bms 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2023, model question for mbm 1st semester, re-totaling result of mbm and mba-f, result published: mbs 2nd semester regular examination 2022, model question for bbm 3rd semester, model question for bim 3rd semester, call for papers, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 1st semester & bachelor 6th and 8th semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2023, notice regarding bbm/bim courses: dissemination, pedagogy and evaluation, model question for bba/bim/bbm third semester:: stt 201: business statistics, practical exam date with center of bba-f 2nd semester & bttm 1st semester regular examination 2023, result published: mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2022, re totaling result for mbs and mpa 3rd semester, model question for bbs 3rd year: taxation in nepal, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2023, exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 1st semester regular examination 2023, re-totaling result of bachelor 6th semester, result published: mbs 4th semester regular examination 2023, bachelor of business management (bbm) र bachelor of information management (bim) कार्यक्रम संचालन गर्ने क्याम्पसहरुका लागि अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 1st semester regular examination 2023, व्यवस्थापन संकायद्वारा सम्बन्धन प्रदत्त qaa प्राप्त क्याम्पस/कलेजहरुमा कार्यक्रम थप सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना, re-totaling result of master's and m. phil. program, result published: mpa 4th semester regular exam 2023, re-totaling result of bachelor 1st semester, result published: m. phil. pa 2nd semester regular exam 2023, notice of focus area and elective subject allocation in different semester (bbm), mbs st semester re-totaling result, mbs and mpa 1st semester & mba 4th semester re-totaling result, evaluation sheet for seminar paper of bba bbm, result published: bim 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 1st semester regular examination 2023, result published: bbm and bhm 3rd semester regular examination 2022, thesis/ dissertation सम्बन्धी सूचना, विवरण उपलब्ध गराइिदने बारे ।, result published: bttm 3rd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba 3rd semester regular exam 2022, exam center for mba-f, mba-m, mba-cl, mbm, mhm, mttm & mats 3rd semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba, bim, bbm, bhm and bttm 8th semester chance exam 2023 together with bba and bim 6th & 8th semester make up exam 2023, exam schedule for mba-f, mba-m, mba-cl, mbm, mhm, mttm & mats 3rd semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba-f, bpa and bms 3rd semester regular examination 2022, अन्तरक्रियात्मक अभिमुखिकरण कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धि सूचना, exam center changed notice of patan multiple campus center to nagarjuna college and campion college, amended exam center for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 2nd & 4th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bbm 1st semester regular exam 2022, exam center for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 2nd & 4th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bim 1st semester regular exam 2022, exam form notice for mba-f, mba-m, mba-cl, mbm, mhm, mttm & mats 3rd semester regular examination 2023, result published: bba and bhm 1st semester regular examination 2022, result published: pgdps 1st and 2nd semester make up exam 2023; bba and bim 2nd and 4th semester make up exam 2023 & bttm 1st semester regular exam 2022, result published: mba 4th semester; bba-f, bms and bpa 1st semester regular exam 2022, exam center published: (1) bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up exam 2023 & (2) bba, bim, bbm, bttm and bhm 8th semester chance exam 2023, m.phil orientation notice-2022, re-totaling result of bachelor 2nd and 4th semester, result published: mbs 3rd semester regular exam 2022, amended exam schedule for bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up examination 2023, exam schedule published: (1) bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up exam 2023 & (2) bba, bim, bbm, bttm and bhm 8th semester chance exam 2023, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 2nd & 4th semester regular examination 2023, result published: mhm, mttm and mats 2nd and 4th semester regular examination 2022, workshop cum orientation on bba courses, admission test result of mbs, mpa mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program for the academic year 2022 a.d, notice regarding admission test center for mbs, mpa mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program for the academic year 2022 a.d, admission test center for mbs, mpa mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program for the academic year 2022 a.d, result published: mbm, mba-f, mba-cl & mba-m 2nd semester & mba-f 4th semester regular exam 2022, re-totaling result of mbs 4th semester, exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2023, cmat notice regarding mbm, mba-f, mba-m, mba-cl, mhm, mttm, mats, cmat notice regarding mbs and mpa, result published: mbm 4th semester & mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bbm 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2022, m.phil in management entrance final result 2022, m.phil group discussion (gd) and interview schedule-2022, m.phil written examination result-2022, exam form notices: (1) bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up exam 2023 (2) bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bms and bttm 2nd & 4th semester regular examination 2023, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2023, result published: bim 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2022, bachelor of business administration (bba) कार्यक्रम संचालन गर्ने क्याम्पसहरुका लागि अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना , exam center published for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bms, bttm, bhm and bpa 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2023, result published: m. phil. 1st semester and bba 4th semester regular examination 2022, notice for m.phil entrance examination time-2022, result published: bhm 4th semester & bba-f 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule published for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bms, bttm, bhm and bpa 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2023, amended exam center for practical lab bba/bim/bbm 3rd semester and bttm 1st semester 2022, exam center for practical lab bba/bim/bbm 3rd semester and bttm 1st semester 2022, guidelines for seminar paper on contemporary issues: bba / bbm program, tribhuvan university, faculty of management, office of the dean announces entrance exam for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats for the academic year 2022 a.d, एम.वि.एस. (mba) / एम.पि.ए. (mpa) कार्यक्रम (सेमेष्टर प्रणाली) को प्रवेश परीक्षा–२०७९ सम्बन्धि अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना, result published: bpa and bms 4th & 6th semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba 6th semester and bttm 4th & 6th semester regular examination 2022, result published: mba 1st and 2nd sem; mba it and mba glm 1st semester regular examination 2022, re-totaling result of 5th, 7th and 8th semester, result published: re-cmat - 2022, notice regarding re-cmat time (2079 - 08 24 saturday 1 pm), result published: bbm and bhm 2nd semester regular exam, re-cmat center under fom tu 2022 (2079), result published: bim 2nd semester regular exam 2022, exam form notice for: bachelor 5th, 7th semester regular and 8th semester chance exam & mbs and mpa 4th semester regular exam, m.phil in management admission notice 2022, exam center published: mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba 2nd semester regular exam 2022, result published: bba-f, bpa, bms and bttm 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: mbs and mpa 4th semester chance exam 2022, result published: bhm 8th semester regular examination 2022, re-cmat notice under fom tu 2022 (2079), exam schedule published: mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba & bim 5th and 7th semester make up & bhm 7th semester regular exam 2022, chance exam form notice for mbs and mpa 2nd semester 2022, result published: mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2022, result published: bms 8th semester regular examination 2022, re totaling result published: mbs and mpa 2nd semester & bpa 7th semester, result published: bttm 7th and 8th semester & mhm 3rd semester regular examination 2022, fom scholarship process and procedure 2022, re-totaling result of bba-f 3rd semester regular exam 2021, cmat - 2022 result published, re-totaling result of bba, bim, bhm and bbm 3rd semester regular exam 2021, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2022, cmat center for the admission year 2079 - 2022, exam center published: bba, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa, bms and bim 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam form notice with result of bba/bim 3rd semester make up exam 2022, announces application for phd enrolment 2079/080, exam center published: mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd and 4th semester regular examination 2022, information regarding marks allocation to prepare merit list, cmat - 2079 सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना, re-totaling result of mba-f, mbm and mttm, camt संशाेधित criteria, cmat सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना, result published: m. phil. in management & m. phil. in pa 2nd semester; mhm 1st semester; mats & mttm 1st and 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule published: bba, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa, bms and bim 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule published: mba-f, mbm, mhm, mttm & mats 2nd and 4th semester and mba-cl and mba-m 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: mbm 1st and 3rd semester regular exam 2022, exam center for bba/bim make-up exam (3rd, 5th and 7th semester) 2022, result published: bbm, bim and bpa 8th semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule published: bba and bim 3rd, 5th and 7th semester make up examination 2022, result published: bba 8th semester regular examination 2022, syllabus for bba, bim and bbm 2nd semester 2022, result published: bbm 3rd and 5th semester & bim 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam center for bachelor 1st semester and bhm 8th semester too, request for faculty details to concern campus / colleges, exam form notice for bba & bim odd sem make up; bachelor 3rd sem regular and master's 2nd and 4th semester regular exam 2022, nabil sse fellowship program 2022, result published: bba 3rd semester regular examination 2022, inquiry of scholarship in bachelor program during 2021 under fom, tu, cmat notice for the admission year 2079 - 2022, application call for the second cohort of nabil sse fellowship program, result published: bba & bim 1st semester make up and bhm 3rd & 5th semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 1st semester & bhm 8th semester regular examination 2022, result published: bim and bba-f 5th semester regular exam 2022, result published: bba-f 3rd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bttm 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba 5th semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule for bba and bim 1st semester make up exam 2022, re-exam notice of soc 202 nepalese society and politics (bba 6th semester 2022), re-totaling notice of 1st semester, notice regarding bba 6th semester's examination, exam cancellation notice of soc 202 nepalese society and politics, re-exam notice of mgt 203 organizational behavior (bba 6th semester 2022), result published: mba 1st and 2nd semester; mba in glm 4th semester & mba it 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bba, bbm and bms 7th semester regular exam 2022, amended exam center published for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bms, bba-f and bttm 4th and 6th semester & bhm 4th semester regular examination 2022, re-totaling result of mpa 4th semester 2021, result published: bim and bpa 7th semester regular examination 2022, model question for bba, bim and bbm 1st semester, exam center published for mbs and mpa 4th semester chance examination 2022, exam center published for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bms, bba-f and bttm 4th and 6th semester & bhm 4th semester regular examination 2022, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 1st semester regular examination 2022, exam form notice for bba and bim 1st semester make up exam 2022, re-totaling result of mbs 4th semester 2021, exam schedule published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bms, bba-f and bttm 4th and 6th semester & bhm 4th semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule published: mbs and mpa 4th semester chance examination 2022, amended schedule of bbm 8th semester regular exam 2022: incorporation of missing subject, question model format for bba, bim and bbm program, result published: mbs 2nd semester regular examination 2021, जानकारी सम्बन्धमा ।, अनुसन्धान सम्बन्धी जानकारी सम्बन्धमा ।, exam center published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bms and bttm 8th semester regular examination 2022, exam center for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular exam 2022, श्री कृष्णचन्द्र रेग्मी पुरस्कार बारे ।, model question for bbs 2nd year, exam schedule published: bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bms and bttm 8th semester regular examination 2022, श्री कृष्णचन्द्र रेग्मी पुरस्कार वारे, amended exam schedule for mbs and mpa 3rd semester 2022, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular exam 2022, result of mhm 4th, mttm 4th, mbm 4th, pgdps, mpa 2nd and retotalling result of bim, bbm, bba, bms, bpa, bhm, bttm and bba f published., result published: bba and bim 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up exam 2022, mbs and mpa 3rd semester re-totaling result, थेसीस २०७९ असार मसान्त सम्ममा छुटेका विद्यार्थीहरुले बझाई सक्नु पर्ने, result notice of mbs 4th semester regular exam 2021 with exam form notice of chance exam (mbs and mpa 4th sem), exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 4th, 6th and 8th semester regular examination 2022, practical (lab) exam center for mbm 1st semester and bba-f 2nd semester regular examination 2022, result published: m. phil. pa 2nd semester; mpa 4th semester and bhm 1st semester, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bbm 1st semester regular examination 2021, result published: bba and bim 1st semester regular examination 2021, amended exam center for bachelor 2nd semester regular examination 2022, exam center for bachelor 2nd semester regular examination 2022, amended exam center for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular exam 2022, bba and bim 2nd sem make up result 2022 with exam form notice, exam center for mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st and 3rd semester regular examination 2022, result published: bttm 1st semester regular examination 2021, re totaling result of bachelor 2nd semester, exam date amendment of the subject it 229 it entrepreneurship and supply chain management (bim 8th semester make up exam 2022), amended exam center for bba and bim 2nd 4th 6th and 8th semester make up exam 2022, amended bim 2nd 4th 6th and 8th semester make up exam schedule with exam center 2022, exam schedule for bachelor 2nd semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule for mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st and 3rd semester regular examination 2022, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular exam 2022, result published: mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular examination 2021, result published: bpa, bba-f and bms 1st semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up examination 2022, exam schedule for mba-f 1st and 3rd sem; mba-m & mba-cl 1st semester regular examination 2022, exam form notice for bachelor 2nd semester regular examination 2022, request notice to all concern campus / college under fom, result published, business statistics and computer based financial accounting lab exam center published for bba / bim and bbm 3rd semester regular examination 2021., followup notice for bba and bim even semester make-up exam 2022, result published: bba and bim 2nd semester regular examination 2021, बि.बि.एस (bbs ) कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत नयाँ पाठ्यक्रमको अभिमुखीकरण तालिम सम्बन्धी सूचना- प्रदेश १, result published: bbm 4th semester regular examination 2021, result published: bbm 6th semester regular examination 2021, re-totaling result of mpa 1st semester, notice regarding attendance counting, exam form notice published for mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 3rd semester regular exam 2022, bbs orientation suchana gandaki province, notice published: (1) exam form notice for bba and bim even semester make up examination 2022; (2) exam form notice for mbm, mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular exam 2022 and (3) exam schedule for mba-f 3rd semester regular, result published: bim 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular exam 2022, result published: bhm 2nd and 4th sem regular exam 2021, कार्यालय बन्द हुने सम्बन्धमा, admission process and procedure on bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms program under fom tu, result notice with scholarship form: admission test - 2021 for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms program under fom, tu, result published: bttm 2nd, 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, re-totaling result of mba-f, mttm and mbm 1st semester, विद्यावारिधि तथा एम.फिल. काे थेसिस बुझाउने समयावधि थप बारे ., result published: bba-f 2nd and 4th sem; bpa 2nd 4th and 6th sem & bms 2nd 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, cmat परीक्षा संचालन हुने सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना, admission test center for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms program under fom, tu, result published: mba-f 2nd semester, mbm / mhm and mttm 3rd semester regular examination 2021, bbs course dissemination postpond notice, अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना, result published: mbs 3rd semester regular examination 2021, amended practical exam schedule with exam center of bba / bim / bbm 3rd semester regular examination 2021 (out of valley only, the schedule for valley will be publish soon), practical exam schedule with exam center of bba / bim / bbm 3rd semester regular examination 2021 (out of valley only, the schedule for valley will be publish soon), cmat form fill up postpond notice - 2078, m.phil entrance final result 2021, exam schedule with exam center of m. phil. in public administration 2nd semester regular exam 2022, m.phil group discussion and interview notice- 2021, m.phil group discussion and interview notice, m.phil entrance written result - 2021, postpond of m.phil entrance exam 2021, exam center for bba, bim, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 3rd, 5th and 7th semester & mbm, mhm and mttm 4th semester regular examination 2021, result published: mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2021, exam center notice for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2021, बि.बि.एस (bbs) कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत नयाँ पाठ्यक्रमको अभिमुखीकरण तालिम सम्बन्धी सूचना, exam schedule for bbm 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2021, admission test notice for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms program under fom, tu, exam form notice with result of bba and bim 3rd 5th and 7th semester make up examination 2021, exam schedule for bba, bim, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule for mbm, mhm and mttm 4th semester regular examination 2021, amended exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2021, result published: mbs 1st semester regular examination 2021, notice for bbm colleges under fom, mphil/phd thesis notice, सम्बन्धन नविकरण सम्बन्धी निर्णय ।, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2021, exam center for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice together with result of mbs and mpa make up exam 2021, exam center published: bhm 1st semester regular examination 2021, m.phil in management new admission 2078, amended exam schedule for bhm 1st semester regular examination 2021, notice regarding practical examination of business statistics (bba and bim 3rd semester make up exam) and 1st semester practical exam (it and other), amended exam schedule for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bba-f, bhm, bttm and bms 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: bhm 1st semester regular exam 2021, exam schedule published: mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 4th semester regular examination 2021, सम्बन्धन नविकरण सम्बन्धी सूचना ।, result published: mpa 1st semester regular examination 2021, amended exam center for bachelor 1st semester regular exam and master (mbs / mpa) 4th semester make up (chance) exam 2021, re-totaling result of bachelor 1st semester 2020, exam center published: bba, bbm, bim, bba-f, bpa, bttm and bms 1st semester regular examination 2021, result notice of bba/bim 1st semester make up exam 2021 together with exam form notice, exam center for mbs and mpa 4th semester make up exam 2021, exam center published: mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: bba, bbm, bim, bba-f, bpa, bttm and bms 1st semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 4th semester make up exam 2021, लघु अनुसन्धान (mini research) प्रस्ताव आह्वान गरेकाे बारे ।, result published: m. phil. in public administration, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 1st semester regular examination 2021, exam center for bba & bim 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester make up exam 2021, exam schedule for bba & bim 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester make up exam 2021, mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm and mats admission notice, re totaling result of bba, bhm, bttm, bbm and bim program, admission test result published: mba-f, mba-cl, mba-m, mbm, mhm, mttm and mats program under faculty of management, tu, result published: bba-f & bhm 1st and 3rd semester; bms 1st, 3rd and 5th semester & bpa and bttm 1st semester regular examination 2020, अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना ।, mbs and mpa admission test - 2021 result published, result published: bbm 1st semester regular exam 2020, result published: bba 1st semester regular examination 2020, exam form notice for bachelor 1st semester under faculty of management, admission test center for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program for the academic year 2021 a.d, mbs 2nd semester re-totaling result, result published: bhm 5th semester regular examination 2020 & mba-f 1st semester regular examination 2021, bachelor even semester practical exam process and procedure (one time only), cmat center for kapilvastu multiple campus, taulihawa, kapilvastu, cmat center for mbs and mpa - 2021, result published: bim 1st semester, bbm 3rd semester & bttm 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2020, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for bba and bim 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester make up examination 2021, exam form notice for mbm, mhm, mttm and mats 2nd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for mbs and mpa 4th semester make up examination 2021, amended exam schedule for bba 6th semester regular examination 2021, amended admission test schedule for mbs and mpa program and mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats program for the academic year 2021 a.d, amended exam center published: mbm, mhm and mttm 3rd semester and bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bhm, bttm, bpa & bms 2nd, 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, लिलाम सम्बन्धी सूचना, result published: bbm and bim 5th semester & bpa 3rd and 5th semester regular examination 2020, result published: bba, bim and bpa 8th semester regular examination 2021, urgent notice regarding mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular exam 2021, amended exam center published: mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2021, अस्थायी सम्बन्धन अनुगमन फारम- ०७८।०७९, result published: bba 5th semester regular examination 2020, mbs affiliation सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना ।, exam schedule published: mbm, mhm and mttm 3rd semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: bhm, bpa & bba-f 2nd, 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, exam schedule published: bba, bim, bbm, bttm & bms 2nd, 4th and 6th semester regular examination 2021, result published: bbm, bhm and bttm 8th semester regular examination 2021, exam center published: mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2021, amended exam schedule for mba-f 2nd semester regular exam 2021, result published: bba 3rd semester regular examination 2020, result published: bhm 6th and 7th sem; bttm 7th sem and bim 3rd semester, exam schedule for mba-f second semester regular exam 2021, exam schedule for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular exam 2021, entrance exam for mbm, mba-cl, mba-m, mba-f, mhm, mttm, mats for the academic year 2021 a.d, एम.वि.एस. (mbs) / एम.पि.ए. (mpa) कार्यक्रम (सेमेष्टर प्रणाली) को प्रवेश परीक्षा–२०७८ सम्बन्धि अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना, notice regarding upcoming examination, जाे जस संग सम्बन्ध छ ।, notice regarding internship and practical exam of final semester, result published: bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th semester make up exam 2021; bba and bbm 7th semester regular examination 2020, सम्बन्धन नविकरणा सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना ।, परीक्षाा स्थगित र कक्षाा सञ्चालन बारे ।, notice for the postponed phd proposal defence seminar, व्यवस्थापन संकाय अन्र्तंगत स्नातकोत्तर तथा एम.फिल. तहमा धितोपत्र बजार ( securities markets) तथा कमोडिटी फ्यूर्चस् बजार (commodity futures markets) सम्बन्धी शोधपत्र (thesis) बुझाएका शोधकर्ताहरुको लागि जरुरी सूचना, निर्णय पठाएको वारे, result published: bim and bpa 7th semester regular examination 2020, exam center for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bhm and bttm 8th semester regular examination 2021, अनुसन्धानमूलक लेख पठाईदिने सम्बन्धमा ।, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bhm and bttm 8th semester regular examination 2021, result published: bba and bim 8th semester make up examination 2021, एम.वि.एस. सम्बन्धन सम्बन्धी सम्भाव्यता अध्ययन शुल्क बुझाउने सूचना ।, सेमेष्टर प्रणाली अन्र्तगत स्नातक तहको भर्ना सम्बन्धी शैक्षिक योग्यता, amended exam center for mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2021, exam center published: mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2021, exam date amendment of the subject mgt 204 business law (bba chance exam - 2021), exam center published: bba and bim even semester make up examination 2021, exam schedule for bba and bim even semester make up examination 2021, result of mbs 2nd semester regular exam 2020, exam schedule of mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2021, notice regarding excel lab of mbm 1st semester 2021, exam form call from duration crossed bachelor students, mbs 4th semester result ledger 2020, mbs affiliation form, affiliation criteria for mbs program under fom, tu, notice of cmat - 2020 center for the program bba, bbm, bim, bhm, bttm, bpa, bms / bba-f under fom tu, exam center published for mbm, mba-f, mhm, mttm, and mats 1st semester regular examination 2021, result published: mbm 2nd and 4th semester; mhm 2nd semester and mba-e 2nd semester regular examination 2020, exam schedule for mbm, mba-f, mhm, mttm, and mats 1st semester regular examination 2021, follow up notice: application call from those students who were suffered from covid-19 during mbs and mpa 2nd and 4th semester exam 2020, re-totaling result of mpa 4th semester, cmat - 2020 postponement notice for the program bba, bbm, bim, bhm, bttm, bpa, bms / bba-f, notice regarding practical examination (bachelor level odd semester system), exam form notice for bachelor and master's program, exam form notice for mbm, mba-f, mhm, mttm, and mats 1st semester regular examination 2021, admission process and procedure in bachelor program (bba, bbm, bim, bhm, bttm, bpa, bms / bba-f) - 2020, application call from those students who were suffered from covid-19 during mbs and mpa 2nd and 4th semester exam 2020, amended exam form notice for mbs and mpa 3rd semester regular examination 2021, exam form notice for bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up examination 2021, notice for the phd new admission 2077-78, छात्रवृत्ति सम्बन्धमा ।, त्रि.वि. सम्बन्धन सम्बन्धी विनियम, २०७३, semester end exam form open for the mbs and mpa 1st semester regular examination 2021, application for phd enrollment 2077-78, अनुसन्धान तहमा शाेधार्थ मनाेनयनका लागि सिफारिस सम्बन्धमा ।, cmat notice for bba, bim, bbm, bpa, bhm, bttm, bba-f and bms - 2020, exam center for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2020, notice regarding full marks of bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2020, हार्दिक अपिल, शेाधपत्र ( thesis/ dissertation) सम्बन्धी सुचना ।, सूचना उपलब्ध गराई दिने वारे, exam schedule for bba, bim, bbm, bba-f, bpa, bhm, bttm and bms 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester regular examination 2020, exam center for mbs, mpa, mba-e, mbm, mhm and mttm program (even semester), notice regarding admit card of bachelor level (odd sem), mphil second sem exam schedule 2020, exam schedule for mbs, mpa, mba-e, mbm, mhm and mttm program (even semester) with guidelines under fom tu kirtipur, स्थगित परीक्षाा सम्बिन्धत अत्यन्त जरूरी सूचना, mphil entrance exam result 2020, mphil entrance interview schedule 2020, mphil online entrance exam result 2020, एम.फिल. अनलाईन प्रवेश परीक्षा सारिएको सम्बन्धी सूचना, mphil online entrance exam notice, online monitoring अनुगमन प्रतिवेदन सम्बन्धमा, सूची ( roster ) सम्बन्धमा, notice regarding exam and class, urgent notice regarding semester end examination under faculty of management, office of the dean, tribhuvan university, परिचयपत्र लगाउने सम्बन्धमा, mbs/mpa cmat form with notice 2020, mbs/mpa cmat notice-2020, कोटेशन पेश गर्ने वारे, अन्य संस्थामा अशिंक रुपमा काम गर्ने पूर्वस्वीकृति वारे, निर्णय वारे, वी.वी.एस. कार्यक्रमको प्रथम वर्षको परिमार्जित पाठ्यक्रम, लघु अनुसन्धान ( mini research ) प्रस्ताव आव्हान गरेको वारे, जो जससंग सम्बन्धित छ ।, जानकारी सम्बन्धमा, त्री बि वृत्तिमा उच्च अध्ययन सुचना सम्ब न्धम, mbs college transfer notice, nirnaya of tu exective council, letter form centre for research, exam schedule: bba and bim 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th semester make up examination 2019, result published: bba 7th semester regular examination 2019, result published: mpa 2nd semester regular examination 2019, mbs and mpa 3rd semester make up exam center 2019, mbs/mpa first semester and third semester exam form notice, mbs thesis notice, practical marks format for it subject, exam form notice, result notice of mpa 3rd, bttm 4th and m. phil. (pa) 2nd semester, mbs and mpa cmat notice-2019.

tu thesis online

University Library Dissertation Service

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According to § 9 (2) of the Regulations for Doctorates at TU Berlin , the scientific community must be given appropriate access to a dissertation after completing the scientific defense. 

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Further Information

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Thesis online

Sometimes a thesis is picked up by the media. EPA student Jesse Hablé wrote his thesis about open data in Dutch municipalities. His thesis was published on the website "Binnenlands Bestuur". You can read the article (in Dutch) here . The thesis is in English.

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  6. How to write a Synthesis Essay #essaywriting


  1. MBS Thesis Status

    TH. Code Ref. No. Dispatch Date Campus TU Reg. No. Student Name Year Description Status

  2. TU Central Library

    As the name implies, this collection comprises books published in Nepal, written on Nepal, or in the Nepali language. It also includes theses and dissertations submitted by Ph.D. scholars and Master's degree students. This is a special collection; hence, no books and theses are allowed to be borrowed for home use, and readers have no direct ...

  3. Temple University Electronic Theses & Dissertations

    Temple University dissertations submitted Fall 2008 through Spring 2020 are available electronically in full-text through this collection, as are all masters theses submitted Spring 2010 through Spring 2020. A few theses and dissertations submitted prior to 1980 are available here as digital copies of the print original.

  4. TU Digital Collections

    Special Project (TU Undergraduate) 13,311 Thammasat University Research 1,447 Thammasat University Theses 38,302

  5. Tribhuvan University Central Library

    Welcome to TU Central Library. Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL), now considered as the biggest library in Nepal, was established in 1959 A.D. along with the university with the sole purpose of helping the university in attaining her objectives.

  6. Thesis and Dissertation

    [email protected]. Send us an e-mail. Home ; About Us . Overview . Message from HoD . Academic and Semi-Academic Units . Faculties . Teaching Faculties (Professor, Readers, Lecturers and Teaching-assistants) ... The students can access thesis and dissertation using the Central library data base and TUCL Digital Repository.

  7. E-Resource

    Recently, we have started using Digital Library Software Dspace for Full text Ph. D. Thesis and we are going to add more Dissertation, Report, Text book and course of study etc. in this software. ... Email: [email protected], [email protected]. Opening Hours. Summer: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Winter: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Quick Links. About us ...

  8. DSpace at Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL): Home

    Welcome to the digital repository of Tribhuvan University Central Library (TUCL). The repository will serve the digital resources of TUCL such as thesis, journals and other useful resources which will be beneficial to its users.

  9. TU e-Thesis (Thammasat University)

    TU e-Thesis (Thammasat University) POWERED BY. Supported browsers : Google Chrome 30 and Firefox 24 or higher.

  10. SIIT Library • TU e-THESIS

    TU e-Thesis is a thesis management tool for master's and doctoral students of Thammasat University. TU e-Thesis Manual. English version. Thai version.

  11. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master's Thesis

    Thesis writing is a mandatory requirement for all students who are pursuing a Master's Degree in Education in the Faculty of Education (FOE), Tribhuvan University (TU). Regardless of their specialization subjects, students should write a thesis in the fourth semester, selecting a research topic or issue from the area

  12. TU Masters Degree Dissertation Writing Guideline

    TU Masters Degree Dissertation Writing Guideline. Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management has published Masters Degree Dissertation (Thesis) Writing Guideline (Format) 2019. These dissertation guidelines have been created as a guide to help Master?s level students establish minimum requirements, academic standards, the physical format and ...

  13. Publishing Dissertations online on DepositOnce

    Consultation. For requests we are at your disposal by phone (Mon-Fri until 15:00) and e-mail. Lisa Bernstein. Tel.: +49 30 314-76458. Elisabeth Herzig. Tel.: +49 30 314-76128. Delivery of printed copies. Circulation desk of the university library (central library, ground floor), Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00.

  14. PDF Foreign Language Thesis Submission Steps

    7. If the thesis passes, submit through TU e-Thesis the complete thesis and print a) original with reference code b) report c) page stating committee approval for faculty staff approval. In case of incorrect paper submission, the student should contact the faculty staff to resubmit the paper. 8. Register through TU e-Thesis 8.1 Fill in the form

  15. Dissertations & Theses

    A selection of TU Dublin dissertations and theses are available in the TU Dublin libraries. Undergraduate dissertations and final-year projects are held in the libraries in hardcopy and online format. Taught postgraduate dissertations are available to use in the library and online. Research theses ‌are also available in print and online ...

  16. Faculty of Management

    Re-Admission Test Result Published: MBM, MBA-CL, MBA-M, MBA-F, MHM, MTTM, MATS, MBS and MPA program under FOM, TU of the admission year 2024 A.D. 2024-01-30. Plagiarism Report सम्बन्धी सूचना । ... Thesis/ Dissertation सम्बन्धी सूचना 2023-04-12.

  17. OATD

    OATD.org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 7,230,360 theses and dissertations. About OATD (our FAQ). Visual OATD.org

  18. Final Theses

    To register for theses, please contact your examination team by email. You will receive the registration form from your exam team on request. You send the completed form from your TU e-mail account to your examination team. Your exam team will check the prerequisite, fill out their part of the form and send it to the first examiner.

  19. Publishing dissertation at TU Berlin, Dissertation Service

    Profile. The Dissertation Service accepts the approved version of dissertations and post-doctoral theses (habilitations) from the TU Berlin and checks compliance with the formal and technical specifications. The team publishes the works, enters them into the appropriate bibliographic databases and issues the official acknowledgments of receipt.

  20. Search in Open Access Publications

    The TU Delft Repository gives full text open access to 52.000 PhD theses, journal articles, conference papers, patents, speeches and other TU Delft publications. TU Delft puts a lot of effort into making all Delft PhD theses available online from the first doctoral conferral in 1905. There are now 8.500 doctoral theses full text available ...

  21. Library

    Locations & Opening Hours. Using the Library. Library Support. Library Contacts.

  22. Thesis online

    Thesis online. Sometimes a thesis is picked up by the media. EPA student Jesse Hablé wrote his thesis about open data in Dutch municipalities. His thesis was published on the website "Binnenlands Bestuur". You can read the article (in Dutch) here. The thesis is in English.

  23. SIIT Library • Thesis Templates

    Head of Library and Information Services Center Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT) Thammasat University P.O.Box 22, Pathum Thani, Thailand 12121

  24. Online Environmental Science Master's Degree

    Required Core Courses (9 credit hours) EVR 6930 - Special Topics in Environmental Sciences; GEO 6936 - Graduate Seminar; GEO 6118 - Research Design; Other Required Courses (21 credit hours):The non-thesis track entails a total of 30 sh (including the courses in the Environmental Science core), of which 15 must be at the 6000-level and may include up to 3 sh of internship.

  25. The Circle Season 6 AI Bot Max: How Does It Work?

    Get to know this season's ultimate catfish Max, an AI bot who fooled even the most suspicious players in the game.

  26. Anyone But You Netflix: Cast, Release Date, Book, Plot

    Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell star in the 2023 romantic comedy from director Will Gluck.